ActionScript 3.0 :: Signed Up For Two Unlimited Hosting Accounts?

Sep 23, 2009

wanted to know does action script work on Linux or windows what is the best platform to choose for integration. I have signed up for two unlimited hosting accounts, with [URL]..

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash - Create User Accounts, Sign-ins And Admin Accounts?

Feb 25, 2010

How would you, in actionscript 3 make a way to create, log-in, sign-out, etc. of user accounts? I'm mostly looking for an API i can use and if there is, how would I use it?Alternatively, if there is no way to do it in AS3 as that is a longshot, how could I do it in html using dreamweaver?FYI: this is for a website.

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Flex :: Signed And Un-signed Framework RSLs?

Jul 12, 2011

what is a framework RSL and difference between Signed and un-signed framework RSLs in Flex.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect Multi-accounts On Webpage?

Dec 27, 2010

I want to do the same as chatroulete does to ban people but in my case i want to detect multi-accounts on my web page with that.

This is what i want to implement: I want to save a value on the data base (that corresponds to the user that logged in) and i want to save it too on flash cache the only problem is that i don't know how to save values in cache.

Other question is: Is that possible with javascript to receive values from Action Script, how?

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Ajax :: Google Analytics With Asynchronous Calls To Two Different Accounts?

Mar 28, 2011

I have a flash site that calls a JavaScript function to track events inside of the application, the _gaq is already implemented in the section of the html and it works perfectly fine with one account:

function customTracker(clickEventName)
_gaq.push (["_trackPageview", clickEventName]);

but now my customer wants to include special events from 3rd party companies and needs these to track into a different GA account. Before I try this out on the live server I wanted to ask if this would work:

function customTracker(clickEventName)
_gaq.push(["_setAccount", "UA-XXXXXXXXX-X"]); // the regular account
_gaq.push (["_trackPageview", clickEventName]);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Run A Little Slower Due To The Many Accounts And The Volume Of Server Traffic?

Oct 28, 2009

We have recently had to change servers for reasons beyond our control. The server we were on had limited accounts and what we are using now seems to run a little slower due to the many accounts and the volume of server traffic.Anyways, I have a couple Flash pages where customers can listen to audio clips. This is one of them:I have never had any issues with this before but on this new server, when you choose a song and click "listen", more often than not, a brief blip of the audio plays, stops for a few seconds and then resumes.This is the code I am using for the Listen button:

mySound = new Sound();
mySound.loadSound("SongLists/Audio/" + _parent.selectedSong + ".mp3", true);


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Professional :: Allocator Race Detected, Adobe Flash Pro CS5 On Mac OS X 10.5.8 Using Network Accounts?

Nov 3, 2011

I manage a number of academic computer labs, three of which are Mac OS X 10.5.8 units with Adobe Flash CS5 installed. Users log in using AD credentials and the client computers are managed with settings in OD Workgroup Manager (MCX records). The AD plugin is set to not force local home directories and users' home directories are located on network storage. ~/Library/Caches/* has been redirected locally, but no other folders are redirected.
Users have been reporting an issue where Flash sometimes appears to freeze during loading. I've been told this has been happening for about two semesters, but I was not aware of the issue until today. It sounds like students have been powering off the machines and logging back in, and hoping Flash will work on that attempt. When a 'freeze' is encountered the Flash splash screen appears and the status below the "Adobe Flash Professional CS5" text states it is "Copying First Run Files..." Checking the console, I can see that Flash appears to be attempting to access files, but is encountering issues. Dozens of times, I see errors like the following:
11/3/11 3:17:41 PM /Applications/Adobe Flash CS5/Adobe Flash Flash CS5[2801] Allocator race detected: transaction is not verified for -112/2 - Library/Application Support/Adobe/Flash CS5/en_US/Configuration/ProcScripts/svg/LineBrushArt10.svg [code]....
Messages like these, but listing different files, have been going on since I launched Flash at 11/3/11 3:06 PM.

