Im just a few week into AS and scripting in general so Im not sure why what I've got is working.
I want to create a scaling video that is full screen - from scratch.
I later want to dynamically load a graphic and tile it over the video - I've done that here
I was at the point that the video I was loading would only resize to the stage when the stage Event.RESIZE fired. I need the video scaled when it loads - so my approach was to try and do something with the onMetaData height and width values. I was going to create a function which returned the proportionally scaled native values back to Video(). However I'm not savvy enough to know how to get those values back into the playVideo function.
Along the way I stumbled on something that seems to work - but I dont really undersand why! - or if its 'best practice'.
I've been following a couple of tutorials on making a custom video player and they all use the onMetaData event of the NetStream class to get the duration of the video. I always get this error though ns.onMetaData = function(obj:Object){1119: Access of possibly undefined property onMetaData through a reference with static type's what I have, sorry about the commented stuff I've been trying different things:
basically i got this video i need to make interactive, where the user will be able to click on hotspots in a video as it scales -- any possible ideas or directions?
The idea i got is if i know my hotspot is initially at x:700 y:300, and the video scales, i just move it over by that much of a factor -- from what my current resolution was to my new resolution?
basic coding plan for scaling up and down the video at run time when I open a digital scrap book.The idea is very simple.. I have a Digital Interactive scrap book which will flip to the page which has the event housed on that page and will show a Thumbnail of the event. In the meantime the Loader will keep loading the movie file and show a progress bar. Once when the loader is done with, I want the Video to scale up to the size of the Stage and then play the video and once the file has reached the end it should scale down the video and go back to the Index page-the home page whioch started this..
I have embedded a flash video on my website. [URL]...I am having the problem that it seems to rescale fine in Firefox on the Mac, but in Firefox in Windows it just crops the video.
Here it my HTML <object width="650" height="500"> <param name="movie" value="How To Add A Location"> <embed src="" width="650"
I'm not using flvplayback. I'm using a simple video player that has a pause button on top of it. I want the pause button to just look exactly the same. I've got a ton of other elements on the site, but I just want the video to go fullscreen and the pausebutton to stay the same size...
I am trying to dynamically resize an flv playing back in a flash player. To do this, I need to get the flv's width/height so I can maintain the original aspect ratio. I have noticed that in Firefox the onMetaData event will be hit right away, and the video will resize properly. In IE however, onMetaData is not hit until the buffer is full and video starts playing.
One solution I have thought of is to set the initial buffer to something close to 0 (e.g. 0.01). Then the buffer will instantly hit full, and the video will be resized. The issue I have with this is low bandwidth users will have a a short 'sputter' of video (0.5 seconds say) at the beginning before it goes to the next, larger, buffer. Is there any better way to deal with this behavior in IE? Can you manually "get" the metaData from an FLV file before it even plays?
I'm puling in a FLV via a NetConnection (NetStream), and I've got it all working well EXCEPT for the scrubber. Here's the code I'm using for the scrubber[code]...
I'm puling in a FLV via a NetConnection (NetStream), and I've got it all working well EXCEPT for the scrubber. Here's the code I'm using for the scrubber:
**** //Scrubber var videoInterval = setInterval(videoStatus,100); var amountLoaded:Number;[code]....
I have a class set up that should just spit back the duration of a loaded video file. It works, but my onMetaData handler seems to get triggered twice, even though I can only see one place that should trigger it:
Code: public function PENetConnection (obj:Object=null) {
Currently we have updated to FMS4.5 and doing some evaluation on HDS. We published our RTMP streams to the livepkgr application and successfully setup and playback HDS. However, we found that a we can't access some onMetaData Properties during playback. Our player use onMetaData - "videodatarate" and "audiodatarate" properties. We are trying to migrate it to playback HDS, however, we don't seems to be able to get back the two fields?
