ActionScript 3.0 :: Populating Listbox From XML?

Feb 1, 2010

So I have a list box on stage with the instance name "lb" I'm trying to get some text from my xml list into this list box? In this case the @TITLE data.

I'm able to trace the data from the xml file into the output window, but I can't figure how to display that text in the list box.


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Listbox Does Not Work?

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var ssx:XML = new XML();
ssx.ignoreWhite = true;[code]...........

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CS3 :: Listbox Php Mail Form

Jul 16, 2009

I've been going crazy trying to figure out a couple things, spent the last few days scouring the forums and my understanding of actionscript and php aren't advanced enough to understand what I need to do.I have a very basic contact form (one I've successfully used before) that I thought I would adapt for a new project (to include a couple listboxes).In Flash, visitors enter name and contact info, then we want a listbox for them to select an event on a specific day, then another one that they select a time (both listboxes will be populated within flash, so no dynamic loading).
They hit Submit and the form information is sent to our email address using php.The first difficulty I had was how to capture the selection of the listbox. I don't know much about actionscript, but I thought that would be pretty straight forward and was hoping I'd find something in the community to keep it simple for people like me.

Then to send it to the php email document, I'm not sure how to treat it the standard text is easy to prep for php but I'm at a loss on the listbox-selected items.Right now I try to fill out the form, I hit submit, and get a message: undefined.I commented out the second listbox so I could just focus on getting one to work, but I'm not sure which stage I'm doing it wrong.[code]I think the php is good, and pretty sure I just don't know what I'm doing with the listbox selection.

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Flash :: Xml - AS3 Loading XML Into Listbox

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load A Listbox Through Xml?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML In Listbox - Undefined?

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'list' is the instance name i gave the ListBox Component. But when i test it the list box says Undefined, Undefined?

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var xml:XML;
function onLoaded(e:Event):void {
xml = new XML(;


In addition to the text label (to the left of it, actually), I'd like to have a square icon (an image thumbnail) with each row in the list.

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var item = {Rank:rank, City:city, Reps:representatives, RepsWithSales:RepsWithSales, Appts:appts, AvgSales:FormatAsDollars(average)};


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var theXML:XML = new XML();
theXML.ignoreWhite = true;
theXML.onLoad = function() {


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submit_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, play);
function validate(event:MouseEvent):void{
if (question1_combo.selectedIndex ==0)
(RUN SWF here)
trace ("not worked");

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I searched and didn't find quite the right solution. Please bare with me as I am a complete infant with this.Using a component listbox in CS4. I have figured out how to call in formatting to the text by using this:Code: Select allimport fl.managers.StyleManager; var tf:TextFormat = new TextFormat(); at the head, and referring to it below, with:

Code: Select alltf.font = "Arial";
tf.size = 10;
tf.bold = false;


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I can't find the StyleProperty that controls line height or line spacing.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Set Selected Items In Listbox To None?

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myList_list.selectedItem = null;
myList_list.selectedItem = undefined;[/AS]
but it wont work.

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I am guessing I need to use AS to assign a variable to the list box component as it only has an instance name field, unlike the dynamic text fields. Not having any luck googling the correct syntax though as most examples are of querying a data base not writing.

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Mar 10, 2010

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Here is the simple XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<setting type="buffer">5</setting>


This outputs what I want, but the problem is: if I try and trace newVar our assign another variable the value of newVar outside of the processXML function, it isnt there.

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Change Listbox Values SetStyle Isn't Working?

Nov 6, 2009

flash cs3 here I cant change the compnonent lists font values - in particular the font color...

I can use this and it works fine

playList.setStyle("contentPadding", 50);
but this has no effect?!?!

playList.setStyle("color", "red");

Does anyone have a list of styles that can be changed in a list? or a reference to them?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Fill Listbox From Mysql Data?