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IDE :: Duplicatemovieclip Unlimited Times?

Jun 23, 2009

I am trying to duplicate a movieclip unlimited times. Right now it will play when it is rolled over one time and then it will duplicate for the second rollover, but that is it. I need it to keep duplicating every time it is rolled over.

The code:


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CS3 Load Same MC Unlimited Times Read Please

Sep 23, 2010

i have this movieclip that needs to load many times but only if its is the xml example why it needs to load many times.Url...if a user post a comment it inserts to database via mysql.and then get pulled back via xml.I have upload the fla file to let you see what it does but the main clip needs to load every comment. but it loads one i need to loop it some how.[code]

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Actionscript 3 :: Unlimited Map Dimensions For A Game?

Apr 21, 2011

Recently I've been planning out how I would run a game with an environment/map that is capable of unlimited dimensions (unlimited being a loose terms as there's obviously limitations on how much data can be stored in memory, etc). I've achieved this using a "grid" that contains level data stored as a String that can be converted to a 2D Array that would represent objects and their properties.Here's an example of two objects stored as a String:


The "grid" is a 3D Array, of which the contents would represent the x/y coordinate of the grid cell. The grid cells would be, say, 600x600.An example of this "grid" Array would be as follows:

var grid:Array = [[["leveldata: 0,0"],["leveldata 0,1"]],
[["leveldata: 1,0"],["leveldata 1,1"]]];

The environment will handle loading a grid square and it's 8 surrounding squares based on a given point. ie the position of the Player. It would have a function along the lines of

function loadCells(xp:int, yp:int):void

This would also handle the unloading of the previously loaded cells that are no longer close enough to be required. In the unload process, the data at grid[x][y] would be overwritten with the new data, which is created by looping through the objects in that cell and appending each new set of data to the grid cell fine in terms of when you move in a direction, cells are unloaded/saved and new cells are loaded. The problem is this:

Say this is a large city infested by zombies. If you walk three grid squares in any direction and return, everything is as you left it. I'm struggling to find a way to at least simulate all objects still moving around and doing their thing. It looks silly when you for example throw a grenade, walk away, return and the grenade still hasn't detonated.

I've considered storing a timestamp on each object when I unload the level, and when it's initialized there's a loop that runs it's "step" function amount of times. Problem here is obviously that when you come back 5 minutes later, 20 zombies are going to try and step 248932489 times and the game will crash.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unlimited Number Of Images Through XML

Jan 20, 2010

I'm loading in an unlimited number of images through XML. I've got it so that it creates an MC for each image and adds each image to it. I need to position them into 2 coloumns and an unlimited number of rows.. so like :

1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8 .. etc

You'll see from my AS below i've got the code to position them along side each other, i just need the MCs to move down a row every 2..[code]My maths brain is about to explode so could anyone enlighten me as to the best way to do this?

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Actionscript 2.0 :: XML Menu Unlimited Levels

Jan 26, 2009

I want to know how to build an unlimited levels xml menu. I know how to built a normal one.

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Flex 4.5 :: RemoteObject And AMFPHP Over SSL With Self-signed Certificate

Nov 2, 2011

I'm trying to connect to AMFPHP over SSL (self-signed) from a Flex 4.5 application.Will this work? Or do I need an authority-signed certificate?Will it silently fail or prompt user like it does in browser?How do I need to edit the services-config.xml file for this to work?

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Flex :: Self Signed Certificate For Adobe Air Application?

Jan 2, 2012

I nedd to create a self signed certificate for my desktop app. What do I need to enter in these fields?

Organization unit
Organization name

Does Organization means my agency's name?

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Actionscript 3 - Unlimited Params In Flash For Object?

Apr 19, 2011

...args is for string. something possible for Objects ?

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Flash :: Check Function For Unlimited Arguments?

