Xml :: Flex - How To Display DataGrid To File

Jul 19, 2011

I have a requirement that when I click on GeneratXML button which is below the DataGrid the Datagrid data is converted in one xml file.

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Display The Below Xml In The Flex Datagrid?

Jun 9, 2010


<row rowno="1">



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Flex :: Datagrid - Display A Multi-line Column Header Using The Flex Spark Data Grid?

Apr 13, 2011

How can you display a multi-line column header using the Flex Spark Data Grid for Flex 4.5?

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Flex :: DataGrid - Display XmlListCollection In Different Fields

Dec 2, 2009

I am trying to display content of xmllistcollection in different fields in my datagrid however unless I use an itemrenderer the value is not displaying in the grid. The xmllistcollection is populated from a webservice call. Inside my item renderer i use a custom namesspace to retrieve contents from the xmllistcollection
However if I try something like
dataField = "ns::firstName"
In the datagrid without using an item renderer I get no data output.

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Xml :: Flex + DataGrid + Dynamic Display On Selection

Dec 17, 2009

Back again with another Flex question. I have an XML structure like...


Now I got his displaying on my grid by saying dataProvider=XMLListCollection... What I want to do is on selection of a row, check if it has "Address" tag, if it has display the other grid, else hide the grid.

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Flex :: Add The Values Of A Particular Column And Display It Below Datagrid?

Sep 14, 2010

I have a datagrid with three columns.In one column I have to add all the values and display the total value.

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Flex :: Display Images From Sqlite Into Datagrid?

Jun 12, 2011

I have a number of thumbnail images (8K ish in length), stored in a sqlite database, encoded as base64 strings.

I would like to retrieve these images and present them into a datagrid (along with some other information from the DB)

The retrieval of information from the database works, but I cannot quite "see" how to connect the decoded result from the database to the datagrid, to display the images.

Below is some code, where I show (to simplify things) a simply DGrid and want to use the dataprovider to point to the select from the DB[code]...

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Flex :: Display Total Sum Of Rows In Datagrid?

Sep 28, 2011

I have an AdvanceDataGrid. How can I show the total of each column at the bottom. I am able to calculate the total, and tried displaying them on labels below each column by giving width as column width. But they are not getting aligned properly below each column.[code]Is there a way by which I can assign total to the grid itself instead of using seperate labels below.

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Flex :: Display A DataGrid SelectedItem's Details In A Form?

Oct 18, 2009

I used HTTPService POST method to call a php file that returns me an xml type of result like


This result is obtained after the php files queries a database. The database contain other information too like (height, gender, education and address)Now i have a DataGrid (having two columns: NAME and AGE) and a Form below the DataGrid. I have displayed the above mentioned xml data in the DataGrid using the dataprovider="{userRequest.lastResult.User}" attribute.

I now want to use the itemclick=itemClickEvent(event) so that when a user click on a row of the DataGrid other information related to the clicked row like (height, gender, education etc) may appear in the form which is placed below the DataGrid in the GUI. For now my itemClickEvent, look like:

private function itemClickEvent(event:ListEvent):void
//Don't know what should i assign to following labels...


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Xml :: Flex - Display A List Of Items In A Datagrid From A XMLList?

Oct 19, 2009

I am trying to display a list of items in a datagrid from a XMLList.

<Series no="1">


My current code allows me to retrieve every Series into an XMLList and then i have a nesteddatagrid class that allows me to do things like.

<classes:NestedDataGrid width="100%" height="100%" id="gridFiles" dataProvider="{filesList}" >
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Season" dataField="@no" width="60"/>


However this displays the datagrid with two rows, the first row has 1 in the Series column and then the two files crammed into the second cell in the same row. The second row is the same but has the number 2 in the Series column and the two series #2 files crammed into the cell next to it.If i do not use the nested data class i can pull the files using Series.file instead and all 4 of the files list correctly, however i do not get the Series number for each...

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Flex :: Datagrid - Display Tooltips When Using A DataGridColumn ItemRenderer?

