the second instruction just does not work, and the textarea scrolls to the beginning (as a consequence of the first assignment). Has anyone else run into this and have you come up with any workaround?
This only happens in AIR, not FP, and only with TextArea, not with a plain input text.
The problem is that there are always 2 lines in text area when it runs......when i remove this i get usual one line but then i m not able to set color and all.I want to use textarea, set different colors on it and i dont want 2 lines in that.....
According to this webpage, the htmlText property in TextArea can handle CSS text style if using span tag. I want to format multiple tags in my code. Something like:
var tags:TextArea = new TextArea(); tags.htmlText = "<span style='color: rgb(165, 150, -90); font-size: 0.955882610016677em'>street</span>,[code]............
It only gives me plain text. I was wondering if it is supported in the htmlText property and how do I get around this.
I have a number of very poor-quality pdf documents that look like 80's photocopies, which I'm rebuilding in Flash (Flex Builder 3 MXML application), representing paragraphs of text in TextAreas so that selected portions can be bold or italic, or whatever I need. I need a way to apply toolTips or event listeners to individual words within the block of text to link those words to a glossary. I'm perfectly happy to create a definition panel that is populated and made visible with a mouseOver, but don't know how to do it to just a portion of the text.
I can see that when I set htmlText in a textarea control, the text property contains the html free version of the text. So there is a parser somewhere that is ripping of html from the content, which would be very usefull for my purposes. However, based on the flex source code, the setting of html is done in, which is the type of the textfield member of TextArea. The line that does the work is:
super.htmlText = value;
in function override public function set htmlText(value:String):void Trying to follow the class hieararchy, I end up in FlexTextField class, which extends flash player's textfield class. It appears the functionality I am after is in flash player. So is there any way of accessing this html cleaning function?
The problem is that there are always 2 lines in text area when it runs......when i remove this i get usual one line but then i m not able to set color and all.I want to use textarea, set different colors on it and i dont want 2 lines in that.....
I am writing a flex application that involves modifying a textarea very frequently. I have encountered issues with the textarea sometimes not displaying my modifications.[code]When you run the above code in a flex project, it should repeatedly print, character by character, the sentence "The big brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.". But, if you are typing into the textarea at the same time, you will notice the text the timer prints is distorted.I am really curious as to why this happens. The single-threaded nature of flex and disabling user input for the textarea when I make modifications should prevent this from happening, but for some reason this doesn't seem to be working.I must note too that, when running the timer at larger intervals (around 100ms) it seems to work perfectly, so I am tempted to think it's some kind of synchronization issue in the internals of the flex framework.
I thin the fastest way to explain the problem is to show the [code]...
So that is my AS code and it all works fine except when you move your mouse over that text field and scroll the wheel the text in the text field scrolls one line. And i really cant have that, it all works fine if there is no changing of font size but i will also need to change that so is there a solution just to disable scrolling on text field?
I have a textfield on stage, and I gave it an instance name "iText". I even turrned on the "Render As HTML text" Icon and embeded the font that I used. Then in my actionscript on the keyframe I wrote:
when I preview this, nothing show inside the text field, this is mind boggling, and I'm yet to know what is wrong here. I use Flash 8 by the way. The really strange thing is that when I do:
iText.htmlText = "WORKS!!!!"
the text shows up, but just with no html format, since I removed the bold tags, so something is wrong along the lines of those tags or something else I am not aware of.
I have a chat in which when the text area is full and start the scrollbar, the scrolling always go to the top and I want to go to the bottom. I try to use the vPosition but i get errors. This is basically what I want to get. var my_ta:mx.controls.TextArea;my_ta.vPosition = my_ta.maxVPosition;
I have a TextArea control, and sliding the scrollbar all the way down always doesn't show all the text.I think it has something to do with me changing the typeface, because I noticed that when I do the setStyle to change the textFormat style, the textHeight value doesn't change.Has anyone ran into something like this? can I at least access the TextArea sources so I can fix this? Or is there a way to don't know, subclass it and fix it kinda easily?you can check it here: http:/[url].... if you see the scrolling texts, you can try scrolling all the way down, and then selecting the text and pulling farther down, sometimes it'll show more text. Sorry about the spanish.This is an example of a text that usually fails to scroll all the way down[code]..........