Jan 17, 2012

if i have function :

function a( param:* , ... args ):void ;
a.length // 1
//return me informations only about first parameter , nothing about '... args'.

edit: avmplus.describeTypeJSON didnt too. So , is there any other way to check for unlimited arguments than try{} block and push lot of params ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Stage And Background Unlimited?

Jun 18, 2011

i want to make my game stageand background unlimited when when my player character moves to the right how can i do that? i wouldlove a sample code

btw my background is a movieclip

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Store (unlimited?) History In XML?

Apr 6, 2012

As a personal project, I'm working on a language-learning flash game.I'm looking at the information I'll need to store in various XML documents.I'm implementing a 'history' feature whereby, for any given word in the database, for any given user, a comprehensive history of data is stored. With this data, I can generate all sorts of fancy graphs to track any given user's progress.For example:You have been asked the word 'cat' 10 times. From data stored in the XML document, the game generates a graph of the time it took to answer each of those 10 times. (So in a perfect world, you see a nice downward curve. Congrats.)My question is how to organise the XML document (if that's the way to go with this) so that it is as efficient as possible.Right now, I can only see the brute force approach: have a limited number of predefined history states (say 99), and write data to these each time 'cat' comes up. Once they're full, overwrite.



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Media Server :: Configuring RTMPS With A Self-signed Certificate

Sep 16, 2010

I have configured FMS 4.0 to do RTMPS on port 443. To test it, I created a self-signed certificate and then imported the certificate as an authority in my browser (Firefox). I don't want to go and get a real certificate until I can verify that FMS is able to do what I want it to.I included the path to the certificate and the private key in Adaptor.xml in <install dir>/conf/_defaultRoot_/That's the only file I have modified.[code]In the NET_STATUS handler I always get the following error: NetConnection.Connect.CertificateUntrustedSigner.

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Media Server :: Make An Application Signed With FMS In Linux?

Nov 27, 2010

I've already enabled the FMIS: Please enter your Flash Media Server 3.5.1 serial number.xxxxxx Congratulations. You have enabled theAdobe Flash Media Interactive Server! But my own application still fails :


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Projector File (.exe For PC) Isn't Digitally Signed?

Oct 20, 2011

Client is stating that a Flash Projector file (.exe for PC) isn't digitally signed. First time I have come across this and wonder if it's really required, why it would be and can it be done?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash 8 - Unlimited Amount Of Images In Slideshow

Mar 23, 2006

I'm trying to do the following to a flash banner, I'd like to know if it's possible and how I would code it/do it.
1. Unlimited amount of slide support. The banner must look for 01.jpg, 02.jpg, 03.jpg... etc. Let's say the current slidshow has 4 photos, they want to be able to just upload another image and create a new .as file to make it appear in the flash slideshow.
2. each link must be in its own independent script. For example,, etc.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Limited Flash, But Unlimited Html Area?

Aug 22, 2006

so much entries here about full screen flash, but i coultnt find what i wanna know. i read the tutorial about the full screen flash, but it wont work the way i wish it would. what i wann have is a swf embeded in an html. the swf size is 950 px x 550 px and is in the absolute middle from all sides of the browser. if you scale your browser, it should scale itself smaller, but not bigger than the beginning resolution. within the swf file there is a game, that opens in a seperate window in front of the main swf. that window should be dragged whereever you want in the browser.

but i just figuered out what i have to do, to give the window some freedom. but when i want to drag it above the main swf i cant do that. i figured out that when i drag it to the left, there is the same problem, but the further right i press the mouse on the window, the further i can drag the window to the left. same is on top - on the right and the bottom site there is no problem.and the html code is:

ActionScript Code:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unlimited Movieclip Object Stack And Drag?

Apr 20, 2010

new to actionscript and im currently building a webpage. inside the page im going to run a simple flash application but im struggling some with a certain part of the code. basically i want a unlimited deck of cards. and i want to be able to drag the cards all over the screen. i have the dragging code down, but i can figure out how to make an unlimited amount of movieclip objects in a stack. this is what i have now

reset_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, resetbuttonClicked);
function resetbuttonClicked(event:MouseEvent):void


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Javascript :: Manually Caching SWF/SWC In The Browser - Mimic Adobe's Signed SWZ?

