Flex :: Display Images From Sqlite Into Datagrid?

Jun 12, 2011

I have a number of thumbnail images (8K ish in length), stored in a sqlite database, encoded as base64 strings.

I would like to retrieve these images and present them into a datagrid (along with some other information from the DB)

The retrieval of information from the database works, but I cannot quite "see" how to connect the decoded result from the database to the datagrid, to display the images.

Below is some code, where I show (to simplify things) a simply DGrid and want to use the dataprovider to point to the select from the DB[code]...

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Flex :: SQLite Display SUM() Result?

Mar 21, 2012

I try to display the Total sum() from a sqlStmt but all i got is [object, object], any idea how?

private function displayAmountHeading():void {
sqlStmt = new SQLStatement();
sqlStmt.sqlConnection = sqlConn;
sqlStmt.text = "SELECT SUM(Amount) FROM MainTable";


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Flex Local SQLite BLOB Display?

Jul 29, 2011

I've got 3 columns in an SQLite db I built with Firefox's handy SQLite Manager. So, I created 3 columns, an index/reference that's just an incrementing INTEGER for easy reference, a descriptive title of the image (so it can be searchable later) in a TEXT, and a BLOB type that holds the pngs.

I'm trying to add this in an assets folder into my project (as a pre-populated database) and display the blob images, one at a time, in a window one after the other, scrollable by user. This is where I'm running into problems. Eventually I want to be able to encrypt it and add a search tool, but first things first, and that's displaying an image.

I have spent several hours scouring the web about this topic, but there isn't much help out there: Adobe has tips about using SQLite with AS3 (their reference documents and the support section of their website have some overview articles) but nothing refers to reading blob data in depth.

On this site, I've found some references to Adobe Air looking for extra byte information when reading blobs since they have a different syntax to write to the databases created within the program. See: What is the first bytes in a Blob column SQlite Adobe AIR? Blob Sizeinfo?

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Aug 5, 2011

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I've tried a number of different components, and I can't seem to get the data to bind properly (although this code finally doesn't have the dreaded "Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to... " message, or the other dreaded "Property undefined" message).

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Display The Below Xml In The Flex Datagrid?

Jun 9, 2010


<row rowno="1">



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Xml :: Flex - How To Display DataGrid To File

Jul 19, 2011

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Flex :: DataGrid - Display XmlListCollection In Different Fields

Dec 2, 2009

I am trying to display content of xmllistcollection in different fields in my datagrid however unless I use an itemrenderer the value is not displaying in the grid. The xmllistcollection is populated from a webservice call. Inside my item renderer i use a custom namesspace to retrieve contents from the xmllistcollection
However if I try something like
dataField = "ns::firstName"
In the datagrid without using an item renderer I get no data output.

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Xml :: Flex + DataGrid + Dynamic Display On Selection

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Back again with another Flex question. I have an XML structure like...


Now I got his displaying on my grid by saying dataProvider=XMLListCollection... What I want to do is on selection of a row, check if it has "Address" tag, if it has display the other grid, else hide the grid.

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Flex :: Display Total Sum Of Rows In Datagrid?

Sep 28, 2011

I have an AdvanceDataGrid. How can I show the total of each column at the bottom. I am able to calculate the total, and tried displaying them on labels below each column by giving width as column width. But they are not getting aligned properly below each column.[code]Is there a way by which I can assign total to the grid itself instead of using seperate labels below.

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Flex :: Display A DataGrid SelectedItem's Details In A Form?

Oct 18, 2009

I used HTTPService POST method to call a php file that returns me an xml type of result like


This result is obtained after the php files queries a database. The database contain other information too like (height, gender, education and address)Now i have a DataGrid (having two columns: NAME and AGE) and a Form below the DataGrid. I have displayed the above mentioned xml data in the DataGrid using the dataprovider="{userRequest.lastResult.User}" attribute.

I now want to use the itemclick=itemClickEvent(event) so that when a user click on a row of the DataGrid other information related to the clicked row like (height, gender, education etc) may appear in the form which is placed below the DataGrid in the GUI. For now my itemClickEvent, look like:

private function itemClickEvent(event:ListEvent):void
//Don't know what should i assign to following labels...