Oct 11, 2011

On my flex (flash builder 4) DataGrid - DataGridColumn , I have set a custom itemRenderer


My renderer is a Label

public class EncounterDGItemRenderer extends Label

I found that my tooltips (datatips) stopped working once I started using this custom renderer. I also found that I can set the tooltip on the label in the

override protected function updateDisplayList

by setting:


This works find, however the problem is I need to choose a different data field based on the column. I was hoping for something similar to how a DataGridColumn labelFunction works - where I have access to "column.headerText" or "column.dataField". However I only have access to the underlying data object, not the name of what is being displayed (unless I am missing something).

Is there a way in a data grid item renderer to know what the column header text is, or do you have a different approach?

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Flex :: Automatically Display A ToolTip In An ItemRenderer When The Row Is Visible In The DataGrid?

Jan 11, 2011

I have an AdvancedDataGrid that uses HierarchicalData to display data in a tree format. For one of the columns, I'm using an AdvancedDataGridRendererProvider to conditionally display an image if certain conditions are met. I'm currently using the ToolTipManager to display additional information if the user mouses over the image.Here's what I would like to do:Instead of showing the toolTip when the user places their mouse over the image, I would like to automatically display the toolTip whenever the image is visible in the AdvancedDataGrid. If the user scrolls through the AdvancedDataGrid, the toolTip should move and follow along with its image accordingly.

Sample AdvancedDataGrid:
<mx:AdvancedDataGrid id="myAdvancedDataGrid"


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Flex :: Display Number Of Items In A Grouping For Advanced Datagrid

Oct 19, 2011

I have my ADG displaying data like this:


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Flex :: Display Result Of Query To Custom Cell Of DataGrid?

Dec 14, 2011

I followed this guide to display data from mysql database:But what to do if i have datagrid like this:

<mx:DataGrid id="dataGrid" width="100%" height="100%" creationComplete="dataGrid_creationCompleteHandler(event)" >


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Flex :: Add File Icon To Datagrid?

Nov 17, 2009

I'm trying to put some File objects into a DataGrid, but I can't find a way to display the File.icon in there.

So far I have this: (ms[x] is a File)



filename and path are displayed correctly, I just can't get the file icon to show.

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Flex :: Put A Object To The Datagrid From A File?

May 12, 2010

First, I have this function:

private var file:File = new File;
public function openBrowse():void{
file.browseForOpen("Objekt auswählen");

but how can I put the object to a datagrid?

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Flex :: Object To Arraycollection - Unable To See Any Data Display In "S" Which Is A Datagrid?

May 14, 2011

linedataColl is an AC that contains 100+ of rows extract from CSV, I wish to add item into SuperDataCollection object by object but the only problem was I'm unable to see any data display in "S" which is a datagrid. What wrong with my code?

var superDataCollection:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
var dc:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
var di:Object = new Object();[code]......

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Xml :: Use ArrayCollection As A DataProvider For A XML File In Flex DataGrid?

Dec 10, 2011

I create a DataGrid to display a XML file and I have used XMLListCollection before. But when I modified the XML file, the DataGrid does NOT refresh itself automatically. I googled for this problem and found these links: refresh flex dataGrid


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Actionscript 3 :: How To Export A Datagrid To Excel File In Flex

Nov 2, 2009

How do I export data in my datagrid to an Excel file in Flex?Can anyone provide some examples for that? I am browsing but couldn't find out a single example of that kind.Browsed a lot and found out how to convert datagrid data to csv format. Now How to convert that to excel? Is there a way to do that without using any server script ? Can't it be done in Flex alone?

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Flex :: Datagrid Multiple Rows Single File

May 20, 2010

I have a flex datagrid with 3 columns. The first column contains the image name(unique key). The other two columns have username and size details. I want to split the username into lastname, firstname, address and some other stuff. Can we have multiple rows in the grid for one image? Tried multi-line, it works but we need to keep adding spaces and its cumbersome. Since each row in the flex datagrid is represented by one index in the XMLList which is enumerated, is there a way to have more than one row assigned to one image and shown in the grid? something like this.

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Flex :: Display Very Detailed Metadata About A File?