Nov 14, 2009

I would like to take advantage of Adobe's Runtime Shared Library system for swc's, but I'm not sure how it ACTUALLY works, like the programming behind it. I understand that it allows you to load SWCs at runtime, but how does it do that?

I'm asking because I would like to try to mimic something like the Signed RSL "swz" system Adobe uses to cache the Flex Framework into the Flash Player, so if you ever visit a site that downloads the Flex framework for some flash website, then the next time, and forevermore, you don't have to download it again.

I can't do this because I'm using my own version of the Flex SDK from the Sandbox, and I have like 5 other swc's I'm using (Mate, RestfulX, etc.). I would like to be able to cache these things permanently, and only have them re-download them if they change.

How do I do that, or what should I read, other than the Adobe RSL docs and such? Can I use javascript or ruby to do this?

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Flex :: Can Adobe Air Application Turn Off Self-signed Certificate Warnings

Dec 16, 2010

I have a demo application using Adobe Air that accesses my own SSL web service that uses a self-signed certificate. In .NET clients, I can explicitly handle (and ignore) certificate warnings and suppress them via the ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback. I've examined the URLRequest and URLLoader classes but haven't found anything.

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C# :: Flash Player Embedded In .NET WinForms App Cannot Load HTTPS Content With Self-signed Certificate

Sep 23, 2011

I have a Flash Player ActiveX control embedded in a .NET WinForms application and am trying to load a SWF into the FP control over an HTTPS url. In development I'm using a self-signed certificate and it seems that in this scenario I can't get FP to accept the certificate and allow the HTTPS communications.When I try to load the swf over https directly, I don't see the swf and when I right-click on the control I see "Movie not loaded". I can load the swf over http and then try to make Flash Remoting calls over https. I don't expect this to work by default but I added a crossdomain.xml file to allow insecure communications. The crossdomain.xml file is in the root of the server but is not loaded. I added an explicit call to loadPolicyFile with the full https url and the crossdomain.xml file is still not loaded. The local IIS logs don't show any request for the file at all, nothing in the HTTPERR file, and Flash's policyfiles.txt log says URl...If I host the swf in a browser, then the browser prompts to accept the certificate and everything works fine. I've accepted the certificate in IE and Firefox.I also tried calling DisableLocalSecurity() on the FP ActiveX control but it had no effect. I didn't really expect it to since I'm not actually loading the swf locally, it's loaded from a url.Can anyone confirm if the self-signed cert really is the problem? Is there a way to get FP to accept the certificate? Any way to bypass the http/https restriction (this is a locally installed app so I can change any local config files we need)?

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Flash Login Page For Multiple Separate Login Accounts

Aug 17, 2009

I have a need to build a flash login page. No big deal, but I need to have six seperate login accounts. For example:
Username: user1 Password: pass = link to [URL]
Username: user2 Password: pass = link to [URL]
Username: user3 Password: pass = link to [URL]
and so on for up to six users.

Again the usernames and passwords would not change, but need to redirect the particular user to a certain page.
var user_input = "";
var pass_input = "";
login_button.onRelease = function(){
if(user_input == "user1"
&& pass_input == "pass"){
getURL([URL], "GET");
gotoAndStop (3);

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get Url Of Hosting Page?

Apr 21, 2011

I would like to find the url of the page that is embedding the swf.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting Information About The URL Hosting A SWF?

Mar 25, 2005

Does anyone know of a way to obtain information about the environment that a SWF is served into? Things like the URL of the page that is hosting the SWF?

So say there's the URL [URL] which has the movie flashmovie.swf embeded in it ... is there a way to get the URL from inside flashmovie.swf and cast it into a string datatype?

I've been picking apart the _global object by recursively un-hiding it and the objects it holds properties, but so far have not come up with anything that could prove useful.

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