ActionScript 3.0 :: Site To Test Scaling Images Proportionally

Aug 30, 2009

I have a simple test site to test scaling images proportionally.[code]The site is full browser with 3 MovieClips - header_mc, body_mc and footer_mc.header_mc is the strip across the top. body_mc is the middle section, which contains a image that is a MC, img_mc. footer_mc is the bottom strip.When the browser resizes, header_mc and footer_mc stay the same height, but the height of body_mc will change and footer_mc sticks to it's bottom.When the window resizes I want the image to resize proportionally - that's where I'm stuck.How can I resize the image to keep it's proportion.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embed Not Scaling Proportionally

Feb 10, 2011

I've embedded swf's countless times and haven't run into this wall before. The original swf dimensions were 900px x 550px. I need to fit the swf into an area that's only 560px wide. So I embed with the width and height of 560px x 342px. The problem is the swf seems to scale to a fraction of the actual stageWidth. I've run numerous tests, and the stageWidth/stageHeight are being read in properly before any of the assets are being created on the stage.

I know that the swf fill the entire 560x342 area because there's an asset that follows the users mouse and does so within those bounds. Another strange issue, is there's a right-click menu, that once clicked, creates a message that pops up and is centered to the stage, yet that centers itself to the area that's not being scaled properly. It's almost as if I'm dealing with 2 different stages.

I've attached an image that hopefully demonstrates my issue. The black area represents the supposed stage, where the gray represents the area the swf is taking up when embedded in the page. The stage align is set to TL, and I've switched between all the scale modes with no success.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scaling An Image Proportionally?

Apr 11, 2005

I need to scale an image so that it won't distort. Of course I don't know the dimensions of this image.I tryed something like this but it doesn't seem to work at all.

loadMovie("../ImageUploadFolder/optimized_images/" + this.file, "_root.back_mc.image_panel_6.imgContainer6");


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Actionscript 2.0 :: Proportionally Scaling Dynamically Sizing Mc's

Apr 24, 2009

I need to scale a movieclip to fit the width of the screen and it's height to stay proportional. I have code that's always worked fine but, in this case, the movieclip is constantly changing size and this throws off my code, scaling it incorrectly when using a listener (it's initial scale is perfect).

Code: Select allgreybar._width = Stage.width;
greybar._height = Stage.height;
greybar._xscale = greybar._yscale = Math.max(greybar._xscale, greybar._yscale);

I imagine it's because it has shifted from the size it's proportions were read from by the time it applies them. I know my problem is theoretically solvable because the movieclip can be scaled correctly if I scale width and height equally. However, I need the movieclip to always be the width of the screen.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scaling Down Second, Minute, Hour Timers Proportionally?

Oct 24, 2011

I have a problem where I am trying to make the second, minute and hour hand tick correctly.I made timers with 1000 ms, 60000 ms and 3600000 ms initially and that worked but i wanted it to speed up so I divided all 3 by some amount,However, when I did that the minute hand and hour hand starts ticking way too soon in relation to the second hand Is there something I did wrong in the scaling down of the milliseconds?

import flash.utils.Timer;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scaling Everything Proportionally & Exporting To Server As Jpeg / Png / Gif

Jul 9, 2009

I am programming an application I cannot get into specifics but I am working on a way to scale everything up on a stage from 640 x 480 to 1024 x 768 this would include loaded images, textfields, and a movieclip being used as a background. The document size has to start as 640 x 480 as the application needs to be that small.I am using action script 3.0 and a seperate .as document and no code in the time line although if necessary I am familiar with simple action script 2.0 conversions. I have looked around for tutorials/adobe live docs.Are there any tutorials or has anyone done this before and would be willing to explain how I could accomplish such a feat. If possible the final resize and upload to server could be done without being seen it would be amazing. But if impossible I could just upload the small image to the server than use cross php / flash to resize with php and send the link to the image location back to flash.

