ActionScript 3.0 :: Open A File In A New Page In Browser?

Dec 31, 2009

I need to open a pdf file (I do have it's URL) in a new page in flex in the current browser. I suppose it is not difficult, but I have no idea where to start from.

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Javascript :: Open Page In New Instance Of Browser

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how to open a page on click of hyper link in new browser instance (so that it should not be blocked by popup blocker) in flash AS3/ javascript

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Open/display A Specific Page Of A PDF In A New Browser Window?

Sep 21, 2006

Looking for getURL syntax /parameters that will let me open/display a specific page of a PDF in a new browser window.

Tried this, but it's not working:

pdf_btn.onRelease = function() {
getURL("pdfs/sample_file.pdf#page=605", "_blank")

The pdf file opens in a browser window, but not to page 605. It opens to page 1 of the pdf.

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Getting A Link Within An Swf File On One Page To Open A New Page?

Mar 23, 2009

I am able to pass a variable from an html link that loads a separate html file and instructs the embedded file to go to a specific frame.But - I now need a link within an swf file on one page to open a new page and tell that swf to start on a specific frame and it is not working. Here is the code I use for the first example - works like a champ:

html file 1


<a href="fullpage.html?stateVar=19">Go here</a>

html file 2 swf embed code with variable info:


<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
var so = new SWFObject("yourSWF.swf", "sotester", "500", "500", "8", "#FF6600");


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Open A Window Browser Directly From Flash File (*.exe File)

Jan 21, 2005

i have a standalone exe flash file which opens autorun from a cd, and i need to open a windows browser directly from that flash. i want it to open the htm without any toolbars or scroll.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Open A Window Browser Directly From Flash File (*.exe File)?

Jan 21, 2005

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Professional :: Open Html File (or Web Browser) In A Swf File?

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I have a flash file using xml to link to html pages all within SharePoint. When I click on a link from inside flash, it opens up a new browser window with the html content.Is there a way to open the html content in the same browser that the flash file is in?

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Open A Swf File In A New NON-browser Window?

Oct 13, 2009

I'm trying to create a page where you click on the video thumbnail and the video opens up in its own window. I'd like the video to open at a specific size that I determine, not the browser, and I want it to be scalable. Here is what I have so far as a test file[URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unable To Open File In Browser?

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<page src="user/_IMAGES_//image_0002.png" />

I am using Chinese /Japanese text in this Now the problem is that when i run it in the flash it loads those pages and when i load it in the browser then that file doesn't load anything.

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I am developing a project in which I am required to open an exe file (i.e. notepad) right inside the browsers window. The solution can be in any programming tool / language. I have tried a sample program in VB.NET and it is working. (see the figure attached below)

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This is my working xml code:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1' ?>


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Browser Detection - Open The Html File That Is Generated Along With The Swf

Jul 11, 2009

Whenever I publish a Flash project, when I open the html file that is generated along with the swf, I am never able to see the swf embedded in the html file (when I open it in Dreamweaver, for example.) This is frustrating as far as manipulating the html file is concerned. All I see is some text about "Place alternate content here for those w/o Flash Player installed, etc." Why can't I see the swf file? It is there as expected when I upload all the proper files and/or view them in a browser locally. Alternatively, what I am having to do in order to design the html file properly is open a new file and embed the swf manually. But this approach is not good as I am missing out on all the other browser detection features that the html file that is published by Flash includes naturally. How can I preserve this benefit and still get into the details of designing the html file?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Open Vcf File In Html In Browser Or Pdf In Adobe?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting A PDF File To Open In New Browser Window From Flash?

Jan 17, 2007

getting a PDF file to open in new browser window from Flash?For example:


I have a client using IE7 on XP that says they see a brief popup that disappears before it is rendered. No error message is received.She is able to open a PDF from a plain html page

<a href="test.pdf" target="_blank">link</a>

Should I try converting getURL's to javascript calls?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: GetURL - Getting Firefox To Open File From Exe When FF Is Set To Default Browser

Dec 21, 2006

Is there a work around to the getURL Firefox issue? I am having trouble getting Firefox to open my file from my exe when FF is set to my default browser. If FF is already open, the getURL functions fine. If FF is closed, I have to click on my button twice in order to open the file (ie, click once opens a blank window, click again and the file opens) I have FF, Flash MX 2004 Prof. I have tried setting an interval to have the getURL fire again but I can't seem to get it to work.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Force A Pdf File To Save To Disc Rather Than Open In A Browser Window?

Nov 27, 2009

I would like to force a pdf to be saved to disc rather than opening in a browser window? I am actually executing the command in flash in a button instance like this

on (release) {
getURL("", "_blank", "GET");

So how can I do this so it gives the pop up window of save to disc option?

