ActionScript 3.0 :: Textfields To Display Xml Data
May 22, 2011
I am using textfields to display xml data. I am creating a mp3 player and the textfields display the song's name, artist and album. As the code is now, the textfields display the correct information. But when another song is played. The new textfields just appear on top of the older ones. i have been unable to remove the older texfields. no matter what i try.[code]
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//formatText creates a TextFormat object, sets those values into TextFormat
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warning.text = "Please do not enter more info than necessary.";
Yet what appears onscreen, is:
"lease do not enter more ino tan neesary."
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I keep getting undefined errors. I've made minor adjustments from the original source: [URL]I think the error might be a typo. Ive pasted the AS and you can click the link for the zip if any want to take a crack at this issue: [URL]
----------------ERROR I KEEP GETTING----------------------------
1120: Access of undefined property arrayThumb.
1120: Access of undefined property arrayThumb.
1120: Access of undefined property thumbsDescription.
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// ** this function is called from another component that passes in the array of qnums
// ** and then function clears data from previous quizzes. Component starts in the
// ** "loadingState **//
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for (var i=0;
i<(newsletters[target_mc.num].length-1); i++) {
var txt_mc:MovieClip = target_mc.txt_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("txt"+i+"_mc", target_mc.txt_mc.getNextHighestDepth());
[Code] .....
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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Data and Display
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Dec 21, 2009
In my application, I am using a BarChart to display data. However, the text in the category axis can be too long to display on the chart, so flex adjusts the font size automatically to the point that the data is either unreadable, or the text is partially visible.The length of the text varies every time new data comes in, so I can't set the gutterLeft attribute to a static value at runtime.Two things that come to my mind are:Change the gutter dynamically according to new data/Have a scroll bar on the categoryaxis so that if any text won't fit in the space, the user can scroll to see it.[code]
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Apr 3, 2009
datagrid won't display data. Evidentally it captures the correct no. rows because the scrollbar appears. I've got an amfphp returning a resultset from a db which contains too much info and doesn't correspond with my datagrid so I'm trying to copy out whats needed to a ResultCollection (if it all looks a bit mad then it's because I'm new to this and still finding my way around).
Debug tells me there actually is data in the ResultCollection but I'm really struggling to find out why it wont display and will be really. I've searched the web for AS 3 examples of coding a datagrid - all pointers welcomed.
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Jan 2, 2007
how do i display data dynamically? I already refered to the tutorial for displaying XML data in flash from and the amound of data that i want to display varies and i want to display all of them at any given time. Currently what i am doing is adding the set amounts of text areas statically but if the amount of data exceeds that maximum amount, then i wont be able to display the rest?
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Nov 9, 2002
I can not display the data from an XML file. My code is like this:
function getdata() {
myXML=new XML();
getdata fn is called on click of a button. when i run the application it goes to the disp function but doesnot display the the data from XML file.
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May 12, 2007
Ok, so I've read up on the TextArea class in Livedocs, and i've been looking at XML explanations and their implementation into Flash for about a week. I've tried this EXACT code on another Flash document, except on the main stage instead of embedded inside of a
separate movie clip, and it worked perfectly. Can anyone explain why the text won't display in the TextArea? Does it have something to do with it being inside of a movieclip and that being placed on the Main Stage? (By the way, proxy.xml is just a copy of the xml produced by my CFM proxy for easier usage, in case you were wondering.
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Apr 5, 2007
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Dec 21, 2006
I'm designing a website aiming to provide visual coverage of surfing locations across the UK through the use of webcam images. Each of the images themselves will be retrieved externally,with permission, from various hotels over-looking these locations.I have spoken to someone who has completed a similar project,a widget which retrieves and displays webcam images, which can be viewed here:
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May 9, 2008
Is there a tutorial somewhere that tells/shows how to display an image from a db. I have my image paths in a mysql db and I am using php to display my other text fields. I just haven't been able to get my images to show. Below is the code that I am using so far. Here is my actual goal, I am trying to have a flash document the has a list in the datagrid that is connected to a mysql db. I have successfully done this. When a user clicks on a product in the datagrid it populates the details below the grid and I have done so successfully. What I now need is to show a picture of the product in the details section. I would also like to see how to show different images for different vendors, each vendor has its own image size, so if I put just one image placeholder then some of the images will be scewed. I need something that shows image in placeholder 1 if company=1, show image in placeholder 2 if company=2, etc.
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Apr 10, 2009
I've been building an XML feed reader, here's the code I'm using:
var myXML:XML;var myLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
myLoader.load(new [code]....
It works fine and loads the XML inside the flash authoring environment (ie when i preview with crtl+enter), or when I make an executable projector, but when I try to run the SWF by double-clicking, or when the SWF is on the webserver, the text box doesn't display the data...
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Aug 23, 2011
I have a php file which includes an array in it.I can trace the data of the php array correctly, but how do you grab any specific child of the array? For example on xml it would be:
And here is the php array's data.I want to display the data: info, name, number, address
</pre><pre class='xdebug-var-dump' dir='ltr'>
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Jul 14, 2009
I would like to create a small Adobe Air application which would extract XML data from my site and display it in my Adobe air application.I have the xml part setup, when i run the xml file, it displays the results in the browser. Now what i need is to display the same results in my adobe air application.For e.g. I have a simple form
<form name="review" action="admin_xml.php" method="post">
<textarea name="xml" cols="40" rows="10"></textarea>
<input class="submit" type="submit" value="Submit Request">[code]............
When i submit the form, i get all the order id's from 2009-01-01 till date and it get displayed in the browser.Is there a way to run that HTML form in an adobe air application such that I enter the XML element values it should go through the admin_xml.php file and get the results.I dont want to enter the XML Skeleton again and again. I only want to able to enter the values for those elements.
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