When I test and simulate download it shows me the progress of the file loading but the screen is blank white.Here is the code: I have two scenes...this is the preloader scene actions frame 1. Scene one works fine but the preloader doesn't show up
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.ProgressEvent;
function update(e:ProgressEvent):void[code]................
I have created a Flex custom preloader, exactly like it is done in this example: [URL]
Now when I implement this, is seems to work fine on my computer in FireFox and Chrome. I publish it on the server, refresh my cache and reload the application and I do get my customized preloader.
But on a friend's computer, the screen stays white for a while, and then for a second or so it shows the preloader, but the indicator is at 100%.
So the loading already happened before it showed the preloader.
I'm using the code below on preloaders.[code]It doesn't always show all of my preloader, ie: by about 25% of the preloader animation it jumps to the movie. I still want the preloader to play all the frames before it goes to the movie regardless of download speed. Also sometimes it sticks on the final frame of the movie for a few seconds and then jumps to the main scene.
I've made a simple preloader to load a movie. This is the preloader code
I see the loading progress percentage correctly run, at the end rotator_mc and counter_txt are removed from the stage, but the loaded movieclip is not added to the stage, or at least I can't see it.
I have a small problem with a preloader in Flash MX. It seems to become stuck at "frame 0" instead of showing the preload bar, etc...and I didn't know there was a "frame 0"? When I test it with "show streaming", the screen is blank and the preloader doesn't show, then, when the movie is done loading, the preloader flashes up briefly. I have 2 frames on my main timeline. Frame 1 is the preloader, and frame 2 contains a clip which constitutes the main movie. Frame 2 has stop() and both are labelled correctly i.e. when the movie is finished loading gotoAndPlay("movie") (frame 2) is executed.
I used the preloader AS3 found here and it work fine localy but in firefox 4.0.1 it doesnt show the percent and the scale of the progress bar. is there an issue ?
so i have a loader.swf that loads in the main file, at the start of the loader there's a preloader, that, when done loads in plays the external swf. and i got another preloader on an swf that i load in, into a dummy MC 1st preloader doesn't show up at the start of the flash 2nd preloader doesn't show up at all and just shows half of the 2nd scene (where the actual movie is)
I don't have a clue on what I'm doing wrong. Sometimes, when I open this page my html page , the swf don't appear. It won't happen always, but is really frequent.Important: when it don't appear, I do can hear the sounds that the swf movie makes. In other words, I'm shure that the object is on the page, but it just won't be visualizable.The error occurs on Firefox and Chrome (I didn't see it happening with IE, but I won't doubt that it is possible)The problem isn't in the swf because I have already tested with another file that have no code at all and the same problem occurs.Here is the page's code, generated by Flash CS5.5 when publishing the swf:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
I have my main movie, and from there an external movie is loaded which has a scrollpane on it. Problem is the preloader will not show when the external swf is loaded...when the button is clicked, nothing happens for about 3 seconds and then eventually the scrollpane comes up. I have the preloader on Scene 2, and it works for all my other external swfs so I know its the scrollpane issue.[code]I have tried have the "export to first" frame linkage thing but that doesnt work... does anyone know how best to do this?
I have a preloader in the fist frame of my movie. My movie has child movies (photo galleries). These are swf files that are linked to the main movie. When I simulate download, the preloader does not show up the fist 50% of the loading time. Then it shows up and works fine. I went to the loader in the Library. Under Linkage, I clicked EXPORT and uncheked "export in first frame". It didn't work. I have still the same problem. Can anyone help me. I am using Flash 3 Action Script 2 Additionally, when I simulate loading my photo galleries that are linked to the main movie don't show up. this is the code that I am using for the preloader: stop(); LoaderInt = setInterval (Lbar, 10); function Lbar (){ if(getBytesLoaded() >= getBytesTotal()){ play(); clearInterval(LoaderInt); } fill_MC._xscale = (getBytesLoaded()/getBytesTotal()*100); }
I'm creating a tutorial with voice over and the voice over is an mp3 file and I've checked the 'Export in First Frame' option... and every thing works perfect... on my local machine...Where as when I access the files on the web.. my preloader does not show up until 90% loaded... and thats because of 'Export in First Frame'
So I'm rather new to preloaders in Flash. However, I found a decent tutorial online, and after completing it, began to create a preloader for my movie project.
