ActionScript 3.0 :: Navigate To URL Using Javascript But Keep Getting An Error?

Apr 19, 2006

I'm trying to open a pop-up browser window from flash using the following code:
p1_mcButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, viewPopup);
function viewPopup(e:MouseEvent) {     


BUT, I keep getting this error:
Safari can't use JavaScript for this action.
Safari can't run the script "'MGS_SCOs/00001/player.html','win','height=600,width=900 ,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes'); void(0);" because Safari doesn't allow JavaScript to be used in this way.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Navigate To URL Using Javascript, But Keep Getting An Error??

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p1_mcButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, viewPopup);
function viewPopup(e:MouseEvent) {     
var jscommand:String = "'MGS_SCOs/00001

Safari can't use JavaScript for this action. Safari can't run the script "'MGS_SCOs/00001 player.html','win','height=600,width=900 ,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes'); void(0);" because Safari doesn't allow JavaScript to be used in this way.

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And just loved the way it looked, anyone have any idea how to get a similar effect using ideally CSS/JS and if not then using flash? Furthermore it would be excellent if you could move to the next slide by clicking on the image itself.I'm also wondering how she is able to maintain height of the images when resizing (unless she is doing it manually which I doubt now days).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Navigate To URL - Error When Exporting SWF

Nov 23, 2010

The AS3 script returned this error when exporting to swf:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at RCHRLuskAS3_fla::MainTimeline/frame155()

Using this script (F9 from the timeline)
my_FLVPlybk.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, flvComplete);
function flvComplete(e:Event):void {
navigateToURL( new URLRequest("web site here"), "_blank" );

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Navigate - TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot Access A Property Or Method Of A Null Object Reference

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Jul 14, 2011

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Javascript :: What Can Be Causing This Firebug Error?

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function cargar(url){
var iframe = $('<iframe>');[code]....

That generates an iframe (containing a panorama viewer with JavaScript and Flash) and inserts it in a div.The thing is that this code, in local, Firebug jumps:

Elemento referenciado por ID/NAME en el ámbito global. Use el estándar del W3C document.getElementById() en su lugar.Element referenced by ID / NAME in global scope. Use the W3C standard document.getElementById () instead.And online it doesn't jump any error or warning but the script doesn't fully work: http:[url]... (the controls are missing and the autoplay is not ON)

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var flashObj = YAHOO.util.Dom.get(chartContainer);
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Javascript :: Obj.playVideo Is Not A Function Error In Firebug?

Jul 11, 2011

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var obj = swfobject.getObjectById("myytplayer");

When I run this, I get an error like:

obj.playVideo is not a function.

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Javascript :: Error Calling Method On NPObject

Sep 23, 2011

Making a flash video streaming web-app using Actionscript 3's external Api. I am at a very rudimentary phase of the project where we're just experimenting with external interface. Right now i just have a flash object and 3 buttons each to play pause and load a video. The only button that is currently set up to do anything is the load button. My swf and my html file sit on the same file system, and my video files sit on another server with traffic being redirected through a media server.When i press the load button, which should just give it the path of the video file on it's server. Instead it throws an error that reads "Error: Error Calling method on NPObject". [code]I've read in a lot of places that this is an issue with security, but both my swf and html are in the same folder on my local machine. Only the files come from outside, and in any case I think i've set the security settings correctly when i declare my flash player in the object tag, but maybe i'm missing something there.if you can't solve my question directly can someone please explain what "error calling method on NPObject" means? I'm sure its specific to flash-js communications because i've never seen it before and that's what i have gathered from my googling.

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SecurityError: Error #2060: Security sandbox violation: ExternalInterface caller cannot access
at flash.external::ExternalInterface$/_initJS()
at flash.external::ExternalInterface$/addCallback()
at flashtest_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()

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Aug 28, 2011

Here's my actionscript (compiled with mxmlc, embedded into html, and the functions are called with js):


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Jan 11, 2010

I have a flex app and I am adding a callback method like this:

private function init():void
ExternalInterface.addCallback( "playVideo", playVideo );


However if I uncomment and run the alert first. I get no error and it works perfectly.My first thought was that the alert was buying time until the script could execute, so i tried to run the script inside a setTimeout() but did not work.

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Javascript :: Returning A Byte String To Throws An Error?

Jan 21, 2010

I am working on my open source project Downloadify, and up until now it simply handles returning Strings in response to commands.

