ActionScript 3.0 :: Read Numbers For A Dynamic Text Box?
Mar 16, 2009
I have created a dynamic text box (named "numberString") inside a movieclip "circle" which is on the stage. Anyways, I have 24 frames in movieclip "circle", with numbers from 1-24 on different frames. These numbers are in "numberString".Since the animation allows the numbers to continually play over and over again, and thus the numbers are always changing, I was wondering: how can I 'read' the number that is playing when I, say, roll over it? I know the script for the roll over, but I can't figure out an efficient way to find out what number is playing when I put my mouse over it.
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if ( = 10) (
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Aug 26, 2004
i followed the turtorial on how to add numbers to a dynamic text box but wat i really wannt know is how to make it do something if it hits a certain number...I tryed on my own... as i didntwanna bother people here but for some reeason it wont go
if ( = 10) (
the total is the text box and i would like it to go to frame 2 wen the numbers hit 10.
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Dec 13, 2010
I wrote a flash game a while back (CS3) and it used to work but when trying to compile the same FLA file in CS5 does not work.
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tScore.text = Score;
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tScore.text = Score.toString; // no value shown
tScore.text = String(Score); // no value shown
tScore.text = "A"; // sets the field to the value A
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ActionScript Code:
for(var i:uint = 0; i < 16; i++){
var randomNumber:Number = Math.floor(Math.random() * 9);
output_txt.text = String(randomNumber);
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PHP Code:
lambdas = rk / lp;
test_txt.text = String(lambdas);
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var textInfo:TextInfo = new TextInfo();
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Jul 17, 2009
i have been working with this text to load in dynamic text fields. what I have is a movieclip called 'textInfo' inside this two dynamic text fields called 'headerTex1' and 'headerText2' where I want the text to load into from the XML file.
the text should appear next to image that rotate on menu which has 25 images on the menu.
What I am getting confused with is do I need to repeat the script 25 times with 25 differently labeled movieclips and text fileds,
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Oct 9, 2009
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Jun 22, 2010
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and in the second just "_root.gotoAndPlay(1);" for the updating process. I'm sure that's all okay. But when I export it, then upload the swf file to somewhere like SwfCabin to show people for testing purposes, they have to wait on just a blank white screen for 1~3 minutes.. -note: I use both Adobe flash CS3 [at home] and Macromedia Flash 8 [at school] - I can stick to just CS3 if needed.
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Sep 11, 2005
I have a movie where a variable named daysleft will be loaded from an external text file into a dynamic text box, this bit works fine. But I then need the movieclip "numbers" to gotoAndStop to the frame number imported via the variable daysleft. Although daysleft displays on the screen a trace(daysleft); says the variable is undefined.
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Oct 4, 2011
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Feb 24, 2011
I using Flash CS5 for the first time, and I'm hitting a snag. I have an input box on Scene 1 for age (variable called old). On scene 3, I have a dynamic test box (variable called display), where I want to display the age (old) + 10.
My Code looks like this:
PHP Code:
var Real_age = Number(old) + 10;
display = Real_age;
It's returning NaN.
A trace of the output of Real_age gives:
PHP Code:
<FONT FACE="Times New Roman" SIZE="12" COLOR="#009900" LETTERSPACING="0" KERNING="0">2</FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT>
<p align="left"></p>
<p align="left"></p>
<p align="left"></p>
<p align="left"></p>
The code works OK in Flash 8, but I figure I must have some some setting that is spitting out the unwanted HTML.
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Apr 23, 2009
I have four dynamic fields named
1. fieldone
2. fieldtwo
3. fieldthree
4. answer
and a submit buttonI would like to be able to add up all the numbers inputted into the first three dynamic fields by the end user and the result displayed on the 'answer" field.
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Nov 24, 2010
I'm creating a dynamic object containing multiple arbitrary properties. Developers can then iterate the object to get the properties and values, but i don't want them to be able to change the values.So... given a Dynamic object, is it possible to assign a dynamic property so that the property is only written once and thereafter is read-only?I triedobj["foobar"] = get function() { return "snafu" };
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Jan 4, 2012
Post Read field of TextInmput text and to execute referring condition to the informed text, AS3.0 To depend the inserted text for the user, flash will be read by the compiler to player, and a connective if goes to define for which picture will be directed or which page web will be linkada with the URLRequest function, or the function gotoAndPlay () for the pictures of timeline. Ultiliza object of field of din £mico text or textInput? input I find.
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Mar 21, 2012
We are in the process of developing a CRM application and for that we need to upload *.doc and *.docx files and display that contents.
We successfully uploaded the *.doc and *.docx files in application by using FileReference and FileReferenceList. Would you please tell me some idea to read the contents from *.doc and *.docx files and to display the uploaded file content into flex text area.
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Sep 5, 2010
I'm having a bit of trouble with a script to check a 'dynamic number'...
Basically, I've got a movie which plays in a loop and each time it goes around, it clicks up a number, which I have on the stage as 'dynamic text' called "ImageNumber" - this bit is working fine it uses the following code to add[code]...
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Nov 9, 2010
let's say you had a dynamic text field with a number (for example '30'). Everytime you click on a certain button / movie clip, that triggers an animation (so far no problem) AND adds '20' to the number in that textfield.
==> first click, the number displays 50 (30+20), second click 70 (50+20) ...
When you enter a certain keyframe and that number is higher than let's say 290, the movie jumps to frame x. If that number equals 290 or is lower than 290, the movie jumps to frame y.
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