Apr 8, 2009

i want to fill a listbox with data from a MySql table.  the code ive gotten working is for static data from an xml file.  here it is:
var options:XML = new XML();
options.ignoreWhitespace = true;
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(new URLRequest("fillRegions.xml"));


this creates an echod file that looks just like the above xml example.  so, how do i change my original AS3 code to pull data from this php file rather then the xml file?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Listbox Component Focus Rectangle

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I am working on a selector that uses 2 list boxes. Standard stuff, you can move items from the left box with arrow buttons to the right box. However I can't seem to get the annoying green "halo" to go away whenever one of the boxes is selected. I have tried

lstbox._focusrect = false;
lstbox.enabled = false;
lstbox.setStyle("themeColor", "Sample");

Nothing seems to stop that highlight box from popping up. Funny thing is it doesn't pop up in the IDE only when I view the movie online in production.

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Flash :: AS3 Listbox Data Contain Variable Info?

May 25, 2010

I'm populating a listbox like this: dp.addItem( {label:"red dress", data:"OV4MP/23OL.swf"} ); Instead of data:"OV4MP/23OL.swf", I would like to make part of the data file name a variable from a dynamic textbox named centerPt that belongs to the parent movieclip, so I did this: dp.addItem( {label:"red dress", data:"OV4MP/23"+MovieClip(parent.parent).centerPt.text+".swf"} );


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Way To Change Stage Colour Using Listbox

Apr 13, 2011

Is there a way I can change the stage colour using a list box for example Inside a list colours -


When the user chooses red, the stage colour would change to red.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Selecting Values In Array In Listbox?

Jul 27, 2005

I suppose to load a xml into flash n convert it into an array. After which im suppose to place them in listbox so that ppl are able to select them to view different stuff. Apparently, im unable to get the selected value of the listbox. With this, the users cannot select n the whole thing doesnt work. With array, im suppose to use getSelectedItem to get the value.. but it always ends up in a error "[type function]"


xmlData = new XML();
xmlData.ignoreWhite = true;
xmlData.onLoad = loadXML;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Items To A Listbox Using Functions?

Apr 11, 2003

i am learning to work with sharedobjects in flash mx, and i am trying now do to a little application, and in this application i will use a listbox to do some things, i have a message board that will keep the messages in the sharedobject named "visitas", i add data with a function, ,here it is:

function salvaMensagens(){
var num = Number(_root.entradas.text);[num] = _root.mensagem.text;[code]....

it had to add the name digited in the input text field name, and the same with the email, respectivelly , label and data, but my listbox is still empty after several tryes..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change ListBox Height Without Squashing?

Aug 9, 2006

I'm trying to resize my listbox but I am using a customised Listbox class that someone else has made. I need to have listboxes of different sizes in my project.

My problem is that when I resize the listbox on the stage this doesnt alter the height (presumably as the height is controlled by code within the class). I have tried going through all of the code and renaming the two customised classes and then altering the size on the stage but this doesn't work either.

I have tried altering the height of the listbox using ._height but this squashes the box so the text is too small to read. I can't find any other methods for altering height apart from setSize which I can only get to alter the width.

I'm not sure if I'm missing something obvious or if I'm going to have to delve into the world of customising components.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Moving Scoll Position In ListBox

Oct 23, 2006

I want to be able to move the list names of the listbox up and down can this be done through actionscript.or is there any way to bring the selected item to the top

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Dec 23, 2006

I've created an MP3 player based on the now classic code at:http:[url]....One of the shortcomings of the player (that users seem to notice) is that the listbox doesn't scroll to reveal the currently selected item when the player is in "continuous" mode. The selected items disappear from view. I'm wondering if using FListbox.getScrollPosition and FListbox.setScrollPosition could be used to get the listbox menu to update and scroll the current selection to the top of the menu screen. If the listbox data object siimply returns an index number it seems like that number could be used to feed the getScrollPosition function.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Way To Organize Data Into A Hierarchy Within A Listbox?

Jan 16, 2007

Is there a way to organize data into a hierarchy within a listbox?I would like to have a parent-child list with the parent always being bold.I'm not asking someone to do it for me, I would just like to know if it can be done and maybe some direction.

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