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Xml :: Flex - Display A List Of Items In A Datagrid From A XMLList?

Oct 19, 2009

I am trying to display a list of items in a datagrid from a XMLList.

<Series no="1">


My current code allows me to retrieve every Series into an XMLList and then i have a nesteddatagrid class that allows me to do things like.

<classes:NestedDataGrid width="100%" height="100%" id="gridFiles" dataProvider="{filesList}" >
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Season" dataField="@no" width="60"/>


However this displays the datagrid with two rows, the first row has 1 in the Series column and then the two files crammed into the second cell in the same row. The second row is the same but has the number 2 in the Series column and the two series #2 files crammed into the cell next to it.If i do not use the nested data class i can pull the files using Series.file instead and all 4 of the files list correctly, however i do not get the Series number for each...

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Flex :: Datagrid - Display Tooltips When Using A DataGridColumn ItemRenderer?

Oct 11, 2011

On my flex (flash builder 4) DataGrid - DataGridColumn , I have set a custom itemRenderer


My renderer is a Label

public class EncounterDGItemRenderer extends Label

I found that my tooltips (datatips) stopped working once I started using this custom renderer. I also found that I can set the tooltip on the label in the

override protected function updateDisplayList

by setting:


This works find, however the problem is I need to choose a different data field based on the column. I was hoping for something similar to how a DataGridColumn labelFunction works - where I have access to "column.headerText" or "column.dataField". However I only have access to the underlying data object, not the name of what is being displayed (unless I am missing something).

Is there a way in a data grid item renderer to know what the column header text is, or do you have a different approach?

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Flex :: Automatically Display A ToolTip In An ItemRenderer When The Row Is Visible In The DataGrid?

Jan 11, 2011

I have an AdvancedDataGrid that uses HierarchicalData to display data in a tree format. For one of the columns, I'm using an AdvancedDataGridRendererProvider to conditionally display an image if certain conditions are met. I'm currently using the ToolTipManager to display additional information if the user mouses over the image.Here's what I would like to do:Instead of showing the toolTip when the user places their mouse over the image, I would like to automatically display the toolTip whenever the image is visible in the AdvancedDataGrid. If the user scrolls through the AdvancedDataGrid, the toolTip should move and follow along with its image accordingly.

Sample AdvancedDataGrid:
<mx:AdvancedDataGrid id="myAdvancedDataGrid"


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Oct 19, 2011

I have my ADG displaying data like this:


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Flex :: Display Result Of Query To Custom Cell Of DataGrid?

Dec 14, 2011

I followed this guide to display data from mysql database:But what to do if i have datagrid like this:

<mx:DataGrid id="dataGrid" width="100%" height="100%" creationComplete="dataGrid_creationCompleteHandler(event)" >


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Images In FLEX Datagrid?

Dec 29, 2010

i am working in flex and in flash builder 4. Now my requirement was, i want to display images inside datagrid. I found a solution in mxml when searching in net. But i need a solution in actionscript. i am attaching the mxml code along with this.

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Flex :: Add Images To Flex Datagrid?

Feb 28, 2011

I have a Datagrid that already gets its data from a data provider, there is a column in the grid called priority. What i want to do is if the column priority contains the value high then in an empty column in the datagrid i want to insert and image , the image being inserted depending on the value of the column priority.

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Flex :: Display Images From FileReferenceList?

Sep 23, 2010

I have a FileReferenceList from which I'd like to display images in a DataGrid; currently I'm getting the following error: Only one download, upload, load or save operation can be active at a time on each FileReference.Here is my DataGrid:

<mx:DataGrid id="imageGrid" width="100%" height="100%" dataProvider="{imageFiles}">


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Actionscript 3 :: Download A Set Of Variable Images In Flex And Display Them?

May 17, 2010

suppose i have 10 image variables like this

var image1:String = http://somewhere.com/image1.jpg
var image2:string = .....image2.jpg
var image3:string = .....image3.jpg
and so forth.........

i have a timer that displays each variable as an image one a time ....

how do i "buffer" the image and display them instead of going out each time the timer runs? im asking because sometimes the server could slow or some other reason. so what i want to do is to download all those images and then display them from the clients computer. some sort like @Embed ??

