I am trying to dynamically resize an flv playing back in a flash player. To do this, I need to get the flv's width/height so I can maintain the original aspect ratio. I have noticed that in Firefox the onMetaData event will be hit right away, and the video will resize properly. In IE however, onMetaData is not hit until the buffer is full and video starts playing.
One solution I have thought of is to set the initial buffer to something close to 0 (e.g. 0.01). Then the buffer will instantly hit full, and the video will be resized. The issue I have with this is low bandwidth users will have a a short 'sputter' of video (0.5 seconds say) at the beginning before it goes to the next, larger, buffer. Is there any better way to deal with this behavior in IE? Can you manually "get" the metaData from an FLV file before it even plays?
I have a YouTube video embedded in my page. It is hidden (display:none). You need to click one of the video link buttons to display the video and play it. The links are defined like this:
It's fundamentally pretty simple! But here's the problem. since the video player is hidden, the flash object is not activated. So when I click a video link, the line ytplayer.style.display = 'block'; displays the video player, but it takes about about half a second for flash to load. During this time it cannot accept any method calls, such as the next line ytplayer.loadVideoById( id, 0, 'hd1080' );. Essentially, I have to click the link twice, once to load up the flash video player, the second time to actually load the video into the player.
is it best to load sound files into the library, or to load them externally? What I want to do is make a sampler app. You'd have a selection of loops and drag and drop them onto a timeline. My main concern is performance and any delay of sound.
I'm currently building a website that contain different game. each game is an external swf. I'm auto-preloading it while displaying textual stuff in order to have a minimum of preloading time.
Everything work well but imagine I've got 5 external swfs. If I decide to close one game and remove the loader child, when I click back to view this game, I have to reload it again.
So, is there a problem (memory or performance) if I do not delete my 5 loader childs in order to lead them only 1 time?
any resources that could help me learn how to emulate a spoiler tag type effect for flash text?I've looked at tree menus etc but seems a bit fussier than needed. What I have is a very large piece of text with differing sections, rather than have a user swamped by everything at once I'd like to hide the majority of it with a brief intro for each section. A [+] / [-] button would expand and collapse the extra information when required (pushing the rest of the content down ala a tree menu type thing).
I'm now working on multiple config files(about 16 .txt form files) in a actionscript 3.0 project. I think it is not good to load so many files. maybe I should package them into a swf(But I do not know how to do this) or do sth else.
I have a simple flash movie that contains multiple frames which make up the sections of a simple site. I have built the navigation so that when you click a button, the movie advances to the proper frame/section. So far so good.My problem is that when I get to the FAQ section of the site, the movie clip that makes up the faq answers plays to the second frame, not the first. The first frame of the movie clip has a stop action in the actionscript, as does the second. But no matter what I do, any time it loads, it quickly plays to Frame 2. I do have buttons that play different frames of this movie clip, but they are attached to mouse over events and nothing else.
I have a Flash game which holds all of its content in a single keyframe on the stage. I have one keyframe before this which contains the preloader using the following script:[Code].The preloader seems to be coded correctly. The problem is that when I upload the file to the web there is a long delay before even the preloader appears. It eventually does appear at about 90%. It continues to load up to 100% then the game starts as required.I obviously want the preloader to start playing from 1%, its like the swf is trying to load all of the graphic before the preloader loads. I have multiple classes.
I have made a jigsaw puzzle game, that can be scaled up to have lots of pieces. Now I want to implement it so it can be played by more than one person at a time on a large multi-touch screen. I'm not sure how is best to proceed.
Ive had a look at some development kits and some tutorials and they seem to go into too many gestures etc. I literally only need the capability to move more than one piece at a time. So is it possible for flash to simply deal with this as multiple mouse down events rather than going into multi-touch gestures etc. Or do I need to do it another way?
I have a MovieClip in the library of my project, it has this code in the first frame of its timeline:[code]Then in the first frame of my main timeline, I have this:[code]
Generally, I like to use onLoadInit because it gives me accurate widths and heights. But when I have an external SWF file with a video embedded in it, I find that onLoadInit always fires a second or two after the video has started playing.
Any examples of ActionScript 3.0 code that deploys any kind of sound files to be used in Flash Pro files, for final output as SWF. I am using the code (below) for the Base class of a Bubble Game (of sorts), and the problem is, that when popped, the sound plays a little too late, not spot on.
This is my code - which is linked to the Bubbles in the library of my FLA: package { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.Sound; import flash.net.URLRequest; public class BubbleBaseNew4 extends MovieClip { [Code] .....
I'm puling in a FLV via a NetConnection (NetStream), and I've got it all working well EXCEPT for the scrubber. Here's the code I'm using for the scrubber[code]...
