Actionscript 3.0 :: Datagrid Won't Display Data

Apr 3, 2009

datagrid won't display data. Evidentally it captures the correct no. rows because the scrollbar appears. I've got an amfphp returning a resultset from a db which contains too much info and doesn't correspond with my datagrid so I'm trying to copy out whats needed to a ResultCollection (if it all looks a bit mad then it's because I'm new to this and still finding my way around).

Debug tells me there actually is data in the ResultCollection but I'm really struggling to find out why it wont display and will be really. I've searched the web for AS 3 examples of coding a datagrid - all pointers welcomed.


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// ** this function is called from another component that passes in the array of qnums
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// ** "loadingState **//


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:GridItemRenderer xmlns:fx=""
xmlns:s="library://" width="100%" height="100%" >[code].......

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<row rowno="1">



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36, > 2 years, Compliance
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Link to image


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private function itemClickEvent(event:ListEvent):void
//Don't know what should i assign to following labels...


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<Series no="1">


My current code allows me to retrieve every Series into an XMLList and then i have a nesteddatagrid class that allows me to do things like.

<classes:NestedDataGrid width="100%" height="100%" id="gridFiles" dataProvider="{filesList}" >
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Season" dataField="@no" width="60"/>


However this displays the datagrid with two rows, the first row has 1 in the Series column and then the two files crammed into the second cell in the same row. The second row is the same but has the number 2 in the Series column and the two series #2 files crammed into the cell next to it.If i do not use the nested data class i can pull the files using Series.file instead and all 4 of the files list correctly, however i do not get the Series number for each...

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Oct 11, 2011

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My renderer is a Label

public class EncounterDGItemRenderer extends Label

I found that my tooltips (datatips) stopped working once I started using this custom renderer. I also found that I can set the tooltip on the label in the

override protected function updateDisplayList

by setting:


This works find, however the problem is I need to choose a different data field based on the column. I was hoping for something similar to how a DataGridColumn labelFunction works - where I have access to "column.headerText" or "column.dataField". However I only have access to the underlying data object, not the name of what is being displayed (unless I am missing something).

Is there a way in a data grid item renderer to know what the column header text is, or do you have a different approach?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Format Datagrid To Display Correct Decimal Value?

May 17, 2010

I am trying to format my datagrid column to display the decimal value of the price of the item they have chosen to (2) decimal places. Currently the datagrid is displaying $10 instead of $10.00 & $10.4 for $10.40?

import mx.controls.*;
import fl.controls.dataGridClasses.*;


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Data Integration :: XML Data Doesn't Display?

May 21, 2007

I'm trying to deploy flash e-learning with dynamic content on a content management server. The xml will not display, no matter how many different approaches I take. So I need a method of encapsulating lots of text within Flash and referencing it from say, an actionscript window.

I seems that referecing any outside content, be it an external actionscript file or text file is out, so I'm left with the option of encapsulation.

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Flex :: Automatically Display A ToolTip In An ItemRenderer When The Row Is Visible In The DataGrid?

Jan 11, 2011

I have an AdvancedDataGrid that uses HierarchicalData to display data in a tree format. For one of the columns, I'm using an AdvancedDataGridRendererProvider to conditionally display an image if certain conditions are met. I'm currently using the ToolTipManager to display additional information if the user mouses over the image.Here's what I would like to do:Instead of showing the toolTip when the user places their mouse over the image, I would like to automatically display the toolTip whenever the image is visible in the AdvancedDataGrid. If the user scrolls through the AdvancedDataGrid, the toolTip should move and follow along with its image accordingly.

Sample AdvancedDataGrid:
<mx:AdvancedDataGrid id="myAdvancedDataGrid"


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May 11, 2011

I have a datagrid that loads content from a database. Once the data has been loaded I have a function that has
Right after that I call another function that tries to display the selected item across a couple of labels. The problem is nothing loads in the labels unless I run the functions twice. I'm guessing its some sort of data race problem where the item hasn't been selected by the time the function that displays the items in labels runs. How can I get the item to be selected before the next function runs.

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Dec 14, 2011

I followed this guide to display data from mysql database:But what to do if i have datagrid like this:

<mx:DataGrid id="dataGrid" width="100%" height="100%" creationComplete="dataGrid_creationCompleteHandler(event)" >


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