ActionScript 3.0 :: Set CacheAsBitmap To True On A Display Object?

Mar 15, 2010

I'm actually rendering quite a complex 3D scene (complex is a relative term here, doing a similar scene in d3d or opengl would be a breeze, but they're hardware accelerated so you'd expect that). I've built a 3D engine with some basic features including depth sorting, 3D tweening, and mapping between polar and cartesian coordinates. This last bit should be a give away as to what I'm doing - I'm rendering a 2d grid onto a sphere that I then unravel, spin around, squash, expand all so the Client goes ooh and aah. The trouble, is that on anything other than my workstation, rendering crawls. From discussions with other flash programmers and my own investigations, the slow down is most definitely caused by the rendering itself, and not my relatively swift matrix and sorting calculations (they take around 5-14ms tops depending on the complexity of the scene) .

So, my question is, what exactly does happen when I set cacheAsBitmap to true on a display object? I see no texture map distortion so I'm under the impression that flash automatically splits the cached bitmap into polygons for rendering, but how good is flash at doing this? I don't care about texture distortion on objects beyond a certain z value because they're far away, and try as I might I have found no way of setting the equivalent of a display objects 3d render quality. I'm certain that if I could set such a value, I'd at least double the render speed of my scene by only rendering many polys for objects near the camera. Failing this, is there a way to coerce flash into rendering a low poly object? Perhaps by making invisible any graphically complex children?

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protected function endDrag(event:MouseEvent):void {
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ActionScript 2.0 :: Cacheasbitmap Bug Cs3 / Flash Player 9?

Aug 19, 2009

Start a fresh AS2 document using its default publish settings. Draw a circle on the stage and convert it to a movieclip. Name it for example "my_mc". Apply a motion tween to it from left of the stage on frame 1 to right of the stage on frame 20. Test it and the circle moves from left to right.

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code: my_mc.cacheAsBitmap=true;

Test it again: the circle doesn't move; it freezes on its left position of frame 1.

Now change the publish settings from 'flash player 9' to 'flash player 8'. The motion tween now works again

Is this some bug anyone is aware of? Why can't I apply cacheAsBitmap AND a motion tween on a movieclip when using a AS2 document and Flash Player 9?

Just open attached file. While on its flash player 9 setting the circle doesn't move. Change the setting to flash player 8 and it moves again.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using CacheAsBitmap W/ Internal Timeline

Jan 4, 2008

CacheAsBitmap stores a raster copy of a movieclip in memory to use. If that movieclip is rotated or scaled, the performance gain is lost as it must re-cache the new movieclip. I assume this also applies to a movieclip that has a constantly repeating internal timeline, even if that movieclip isn't rotating or being scaled. However, do additional frames (that aren't being used) affect this?I have a 'player' movieclip. This movieclip consists of about ten frames, each its own animation. Idle stance, walking, jumping, all the standard stuff. THe movieclip remains stopped on frame 1 (idle stance) for most of the game. Right now the Idle stance is an animation, so to use cacheAsBitmap I need to stop the idle animation. That's fine, but does the additional content in the movieclip interfere with this? If I go from a walking animation back to the idle stance will it re-cache the idle stance for me?

The main reason I ask is that I wasn't able to notice much of a performance difference between either method. Cacheasbitmap on a player sprite with animated idle stance, and Cacheasbitmap on a player sprite with a static idle stance. Both resulted in 39 fps (set to 40) in the flash player. Which is good I suppose, but I don't know how the results will vary for someone with a slow computerThis is an important area of the game because at any given time there could be up to 12 player sprites on the screen (all with filters attached to them). So if one player is moving left/right the other 11 must be re-translated on each frame (since the stage moves too) so if all 11 players are playing their idle animations, with a glow filter, WHILE flash tries to re-cache all of them, that could lead to performance issues (although it hasn't yet for me)I want to give players the option to disable the idle animation, I just hope that it's actually working the way I intend. If cacheasbitmap fails because of any other content inside the movieclip then this would be a useless feature.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CacheAsBitmap + Mask, Bizzarre Behavior?