If I have to use php to send the information how can I communicate between php and flash, much of the documentation and tutorials are too weak explaining how the php end works and how to communicate properly in as 3.0.After doing this I would like to take a snapshot or copy of everything on the stage at 1024 x 768 and send a jpeg,png, or gif to be stored on a server.

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Resize Movie Clip While Scaling Its Contents Proportionally

Mar 4, 2010

I have set a movie clip with instance name if "body" to resize automatically based on the size of the browser window using:

body._x = Stage.width / 2;
body._y = Stage.height - 44;
body._height = Stage.height - 149;
body._width = Stage.width-20;

(that code may not actually have any relevance?)

What I'm wanting to happen is that when the "body" movie clip changes size, I want the objects within it to be scaled proportionally (keeping the x:y ratio the same). The result that I'm wanting will result in the contents (as a whole) being proportionally scaled to the height (because it will always be the smaller dimension in my case) of the current size of the body mc.

I've uploaded my .fla so you can see what im working with. The red square is the body that i've managed to scale but I have not yet added anything within it. (I have tried but it's contents distort when the body is resized)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scaling - Header And Footer Scale Proportionally With The Browser (including The Empty Mc)?

Jun 21, 2009

My site has a header and footer and then has an empty mc the full size of the stage (overlaps the footer and header). I'm loading 3 separate movable windows into this mc. I would like both the header and footer to scale proportionally with the browser (including the empty mc.), but not the windows. So basically I want everything to scale but the windows as they have pixel fonts.I'm not happy with my current website because its not scalable and when I drag the windows around I have huge margins on larger resolutions. Since my header and footers are vectors I realize I can make things alot more flexible if I can just figure this out.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Site Scaling In Browser

Apr 11, 2010

Im designing a website but having trouble viewing the whole page on different sized monitors. On more square resolution monitors, the left side of the website will get cut off. If you scale the browser window up, to a more widescreen format again the site will come back into view, but as you scale your browser window to the left e.i. making it more square, agian the left side gets cut off.

anyone know how to prevent or fix this? the site address is [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Site Not Scaling With Browser

Oct 9, 2007

when I play my SWF locally, it scales dynamically with the size of the window. Now that Ive published it, the website is at a static do I change that?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Centering Flash Site On Browser Without Scaling

Jan 10, 2010

I have a full flash website built using Flash (of course). So I publish it using flash itself. But I am having a difficult time aligning it in center with its original dimension. I dun want my swf stretch out or scale at all. I want to display it without scaling and also in the center of the browser window.
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.SHOW_ALL;
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP;
I did try these and also tried changing my publish settings but didn't work.

View 7 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Scaling Flash Site With Changing Backgrounds?

Jan 20, 2009

I've been tasked by a client to make a scaling flashsite that changes background through the various pages. In addition some of the other objects need to scale to page as well.


This is the page in its current form. The background and the buttons on that layer scale with the size of the browser window. But if you click "who is the Rabblerouser" the box with text opens and I'd rather that not scale or atleast scale to a smaller size. I realize its scaling because its on the movie that the action script is set to scale... so I don't know what the best practice is here. All of the example sites with scaling pages had one background

I still need to code a PHP mailer and put in a video when the client supplies it.

Here is the link to the FLA file: [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Liquid Layout Site Not Scaling Correctly

Mar 24, 2011

I have made a liquid layout flash site in AS3 but it doesn't rescale correctly in any browsers above 1440x900. I know most people don't have screens bigger than this but it should be scaling to the entire window regardless of the screen size. Can anyone take a look at my code which has resize handlers but still no joy. [code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Liquid Layout Site Not Scaling Correctly?

Mar 24, 2011

I have made a liquid layout flash site in AS3 but it doesn't rescale correctly in any browsers above 1440x900. I know most people don't have screens bigger than this but it should be scaling to the entire window regardless of the screen size, small or large. Can anyone take a look at my code which has resize handlers but I still have no joy. This is the website but I am not allowed yet by this site to add the entire url! [URL]

package {
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Liquid Layout Site Not Scaling Correctly In Large Browsers?