Everything was going just dandy until I viewed the movie. Because I wanted to see the preloader, I tested the movie and simulated a download... and was greeted with a white screen. I waited for some time, and suddenly the preloader appeared, loading from 80% onward. Basically, the first 79% of the preloader was represented by a blank screen.
I've got two preloaders that I've made from the same template, but I can't get the progress to show. It simply shows a quick glimpse of the finished image and then goes to frame two.
I got a movieclip named LoadingProgress (exported in first frame and class name LoadingProgress), inside it is a dynamic text box with instance name percentDisplay This is the code for LoadingProgress.as
Well, since it is all supposed to be one SWF file, I'm doing all the preloading in Frame1.I have a simple textField on the stage which displays the percentage, and this code every frame:
Code: stop(); import flash.events.ProgressEvent; // Check if already loaded
the textField will not show up until the SWF is loaded to about 70%.
I'm trying to make text disappear and appear letter by letter, so i'm using dynamic text. I've made this code which should do this, the only problem is that the text won't show up. I used trace to check what does the dynamic text box contains after the code has done it's job and it contains what it should. So I don't really understand where the problem is. I've embeded all the lowercase letters since I'm only using those... I don't know what else to add here... except the code offcourse:
Code: if (_root.butonselectat<>"") { stop();
Ignore all the "ifs" they just make the code do it's job when it should. And it seems that they work correctly. The first "for" cycle removes the text letter by letter and it only works if there is some text in the dynamic textbox while the second "for" adds the text letter by letter. I have the same code on two keyframes in the first layer and the the dynamic textbox on the second layer with only one keyframe.
I've been told by another intern where I work, that I must package the game I'm making in an swf file and then preload it.So I'm trying that but fail.I have two issues:1) I use BitmapImages but don't know anymore what to do with them. Is I preload the swf does that mean all images the game uses are automatically are preloaded as well? 2) When I try to preload my own game, it doesn't show up. Oh uhmm.. I use flashdevelop so the preloader project has a Preloader class and a Main class. My game has a Main class as well.Below is the code I use to preload my own game:
I had some code for a preloader that showed a % and stretched a bar.i wanted to modify it to instead go to frame 1 through 100 (based on % loaded) of movieclip "prloader" using the integer from "frmcounter" as the frame number.doesn't work!
Why is that when I change the paths of my external files(file.swf) that the preloader doesn't show up? It only shows up when the external files are loaded from a web address.
I just want to know why a dynamic text doesn't show in the swf movie.Let me explain a little more: I have a mc within a main time line in wich is another mc,this mc have photos and a dynamic text who must be scrolled to view all of it,but the text doesn't appears! Below you will see a snapshot of the mc where you can see the level of it also.I've checked the actions script but there's no problem with it. here is the AS:
I made text box, typed some text, converted it to a movie clip, named etc. Used a purchased and proven scroller component ... followed directions to the letter, including referencing/linking the files. However, when I tried to test the scroll bar .... the scroll bar appears, scrolls and works perfectly except the text does not appear. I have tried making a scroll bar with the UIscrollbar same thing happens. I made an other attempt and put pics along with the text in the movie clip ... this time the pics appeared and scrolled, but the text still would not appear.
Working on an ActionScript 3 project in CS6. Following along with the "Flash Down Under" tutorial on the Macromedia website. In the tutorial, a pop-up menu shows up when the instructor types in part of the ActionScript command. I cannot get this function to work for me, even though the commands highlight when I enter the text in full. Anyone know how I can get the pop-up menu to display?
I have a textfield in a MovieClip that I'm trying to change out from an external class. It appears to return back as empty on the stage, but if I trace what's inside there it gives me the correct value, it just doesn't show up.
My code is this:
((this.parent.parent.getChildByName('bottomBar') as MovieClip).getChildByName('area_txt') as TextField).text = 'test';
So if I trace "((this.parent.parent.getChildByName('bottomBar') as MovieClip).getChildByName('area_txt') as TextField).text" it returns "test" but it doesn't display on the stage, it's just blank.
I'm using the following AS3 code to load an external swf (one with dimensions I don't like) into another swf. When I view the loader swf while embedded in a html page nothing is displayed even though the loader swf displays the nested swf without a problem in preview.
If I substitute the name "loaderSwf" with the nested swf name it plays fine. It seems as though the local html page does not like the fact that I'm playing a swf through another swf.