Mar 3, 2010

In the root of my swf i have 2 mc files "menu" and "mask". Mask has inside a vector gradient, while menu is a vertical scroll-able menu, then the mask makes a fading effect on top/bottom. The code:

_root.menu_mask.cacheAsBitmap = true; = true; (menu_mask);

Inside the menu i have, on first frame, the code for scrolling ( and some functions cause the buttons are duplicated from info on a xml file). The code:

var yPos = -23;[code].......

The Problem: If i Scroll the buttons all way up, the mask transparency parts looks like to move right (not the whole mask, just the transparency points). If i set no transparency for the mask, this problem doesn't show up.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Nested Clips For CacheAsBitmap Using OnLoadInit

Mar 8, 2011

I'm using cacheAsBitmap to create a gradient mask. The code I set up worked great and all was well but I soon discovered problems when cacheAsBitmap was being nullified when its parent mc was loaded into another mc. I read up on it and from what I understand, since I'm using the MovieClipLoader class, this code should be included in onLoadInit in the root mc (start_mc). Basically this is what I have: start_mc loads main_mc (target) and rollMask1 and roll1 are contained within main_mc. Here's the script for onLoadInit:


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Actionscript 3 :: Get Access To The Internal Bitmap Used By CacheAsBitmap?

Feb 16, 2010

is it possible to get access to Flash's internal bitmap cache of an object when CacheAsBitmap is on ?

eg, something like:

var bmd:BitmapData = someDisplayObject.getCachedBitmapData();
if (bmd != null)
trace("bummer. got to bmd.Draw(someDisplayObject) ourselves.");

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Actionscript 3 :: Caching - Moving ScrollRect With CacheAsBitmap?

Aug 30, 2011

in order to increase performance of a scrollRect i must cache the vector as a bitmap, otherwise the scrollRect will be simply a less performant mask (info source).however, i can't seem to move an object/scrollRect once i've applied cacheAsBitmap. why?

import flash.display.Screen;
import flash.display.Sprite;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Additive Blend Killed By CacheAsBitmap

Aug 2, 2010

I'm a seasoned AS3 developer working on a major online project and we've run across a strange visual anomaly which is connected to the movieclip cacheAsBitmap property. When using author-time additive blends (which we use for lighting effects) in a movieclip, turning on the cacheAsBitmap property (without which performance becomes unacceptable in our very detailed art) seems to 'destroy' the additive blend. The art director says that the visual effect produced is as if the blend mode had been set to Normal, which I can confirm--some blends which are yellow turn orange, other 'spotlights' turn from transparent yellow to dark gray.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: AIR More On Getting Filters To Work On IPhone (cacheAsBitmap?)

Dec 25, 2011

The cacheAsBitmap property is somewhat similar to what I had to do to get the filters to show up on iPhone GPU mode:But I played around with that property yet filters still don't show up.I even tried to put child objects (with filters) inside a parent object (no filters but cacheAsBitmap = true), no shows.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Fast Color-transformation Over MovieClip With CacheAsBitmap?

Jun 3, 2009

I have a very complex vector symbol on the Stage - background_mc. I have set background_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true.This turns background to bitmap and makes Stage repaint fast.Every frame the background light changes.I use the following code to alter the light.

(new Color(background_mc)).setTransform(light);

And here is the problem.The code works very slow.I guess because the light is applied to the contents of the background_mc.And then a new cached bitmap is resterized once again.The same code over BitmapData of the same size works much faster!Is there a way to tell Flash to apply color-transformation to the cached bitmap, instead of underlying vector symbols?

Note, that background_mc is scaled when Stage is resized.This is not so fast, but it's good, because the picture quality preserved.If I convert background_mc to BitmapData, bitmap would be scaled.

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