Mar 23, 2011

I have built a liquid layout Flash site using AS3 but it isn't  scaling correctly once I go above 1280x1024. I am currently using a Mac  screen with dimensions of 2560x1440 and it looks terrible. The menu  pushes to the top and the bg and page info stays central but with no scale.[URL]..
The HTML is 100% w+h so it's obviously something  within the AS3 code. This is causing me nightmares so if someone could  take a look at the code pasted and see if there is a way to resolve


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IDE :: Loader - Images In IE Not Scaling To Fit

Sep 24, 2009

I have an interesting issue, I am trying to load 12 images into their own "Loader" with Scale content set to "true" so they scale down a bit. If I run this in Flash it works great, the 12 images show up fine inside the loader. If I then load it to a website and view it with FF it works fine, however, if i load up IE one or two of them will be fine but the others will be huge, basically not scaling to fit. By Loader, I mean the component loader. I'm sure I'm not the first person to have this issue, my first thought was they are not loading 100% before Flash is trying to scale the content? If that's the issue, how do I preload them?

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Actionscript 3 :: Scaling SVG Images In Flex?

Jan 11, 2012

I am having a problem where, when I scale an SVG in flex, it clips a part of the image, as shown below (the bottom right is clipped off, it should be rounded, like the top left)

Here is my code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:View xmlns:fx="" actionBarVisible="false"
xmlns:s="library://" title="Table">


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Scaling Images Loaded Through XML

May 8, 2009

I have a grid with 17 columns and populating it with images through XML. I would like to scale the images on Mouse over. I can get this to work but the problem is that some of the images when scaled are below the surrounding images. I thought maybe setChildIndex, but perhaps I was not implementing it correctly.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scaling Images On Rollover?

Apr 27, 2005

have a situation where i have 30 images on a splash page and when you rollover the small image it creates a larger version at the 4 corners of the page. See example here:SplashCurrently i am using this script:

on (rollOver) {
this._width = 128;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Images Via XML - Automatic Scaling?

Oct 9, 2008

I have a problem where my images are not fully displaying their dimensions (cannot see the whole image). How can I have the image being loaded scale to the properties of the holder? Would the whole image show properly, if I were to make the images the same size as the holder via photoshop?

function largeImageLoaded (e:Event):void {
holder.addChild(loader); // here
loader.alpha = 0;, 1, {alpha:1, ease:Sine.easeIn});, 2, {colorMatrixFilter:{amount:3,
brightness:1.5, saturation:1.2, hue:10}});

I assumed, that once you've brought in the image it would scale automatically? I am loading these via XML. So now, I will need a way to scale each of the loaded images to match that of the holder.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MovieClip With 5 Images - Proportional Scaling

Jan 19, 2010

I have a Movieclip containing five images in a row. I have seven images inside a mc next to eachother like a T (Five across and three down) with one image being the center image. The images are under a mask an then the images tween on the X and Y but obviously only the masked part of the image is visible. The mask is 1280x649 and I was wondering how to proportionally scale only the masked area to full screen. I have the following code which works perfectly on a single image inside a mc but how do I do now?

stage.align = "TL";
stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
var picHeight = pic.height / pic.width;
var picWidth = pic.width / pic.height;
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading And Scaling Panoramic Images Via XML?

Jan 24, 2011

I have a few 180 panoramic images in pan.xml and firstly I want to load the first image (width=2737) onto stage, then adjust its size (according to the stage size) with adjustScale function and finally tween it with slidePanorama function. The problem is that first image tweens to the initial position (x=-2737/2) and not to the new position (-scaled width/2), so there's some empty space left on the right of the screen... I tried putting that adjustScale function everywhere, it doesn't seem to work. What am I doing wrong? The second thing I want to do is to be able to navigate between other panoramas e.g. clicked on a button, load another panorama and repeat the same process as explained above..

