Javascript :: Obj.playVideo Is Not A Function Error In Firebug?

Jul 11, 2011

I am using this code :

var obj = swfobject.getObjectById("myytplayer");

When I run this, I get an error like:

obj.playVideo is not a function.

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Elemento referenciado por ID/NAME en el ámbito global. Use el estándar del W3C document.getElementById() en su lugar.Element referenced by ID / NAME in global scope. Use the W3C standard document.getElementById () instead.And online it doesn't jump any error or warning but the script doesn't fully work: http:[url]... (the controls are missing and the autoplay is not ON)

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import ominds.Firebug;

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//call to javascript"sendToJavaScript");
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var speed:int = 4;
function MoveRight(event:Event):void{


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p1_mcButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, viewPopup);
function viewPopup(e:MouseEvent) {     
var jscommand:String = "'MGS_SCOs/00001

Safari can't use JavaScript for this action. Safari can't run the script "'MGS_SCOs/00001 player.html','win','height=600,width=900 ,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes'); void(0);" because Safari doesn't allow JavaScript to be used in this way.

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p1_mcButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, viewPopup);
function viewPopup(e:MouseEvent) {     


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import flash.external.ExternalInterface;


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Javascript :: Error Calling Method On NPObject

Sep 23, 2011

Making a flash video streaming web-app using Actionscript 3's external Api. I am at a very rudimentary phase of the project where we're just experimenting with external interface. Right now i just have a flash object and 3 buttons each to play pause and load a video. The only button that is currently set up to do anything is the load button. My swf and my html file sit on the same file system, and my video files sit on another server with traffic being redirected through a media server.When i press the load button, which should just give it the path of the video file on it's server. Instead it throws an error that reads "Error: Error Calling method on NPObject". [code]I've read in a lot of places that this is an issue with security, but both my swf and html are in the same folder on my local machine. Only the files come from outside, and in any case I think i've set the security settings correctly when i declare my flash player in the object tag, but maybe i'm missing something there.if you can't solve my question directly can someone please explain what "error calling method on NPObject" means? I'm sure its specific to flash-js communications because i've never seen it before and that's what i have gathered from my googling.

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I have an air application, in which the user types javascript in a textarea, and it is eval'd in an mx:HTML component, but even with try/catch around the eval, and around the code in the eval, and an HTMLUncaughtScriptExceptionEvent handler, it still throws an error. htmlWindow is html.htmlLoader.window.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting A Variable From A JavaScript Function

Jul 12, 2010

I am tring to run this JS function, I have tryed ExternalInterface and URL request and i can't seem to get it right.
function findUserName () {
var wshshell = new ActiveXObject('');
var username = wbshell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings ('%username%');
return username;

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