I'm puling in a FLV via a NetConnection (NetStream), and I've got it all working well EXCEPT for the scrubber. Here's the code I'm using for the scrubber:
**** //Scrubber var videoInterval = setInterval(videoStatus,100); var amountLoaded:Number;[code]....
I've been following a couple of tutorials on making a custom video player and they all use the onMetaData event of the NetStream class to get the duration of the video. I always get this error though ns.onMetaData = function(obj:Object){1119: Access of possibly undefined property onMetaData through a reference with static type flash.net:NetStream.Here's what I have, sorry about the commented stuff I've been trying different things:
Im just a few week into AS and scripting in general so Im not sure why what I've got is working.
I want to create a scaling video that is full screen - from scratch. I later want to dynamically load a graphic and tile it over the video - I've done that here
I was at the point that the video I was loading would only resize to the stage when the stage Event.RESIZE fired. I need the video scaled when it loads - so my approach was to try and do something with the onMetaData height and width values. I was going to create a function which returned the proportionally scaled native values back to Video(). However I'm not savvy enough to know how to get those values back into the playVideo function.
Along the way I stumbled on something that seems to work - but I dont really undersand why! - or if its 'best practice'.
I have a class set up that should just spit back the duration of a loaded video file. It works, but my onMetaData handler seems to get triggered twice, even though I can only see one place that should trigger it:
Code: public function PENetConnection (obj:Object=null) {
Currently we have updated to FMS4.5 and doing some evaluation on HDS. We published our RTMP streams to the livepkgr application and successfully setup and playback HDS. However, we found that a we can't access some onMetaData Properties during playback. Our player use onMetaData - "videodatarate" and "audiodatarate" properties. We are trying to migrate it to playback HDS, however, we don't seems to be able to get back the two fields?
I am using NetStream to play some .flv files on local disc. My code skeleton is:
public class AdvertisPanel extends MovieClip { private var _video:Video; private var _connection:NetConnection;
I used some .flv files that I download from YouTube to test; and I found that the handler metaDataListener would not be called when playing some .flv files, but some would. Is the problem caused by the video file? Because I may resize the video before play it on the screen, and I really need to know its original width & height.
i'm using FLVPlayback in order to load a movie. i keep getting this error: Error #2044: Unhandled AsyncErrorEvent:. text=Error #2095: flash.net.NetStream was unable to invoke callback onMetaData. error=ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property duration not found on Number and there is no default value.
if i get it right, it means that inside built-in onMetaData there is no duration property. so, i tried adding my own call back function:
//creating a custom client var customClient:Object = new Object(); customClient.onCuePoint = cuePointHandler;
I rarely use NetStream or any video in my projects, but someone I email with was wondering this, and I have no earthly idea.
Is there any reason why the NetStream's "onMetaData" event cannot be listened to using addEventListener, but instead requires you to use a callback function?
Is it faster, avoiding the overhead of events? Is it to prevent more than one listener being attached?
I'm trying to find an all-in-one IDE for flash, one that can deal with various flash related files. I just read this answer and it recommends fdt, but seems fdt can only deal with scripts but not .fla ones. Which IDE should I use so that I can use it to develop various files involved in flash developing?
i want to program a flash simulation using actionscript 3, infect I learned how to deal with xml files from this website:URL...But the problem that I want a sample of an xml file for simulation template and if it possible a simulation template so that I can learn how does it work.If "flash simulation" is not clear, i mean with to perform a dialog that two people are conducting one of them are you, and the other one is the pc, if you answered with deferent choice then the dialog will take another path. (Every answer will take you to a deferent path)
Anybody else have that dilemma where you have movieclips on stage that should animate, but because they somehow end up switching index/priority(top to bottom on a single layer) on stage in some keyframes, they end up resetting themselves. This causes you to go back through all your movie clips just to check for this. Is there a reletively simple way to deal with this?
Also, assume that distributing everything to layers is not an option.
private function setGender(e:MouseEvent):void { check.visible = true;[code]...
The same method body is shared by another method fired on a keyboard Event (so, it takes a keyboard Event for argument). Which is the best way to deal with situations like this one? I would like to have only one method.One way could be to create a new method called by the two event handlers (even if, if I need to use e.target, it can change according to the type of event and other variables, so I should eventually create a method that takes e.target as a parameter). This creates three methods...Would it be possible to change for example e:MouseEvent with a parent of MouseEvent and KeyboardEvent?
I have child node that has no information ... it would be a URL, so the error message I get is Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2035: URL Not Found.. Code: _currURL = path.article.(@ID == _marker).storyURL; I thought I might check to see if _currURL == null, but that does nothing.
Im trying to setup a scoreboard type deal. I'm using SharedObjects.I can make it WRITE to the .sol without any problems but I cant seem to make it READ from the .sol to re-display the data once the user opens the swf again.
I know there are lots of posts about drop down menus but I think my ? is a bit different. I want to have a menu like URL... where when you click on say, ad campaign the options come up on the side.