This may be an ASP.NET issue too?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Browser Refresh (page Reloading) When We Click On Button In Swf File

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex - Browser Stay On Current Page In SWF File After Pressing F5

Feb 18, 2011

I've embeded my swf file in .net application and after navigating to some pages in swf file and pressing f5 or refresh, its navigating to starting page of swf file and browsers path always shows the same path (main.aspx page) in which I am embedding the swf file. After navigating to some pages in swf file also it shows the sam path. So its refreshing the aspx page and giving the starting page. How can I control the browser to stay in current page of swf file.

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The title essentially is the question, how do I open the .swf without the browser's control bar junk? and maximize the window?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Open The Windows Browser Before Open The .swf

Jun 6, 2010

I need to made a Browser windows before that i open the Flash movie, like this one: [URL] So i need somme kind of pop up to run when somme one opens the site, and then see the movie.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: FLASH 8 - JavaScript Work In A Blank Flash File When Open It In A Html Page

Feb 14, 2007

I have this java script and want it to work in a blank flash file when i open it in a html page.


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IDE :: Open A Page Without Closing The Current Page?

Jan 8, 2009

I bought one of those templates, and i was able to get around most of the stuff. But one last thing that I have issue with is that there is an AS2 script for a button, where you can change the page that you want to be updated. But every time that I click that button, it opens the new page. but then if I use the same button in the new page, and click on it, another page will open and that current page will get closed.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple Links - Open The Second Link As Soon As You Open The Links Page

May 17, 2009

I am trying to have multiple links off site but have hit a brick wall. If I have the code listed below, it opens the second link as soon as you open the links page, If I have the"function onLinkClick (evt)", above btn6_btn I end up with the duplicate error message. Is there a way to have multiple link buttons on a page. I have played with this for hours.


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MP3 Open In New Browser Window?

Aug 22, 2009

<script>window.resizeTo(350, 500);</script> that is what I did it works but is there anyway I can get rid of the menu bars and scroll for the windowresize?

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Flex - Open A Browser In PHP?

Dec 16, 2010

Im here to ask a probably dumb question again. This is related to my previous questions. I current found a way for flash/flex to send a video file(in byteArray) to php. Where php receives and writes it in the local sytem then sends it to the youtube server automatically trhu a script.This is all backend though I have no way to check if the video file was uploaded succesfully in youtube than to check it manually in youtube.

So im thinking of a new php script where it will receive and write the video file from flash. Then opening a browser window where it will automatically upload the video and at the same time track it thru the browser of its status using debug prints perhaps.

Im barely still learning php. I tried to do some research on this but found no success.

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CS3 - Open New Browser Window From Flash?

Feb 15, 2011

I'm running an online game site, and a few websites are really bad about embedding some of my games and stealing bandwidth.

To combat this, I replaced the original files with super-simple .swf files that redirected back to my own websites -- thus stealing back the traffic that they were stealing from me.

The problem came later when something changed with the new Flash player, and new windows no longer opened. For the life of me, I can't figure out how to get new windows to open. I've tried a few different approaches, but nothing appears to work.

So what I'm wondering is, can this even be done anymore -- where I can switch out a .swf that's being leeched with one that opens a window to my own site?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Open A New Browser Window?

Jan 6, 2009

I am making my website's nav bar in flash. I want some of the buttons to open new browser windows to display aspx/html files. Is this possible using actionscript 3.0?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Open A Second Browser Window?

May 7, 2009

I want to click on a button and have it open a second browser window. How?

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Browser And Pdf Files Open Behind Projector?

Oct 13, 2009

I am using flash 8 or flash mx, and I want to open a web site and some pdf files. I have my projector set to fullscreen but when I open a web site or a pdf file these files open behind my projector so my final user doesn't realize that the pdf files or the web site is displayed. How can I force the web site or the pdf file to open on top of my projector or is there a way to minimize my projector when I click these buttons so the user realizes that these files opened.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Download MP3 Instead Of Open In WMP Or Browser?

Nov 16, 2010

here's the simple code I'm working with:
download_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onDownload);
function onDownload(e:MouseEvent):void {
var dl_request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(current_url);
try {
navigateToURL(dl_request, '_blank');


Basically, this is a button that (when clicked) is supposed to allow the user to download an MP3 file.  It works as planned except that when the button is clicked, the MP3 just opens up in the browser or in Windows Media Player or whatever default "playing" application the user has.  I want it to work in the same way as when you right-click a link and choose "Save Link As..." so that when they click it they actually will save the MP3 file itself to their computer (so, the "Save" dialog box will pop up when they click the link), instead of the file just opening/playing.

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