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Flex :: Display Embed Images In Flash / Builder?

Jun 7, 2010

I'm using image embedding in Flex 4 (the same goes with Flex 3). [code]...

When i run the application i see the icon but in Flash(Flex) Builder i can't see the images while working in Design mode. Is there any way to enable image visualization in Flash Builder design mode ? or a better way to include resources.

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Flex :: Display Text With Images In Bar Chart Axis?

Aug 29, 2011

I am creating column chart to show friends score statistics in facebook application. My problem is how to display friend names with images in y-axis and their score in x-axis.I cant able to pass any arguments in the method 'setSource' of tag. see the sample code here.

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
layout="vertical" width="100%" height="100%">


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Flex :: Object To Arraycollection - Unable To See Any Data Display In "S" Which Is A Datagrid?

May 14, 2011

linedataColl is an AC that contains 100+ of rows extract from CSV, I wish to add item into SuperDataCollection object by object but the only problem was I'm unable to see any data display in "S" which is a datagrid. What wrong with my code?

var superDataCollection:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
var dc:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
var di:Object = new Object();[code]......

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Flex :: Remove Slashes From Sqlite

Dec 30, 2009

I am creating an application in Flex that uses an embedded SQLite database. The data in the database contains quotes and other special characters which are escaped using a backslash or ''.Before I retrieve the data and render it in a Flex text area control I want to remove the ''. Is there any function in Flex which can help me do this - some equivalent of stripslashes() in PHP?

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Flex :: AIR SQLite IN Expression Not Working?

Mar 14, 2010

I'm having a problem with an expression in my sql statement in SQLite for Adobe AIR basically I have this sql = "UPDATE uniforms SET status=@status WHERE customerId IN(19,20)"; updateStmt.parameters["@status"] = args[1]; updateStmt.execute();

if I run the above code it works, updating the status when the id are 19 and 20

but if I pass the ids list as a parameter like this

sql = "UPDATE uniforms SET status=@status WHERE customerId IN(@ids)";
updateStmt.parameters["@status"] = args[1];
updateStmt.parameters["@ids"] = "19,20";

it gives me and error, saying could not convert text value to numeric value, which make sense because I'm passing and string but the IN expression should convert it accordingly, like it does when I pass directly the list values, why is not working the other way,

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Flex :: Web App Access A Sqlite Database?

Nov 16, 2010

I'm making an application (web based) using flex and i have a requirment to access the SQLite database on the local system. There is no server running and i've decided to give them the link to the html file and see how that works out.

So in the root directory, there will be all required swf, html files, etc and a .db file. Can i access that database thro the flex web application ?

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Flex :: Querying SQLite Database With AIR App

Dec 13, 2010

I have been struggling with trying to interface with SQLite and Adobe AIR. I am using the Flex 4 SDK with AIR 2.0. I modified code from a tutorial by David Tucker on InsideRIA ([URL]). I am writing in FlashDevelop (which I suppose could be my problem), and I can compile and run the app. The issue is that when I go to search the db file, I always get some error which results in the 'BREAKER' trace (ie - the 'queryError' function is called). I have tried simply running the SQL command on the db and it works fine, so there is an issue somewhere in the way Flex or AIR is handling my query (or obviously I could have made a mistake in coding).


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Flex :: Encrypting An Unencrypted SQLite Db?

Aug 26, 2011

This link: [URL] has an interesting class to do just that! Encrypt an unencrypted database: but I'm having difficulty with a few things: You can find where the author, @probertson! Now I've got the following error: Compiler Error: Error #2044: Unhandled error:. text=Error #3125: Unable to open the database

Let me start by saying the source file works, since I've been using it (and the path) in another application. The error arises in the call to attach the source db to the newly created db.

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Flex :: Cannot Write To Sqlite Db In Packaged Air

Jan 18, 2012

I can write to db when running in IDE(FB), while after packaging a air, the app wont write to sqlite db, Why?

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