Oct 17, 2009

I have a situation where a simple query against a table is returning incorrect values in Flex, but not in other GUI front-ends to SQLite.

select title from ttl where ttl.ttl = 140 // ttl is also the column name of the PK column

is returning the title that belongs to the row whose PK = 1400.

ttl.ttl is defined as int datatype.

Again, the problem manifests itself only in Flex, not in other GUI front-ends to SQLite, which are returning the correct title value.

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Flex :: Display A Symbol From The .SWF File On Canvas?

May 21, 2010

how i can display a symbol from the .swf on canvas.. i have exproted the .fla file from the flash CS3 as .swf file...

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Flex :: Adobe Flash Builder DataGrid DataProvider CollectionEvent.COLLECTION_CHANGE Handler's Access To DataGrid??

Feb 14, 2010

I've added an eventListener to the COLLECTION_CHANGE event that is fired when the grid is finished resorting the items in its dataProvider, after the user clicks on a column header:MyType (myDataGrid.dataProvider).addEventListener(CollectionEvent.COLLECTION_CHANGE,onDataGridResort);

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Flex :: Datagrid Selects The Wrong Custom Cell In Datagrid

Mar 15, 2010

I am working on a problem since a week soon, but I still couldn't make it work as expected. I have a DataGrid which has HBox with a CheckBox an a Label as itemRenderer (see Code below). When I tap in to the Cell the standard itemEditor pops up and lets you enter the content of the label. Thats the standard behavior. I works fine except for 2 problems:

If I enter to much text, the horizontal srollbar pops up, and the cell is filled with that scrollbar. As you see I tried to set the horizontalScrollPolicy to off, but that doesnt work at all... I tried to do that for all the different elements, but the failure is still existent. When I have filled more than one row, there is an other mistake happening. If I tap on a row, the datagrid selects the one below that row. That's only if one line is already selected. If I tap outside the datagrid and then, tap at any row the itemEditor of the right row will show up... Is there anything now wright in the setup of my set data method?

package components
import mx.containers.HBox;
import mx.controls.CheckBox;


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Flash :: Turn Flex MXML DataGrid Into Something Like Horizontal DataGrid?

Mar 24, 2010

From this (normal dataGrid)

into this (horisontal data grid)

How to turn Flex MXML DataGrid into something like Horisontal DataGrid? (may be some how with Flash builder 4?)

Keeping all stuff DataGrid has like eating data from data provider sortind dragging - droping items etc

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Flex :: Changing Dataprovider Of A Datagrid On Change Event Of Another Datagrid?

Oct 15, 2011

I have two datagrids:

- Division
- Members

Both have single columns. Selecting one item from Divsions datagrid should display members of that Division in the Members datagrid. But following code has some problem and Members of a particular division do not show up when respective Divsion is clicked.

Following are some snippets of the related code. Hope someone can spot an error in it.


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HTML :: Flex - Display / Embed SWF File On Webpage?

Apr 15, 2012

I am newer with flex or .swf. I am trying to embed a .swf file but it does not displaying. If my .swf in bin folder then how does i display on page??

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "[URL]">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
[Code] .....

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Flex :: Extract And Display Contents Of Zip File In Adobe AIR?

Apr 15, 2012

I have a requiremnt where my Air application loads ZIP files instead of swf.The zip contains all swf ,images and other files.My requirement is when user browses for file in a browse dialog, user selects a zip file and the contents of this zip file should be displayed to the user.

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Flex :: Improve Datagrid Performance When Using Itemrenderer With In Datagrid?

Jul 31, 2009

For poor performance reasons, the DataGrid will cache checkboxes and reuse them for different rows. If you have 50 rows, it won't create 50 checkboxes. It will create as many checkboxes at are visible, plus a few more for padding, and then reuse them as you scroll. This is why you need to explicitly manage their state. How can improve it ? How can fixed checkbox value ? i used checkbox like below But checkbox doesnot remembering the values


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Flex :: Display Another Mxml File As Main View Of Application?

Dec 3, 2011

I have the following problem of how to display another mxml file as main view of application For example, lets say I have main.mxml displaying as main window. When I click button I want to display another mxml file lets say newMain.mxml and close main.mxml

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