I've got two questions; one about whether or not something is natively possible in Flash and another if there is a free or commercial component to fix the problem.I know CSS/HTML in textfields is one of the weak points of Flash, but I still would like to clear something up(couldn' find a definitive 'not possible'through google).I'm trying to display images from HTML/XML as block through CSS in a dynamic textField but can't seem to get it to work.I've tried too many variations to display one piece of code which fails, but it boils down to:
* I load XML in which headings, paragraphs and images(usually within a paragraph) are set.
* I load CSS (or generate with AS for that matter) which set's the properties of the various tags.
* Images always display inline even if just one single char fits beside it in the field. If nothing really fits beside the image,Flash still places text there which is then hidden from the reader. All attempts to have the image's display set to block fail. Also if I try through a surrounding p-tag.
I tried all from XML.ignoreWiitespace,TextField.condenseWhite, adding p-, and br-tags. It just won't work.If there really is no (why not?!) possibility to have it done natively, does anyone know of a solution (paid or free) done previously?
I need hand cursor to appear on roll over spark Label. I've tried useHandCursor + buttonMode properties, but no result. And is there anything like htmlText property for spark Label (I need underline)?
I have two classes (shown below, after the problem description).The first class , InteractiveStrategy, is the main class definition. In there I declare and instantiate a variable download of DataTxRx class. Once the data download is COMPLETE, I trace the length of the property questions.The second class, DataTxRx has a method DownloadData() , and a property questions of Array type. In the constructor, I am calling the DownloadData() method. The property questions is(MUST be) updated whenever the DownloadData method is called.The problem is that the property is updated only once, at progran start up. Subsquent executions of the DownloadData() are not updating the property. How can I get around this problem?
I'm using an AdvancedDataGrid to display hierarchical data. The DataProvider is an object and the children field is an ArrayCollection of objects. When I update one of the objects in the ArrayCollection I'd like the grid to refresh.
After researching, I do understand that this won't happen automatically. Not even if I use itemUpdated() and then refresh the AC. Not even if I call executeBindings(recursive).
I know that to be smart I should've used ObjectProxy all along as this would solve all my problems. My issue now is how do I go about fixing this without totally revamping my Hierarchical Data objects?
I tried having my Value Objects extend ObjectProxy but that didn't do the trick. Is there an elegant solution? Can typed objects even take advantage of ObjectProxy class? [code]...
I'm pretty familiar with Actionscript, and this one has me completely stumped. What I'm trying to do is to prevent people from scrolling a TextArea with their mouse wheel, as the TextArea is inside of a ScrollPane, and at the moment scrolling one will scroll the other (double scrolling). Initially I tried[code]...
I need the ability to create a TextArea entity in a constrained area (i.e., it is located at x and y and is w pixels wide and h pixels high and have that never change.), containing a proportional width font. As such, no 'num char entry limit' strategy is feasible. They need to be able to fill the entire area, and if that means 1,000 period '.' characters, or 200 '#' or "W' characters, then so be it.
The two lines following this one consist of 30 periods followed by 30 Ws. .............................. WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
I cannot limit a user to 30 characters. They need to be limited by using a TextArea that will let itself be filled until full, and then refuse further input until space is created by removing existing content. I then need to print that TextArea _as rendered on the user's screen_. Any 'scrolled' lines would be unprintable, and therefore the user's entry must be limited BEFORE any scrolling occurs, or contrariwise, when scrolling occurs, the last entered content would need to be removed and the entity forced to un-scroll. I can program this. It won't be elegant, and in fact will be quite stupid, as any programming where a change event is called with each keystroke or paste and then conditions tested is inefficient, wasteful, and well.
I have a SWF on another server, it loads the first SWF. Here's my basic code:
Security.allowDomain("");var loader:Loader=new Loader(); // used to load external SWF.var mcExternal:MovieClip; // used to store the loaded SWF.loader.load(new URLRequest(""));loader.conte
I have some HTML loaded from an XML document that includes web links (anchor tags). I am using a TextField object to display the text, and am plugging the XML data into the htmlText property of the TextField, and the text is rendering with HTML markup, links are working etc.
The problem I'm seeing is that a new line is created before and after the link, so html like this:
hello world <a href ="#">this is a link</a> and all of this should be on the same line.
is rendered like this (with specific attention paid to the new lines): Does anyone know of a way to prevent these new lines from appearing when using HTML links within a TextField?
how do i get an ordered list using htmltext property of Text component? I tried using this: <ol><li>item</li><li>item</li></ol> but it rendered like an unordered list.
I need to know can we add image in TextArea through StyleableTextField htmlText because my app for device Tablet. (Not possible to use TextLayoutFramework) or Anyother possible to add image into any text component?