I am trying to put together a test case using JSZip and Downloadify together, the end result being that a Zip file is created dynamically in the browser, then saved to the disk using However, this is my problem:

The JSZip library can return either a base64 encoded string of the Zip, or the raw byte string. The problem is, if I return that byte string in response to the command, I get this error:

Error #1085: The element type "string" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</string>"

ActionScript 3:

var theData:* ='Downloadify.getTextForSave',queue_name);

Where queue_name is just a string used to identify the correct instance in JS.


var zip = new JSZip();
zip.add("test.txt", "Hello world!
var content = zip.generate(true);
return content;

If I instead return a normal string instead of the byte string, the call works correctly.I would like to avoid using base64 as I would have to include a base64 decoder in my swf which will increase its size.

Finally: I am not looking for a AS3 Zip generator. It is imperative to my project to have that part run in JavaScript

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Javascript :: Run In Flex Mobile Project - Error #2067: The ExternalInterface Is Not Available In This Container

Dec 21, 2011

From what Ive seen, most of the examples of using Javascript in Flex are designed for for the full desktop version (or for the browser) and not Flex mobile. For example using ExternalInterface in a Flex mobile project gives the error: Error: Error #2067: The ExternalInterface is not available in this container. ExternalInterface requires Internet Explorer ActiveX, Firefox, Mozilla 1.7.5 and greater, or other browsers that support NPRuntime. Is it possible to call Javascript (such as the Google Maps Javascript API) in a Flex mobile project?

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Professional :: Snippet Snag - "The Following JavaScript Error(s) Occurred: SyntaxError: Missing

Nov 7, 2011

Fairly new to Flash - when I double-click on a code snippet (in CS5 or 5.5) the OUTPUT panel pops up and says: "The following JavaScript error(s) occurred: SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list" Tutorials make it look so easy. What am I doing wrong?

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Facebook :: Calling The Javascript And Change The Text In The HTML Page - Error #1033: Cpool Entry 36 Is Wrong Type?

Feb 9, 2010

i use FBML for the FB application.I have a flash and the flash suppose to call a javascript on the page. I read so many websites trying to figure it out but still having problem.Here is the Webpage with the javascript:

<div id="swfContainer"></div>

when i test, the flash loaded. The code goes through everything and show "SENT" in the flash text box. However, it doesn't seem like it is calling the javascript and change the text in the HTML there something wrong I did? i try the method but doesn't work neither. ALSO, when i run it in FireFox, not error popup.however, when i run it in IE, I got this:

VerifyError: Error #1033: Cpool entry 36 is wrong type.

ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable FBJS is not defined.

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Javascript :: Fix: "NPMethod Called On Non-NPObject Wrapped JSObject" Error?

Mar 17, 2010

I am trying to call a method defined in flash object from javascript (firefox-3.0/Linux) and getting the exception: "NPMethod called on non- NPObject wrapped JSObject". If I use eval on window.document.flash_object.func() it throws "NPMethod called on non-NPObject wrapped JSObject". Where as, if I define a javascript function in side the page as given


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Javascript :: Overcome "Error Calling Method On NPObject" And Play() A SWF?

Apr 9, 2011

I am working on a quiz system. Normally it uses jpeg images with each question. But a few of the quizzes instead feature animated .SWF files. I want to use jquery swfobject to call the play() method, once the user has clicked on an answer.

My solution works fine locally, but when I try to run it online, it throws the "Error calling method on NPObject!" message.

The quiz HTML is located on and the SWFs are on So, I'm guessing this is a cross-domain thing.

Trouble for me is, I don't know anything about Flash... how to edit SWF files, anything about Flash attributes, or the like.

Here's an example of my code:

<div class="photos">
<object data="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="600" height="350">
<param name="movie" value="">


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Javascript :: Keeps Getting An "Object Doesn't Support This Property Or Method" Error In IE

Mar 25, 2012

I'm trying to build a simple HTML to Flash communicator for an uni project, it's working fine in Firefox, but I keep on getting an "Object doesn't support this property or method" error in IE. The line it says the error is having is document.getElementById("flashTest").sendValFromHtml(form.connection.value, form.location.value, form.postcode.value);


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Javascript :: "Error Calling Method On NPObject!" In Uploadify?

Mar 15, 2011

I'm using Uploadify to upload file in my CMS. Everything works fine until recently. I got an error Error calling method on NPObject on this line

document.getElementById(jQuery(this).attr('id') + 'Uploader').startFileUpload(ID, checkComplete);
on this part


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error "Ignoring Cross-frame Javascript Url Load Request By Plugin"?

Mar 14, 2011

I have this code in my html

function open(direccion, pantallacompleta, herramientas, direcciones, estado, barramenu, barrascroll, cambiatamano, ancho, alto, izquierda, arriba, sustituir){
var opciones = "fullscreen=" + pantallacompleta + [code].....

And I call it from as3 like this:

var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("javascriptpen('+ +',0,1,1,1,1,1,1,800,500,0,0,1);");


But when I click to open the new url.. chrome brings me this log error "Ignoring cross-frame javascript url load request by plugin"

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