ActionScript Code:
private var imgNum:Number = 0;
private function createP():void {
imgData = panXML.item[imgNum].imgURL; 


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Images Not Scaling Or Centering When SWF Online

Aug 20, 2011

I only recently switched to AS3 from 2 and I'm sure there are concepts. When I load a grid of images and scale and center them, why does this work locally but not when I upload it to a server? These images do not scale or center online, they just position themselves at top left at full size. Here's the portion of my code that centers the image when loading of image is 'done.'

ActionScript Code:
function thdone(e:Event):void {
if(e.currentTarget.width > e.currentTarget.height){
scaleFactor = (120/e.currentTarget.height);
} else {
scaleFactor = (120/e.currentTarget.width);
[Code] .....

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Scaling Images For Image Gallery?

Apr 28, 2011

scaling image for an image gallery project I am creating. I am adding each image inside a SQUARE Movieclip of their own so I can position them nicely on stage. As not all images are exactly square, there are always vacant gaps. What I want to achieve is to scale the image proportionally so that the smallest dimension of the image ( width or height ) will equal the same dimension of the square Movieclip, though anything that overflows the MovieClip is not visible.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scaling Images With Aspect Ratio Below 100%?

Dec 23, 2010

I need to scale images so that they always fit within my browser but also retain their aspect ratio. All other examples I have seen at some point either the width or height is cropped off by the edge of the browser. I need my images to always stay inside but also I do not want them to ever scale above 100% i.e. no enlargement. owever the images don't stay within 100% scale and also get cropped off.else as much as I can.The code I have is like this

if(mainTL.allImages._width > Stage.width){
mainTL.allImages._width = Stage.width;


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Flex :: Using 9-Slice Scaling With Images Loaded At Runtime?

Nov 8, 2010

Is there a way to use 9-slice scaling with images loaded at runtime? To clarify, let's say that I build an application that lets a user skin a button with whatever image they want. This would be an image that's not embedded with the swf. Is there a way to set that runtime image as a background and use 9-scaling?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scaling Images Loaded Via MovieClipLoader Object?

Jan 27, 2009

I'm working on a Flash application that has thumbnails and fullsize versions of an image. The steps I'm taking:

- import the image at runtime, and attach to a movieclip (we'll call it polaroid, since that's what I'm calling it).

- resize polaroid via polaroid._width=3; polarois._height=3; to get my thumb

The image quality is OK for pictures, but it's also fairly important that text not look too pixelated. Is there anything relatively simple (i.e. not too taxing on RAM) I can do here? Even a blurring layer would do the job, if there is any such thing.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scaling And Resizing Dynamically Loaded Images?

Apr 9, 2009

Im building a site for a photographer, all images are xml driven.. When a thumb is clicked the full size image is loaded into an empty movie clip.

I am after a similar effect as seen here..[URL] If you resize the window the image resizes to scale...

I have managed to align the rest of the movieCLips to the stage when it is resized in its right positions just can't get the image to resize!.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Images Load In Test Environment Only?

Apr 15, 2010

i am making a Picture Gallery for a personal Project...

The code all works fine, although is probably quite messy, in the test movie environment within flash but when i publish or export the movie it doesn't load my images?

I am using Flash CS3 with AS 2.0

I will upload the fla, you can use any picture to test if you want... i dont know why this is happening...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scaling The Stage With The Browser Window But Images Distorted?

Oct 30, 2009

I'm using the code below to scale my main movie with the browser window.What happens is that the images in the movie are baldy distorted ..Can I preserve the images to scale or at least can I scale them with a different scale?I'm using CS3 ,AS2 and Flash Player 9

// ***Stage aligned top left
Stage.align = "TL";
// *** stage scaling with the browser window.
Stage.scaleMode = "Scale";


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