I am using NetStream to play some .flv files on local disc. My code skeleton is:
public class AdvertisPanel extends MovieClip { private var _video:Video; private var _connection:NetConnection;
I used some .flv files that I download from YouTube to test; and I found that the handler metaDataListener would not be called when playing some .flv files, but some would. Is the problem caused by the video file? Because I may resize the video before play it on the screen, and I really need to know its original width & height.
i'm using FLVPlayback in order to load a movie. i keep getting this error: Error #2044: Unhandled AsyncErrorEvent:. text=Error #2095: was unable to invoke callback onMetaData. error=ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property duration not found on Number and there is no default value.
if i get it right, it means that inside built-in onMetaData there is no duration property. so, i tried adding my own call back function:
//creating a custom client var customClient:Object = new Object(); customClient.onCuePoint = cuePointHandler;
I rarely use NetStream or any video in my projects, but someone I email with was wondering this, and I have no earthly idea.
Is there any reason why the NetStream's "onMetaData" event cannot be listened to using addEventListener, but instead requires you to use a callback function?
Is it faster, avoiding the overhead of events? Is it to prevent more than one listener being attached?
I am involved in project managment for a large video conferncing project involving over 100k simultanous connection and most likely to be increased 4 times by next six months.While figuring out the scalability area ,it was concluded that smart selection of hardware and origin-edge clustering will be suited most. Well while studying this documentation says it supports thousands of calls but unfortunately I could not determine the actual numbers. Can you tell me how many edge server will be needed for 100k simultanous calls/number of sessions per edge server and will we need license (4500$) for each edge server?
I have a video inside of another movieclip. When I go full screen, I scale up the outer movieclip to fit the screen. So that OuterMovieClip.width is equal to screenWidth etc. How do I maintain the aspect ratio on my video so it does not get distorted? Whats the proper math for that?
Is there anyway (with action scripting) when having a Flash Video set to Expand to 100% Width and Height to have certain elements within that video maintain their inherent size and not scale ?URL...Notice how the BG Scales, but the video in the center does not nor does the footer. Is this performed with CSS and using multiple DIVs with varying Z Indices.
Scenario: main moveiclip with 4 other clips in it. I want the rolledover clip to scale up and all the others to scale down and blur.
Question: What is the most effiecent way to code this. Would it be a "for in loop"? I am trying to minimize the code and would rather not use a whole bunch of if then statements.
How can I convert the current scale of the instance to 100% so I can easily "visualize" and manage the instance when I modify its scale? Here's the actionscript, it works, but I just want the temp._xscale and temp._yscale to be in percentages, not real numbers.
Code: USflag.onMouseDown = function () { var temp = USflag; onEnterFrame = function ()
One last thing, what's the tag you have to put that is designed for boxing actionscripts? I'm suing [ code ][ /code ]
My Flash image will not scale.if you zoom in, it gets chopped up. if you zoom out, it has a big blank area.What should I change in order to have this Flash image scale just like the rest of the site? [URL]It is the Flash in the center.
Recently i have visited so many video enriched flash site like this one [URL] Most of them shows video in full size. I downloaded the video using FF plugin. Video framesize is very small compared to the stage size. When i tried to add video and resize the video acoording to the page size , it slows the browser. I tried to embed the flv inside an swf and loaded the swf using normal loader and plyed it.. but the quallity and performance comapred to these site is very low..
I made a video in After Effect and export it to flash as a FLV video.. and write de code to load it into flash.. but I need it to loop.. Here is the code
I am trying to use swfobject 2.2 to display an swf, but the swf won't scale to fit the div that I'm putting it in. You can see what I've got here. When it first loads, it is the right size, then it expands larger for some reason. If I right-click on the movie and select "Show All", it then fits perfectly.[code]
I have a purple box on the stage. I turned this box into a movie clip with the instance name of "purple." onEnterFrame, I want to increase the wdith of that box. It is currently 11.75px. I want it to ease into 40px. I want this to happen onEnterFrame.