ActionScript 2.0 :: Way To Organize Data Into A Hierarchy Within A Listbox?
Jan 16, 2007
Is there a way to organize data into a hierarchy within a listbox?I would like to have a parent-child list with the parent always being bold.I'm not asking someone to do it for me, I would just like to know if it can be done and maybe some direction.
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May 31, 2005
how would you make these clips organize in columns and rows?
for (var b=0; b<gallery.childNodes.length; b++) {
item = _root.nav.attachMovie("itemClip", "itemClip" + b, b);
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- MenuBar
- - MenuItem
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Oct 3, 2009
I have
level 1: <Element>
level 2: <a>some content</a>
<a> is nested in <Element> and I need to delete <Element> without deleting <a>. So basically I want <a> to be the parent element of itself.
Like this:
level 1: <a>some content</a>
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Aug 29, 2011
Where do I place a function, at the lowest level, so I can call it from any other container above it? For example, I have 3 frames and they all need to use the same function, called "myFunction()". Do I really have to create it in each frame? There has so be a lowe level where this can be placed? Is there a good simple description of AS3 Hierarchy somewhere? Also, how do you specify global variables in AS3?
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Apr 12, 2007
There are a few mc's already on stage that I've attached dynamically to _root. Now I want to take one of them and attach it into some other mc on stage, also attached dynamically. I want to retain the position, width and height of the former mc. Is this possible? some way to manipulate the pointers or addresses? Can I manipulate the ._parent property?
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Jun 9, 2010
I'm currently working on a tower defense game and am in kind of an odd situation. I've programmed it in such a way that a large class hierarchy is in place. It's like this StartScreen class ---> BaseLevel class ---> GUI class ---> TowerPlacer class(towers are stored in an array in this class) ----> etc.My problem is that i need to access an array in BaseLevel from my GUI class, is there any fancy trick for doing this? or have i screwed myself over.
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