ActionScript 3.0 :: Way To REMOVE But Not Replace A Character In A String?

Aug 29, 2011

I have an array of characters that for some reason is adding commas in between all it's characters.So if:

array[0] = undefined;
array[1] = "b";
array[2] = "a";


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Actionscript 3.0 :: String Replace Character At Position X?

Feb 13, 2012

I have a string of 0:'000000' named stringtest I need to replace the 0 at the position x with 1. My code in flixel(a free library to create games)

Code: Select allif (FlxG.keys.justPressed("X"))
stringtest=stringtest.replace(stringtest.substring(1,2), '1');

it doesn;t replace the second 0 with 1., but it replaces the first one. However if the initial sting is 'let's go' if I press x the letter e is replaced with 1. if the string is 'eet's go' if i press x the first e is replaced with 1 and if i press x again the second letter e is replaced.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Find Special Character In String, Replace With MC?

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I am making a drag and drop type of quiz. The text is loaded from an XML file. I am looking for a way to "detect" a blank in the text which represents the point in the sentence where a word needs to be filled in. And then that point needs to be represented by a movieclip or sprite or something that will hold text from the word that is dropped onto it (it will need to be draggable in case the user changes thier mind).

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ActionScript 3 :: Remove / Replace White Space From String

Nov 9, 2011

I am trying to remove / replace white space from a string in as3. The string comes from xml and than written into text field. To compare the strings I am trying to remove white spaces

var xmlSentence:String=myXML.SENTENCE[thisSentence];
var rex:RegExp = /s+/;
trace(xmlSentence.replace(rex, "-"));
trace(tfSentence.replace(rex, "-"));

That code outputs like this:
She-has a dog
-She has a dog

I also tried different rex patterns. The problem is that though there are spaces in both string -which are same- it finds only one space but not the same one in both strings.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash String.Replace Won't Replace "%20" From An Original String

Jun 22, 2011

I've got a strange situation where I'm replacing the text in a string that I've taken from an XML, but the .replace function for the string keeps failing. I've tried running the example given on the Adobe site, so I know the value I'm trying to replace ("%20") isn't at fault - it's something about the string I have! I've included the code below, but it seems correct. Is there a particular tip I should know when taking XML values into AS3? I'm putting them in strings for this project.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: .replace Won't Replace - Array With A String As Each Entry

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I'm having some real trouble getting .replace to actually replace something. Here's my code...


I can trace both newFiles[i] and keywords[i][whatever], but the replace doesn't replace anything. The regex is valid as well. I'm using regexr to test it, and it works perfectly there... but will not for me and I don't know why.

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var re:RegExp = new RegExp(imageArray[j][1],"gi"); trace(imageArray[jTemp][2].replace(re,"-"));

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permanentContainer-temporaryContainer- temporaryContainer

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Looking For Special Character And Replace With MC?

Oct 1, 2010

I am making a drag and drop type of quiz. The text is loaded from an XML file. I am looking for a way to "detect" a blank in the text which represents the point in the sentence where a word needs to be filled in. And then that point needs to be represented by a movieclip or sprite or something that will hold text from the word that is dropped onto it (it will need to be draggable in case the user changes thier mind).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Replace Html Character Entities?

Jan 25, 2010

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"natronp&apos:s funland"
when ideally, i would get:
"natronp's funland"

Anyway to replace these in flash that i've missed? Otherwise it seems i would need a pretty heavy-duty find/replace actionscript script/class to make this happen!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Replace Character In Input Field?

Aug 19, 2010

I would like to replace the ":" for text_field_1 Instead, @ should show up when somebody hits :

Any ideas how to do that in as2?

Maybe something like: if text_field_1 is focused && somebody hits : add an @*to the existing text in field 1.

Or make a loop looks for : in text_field_1 and when it finds one it replaces it with @

But i have no idea how to do that in as2

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Regex :: Replace All Instances Of Sub String In String

Jun 21, 2010

I'm trying to work with RegEx to split a large string into smaller sections, and as part of this I'm trying to replace all instances of a substring in this larger string. I've been trying to use the replace function but this only replaces the first instance of the substring. How can I replace al instances of the substring within the larger string?

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String :: Split A String Into Character Groups?

Apr 3, 2012

I need a string splitted into groups of characters in ActionScript like this:

var txt:String = "Hello World";
var arr:Array = txt.split(3);
// Now arr should contain a value like: ["Hel", "lo ", "Wor", "ld"]


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Actionscript 3 :: Regex - Regular Expression - Replace The Spaces At The Beginning (inside The > <) For Other Character

Jun 24, 2011

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I want to be able to replace the spaces at the beginning (inside the > <) for other character. It shouldn't affect the number of character at the right of the spaces or the attributes in the value1 definition.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add / Remove Or Replace MovieClip

Sep 17, 2009

I've looking for something like replace MC, I need to remove an object and place it where it originally was, exactly where it was. i.e.,
MC.addMovieClip //add to last place existed

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Replace  Each With / In  A String

Aug 21, 2011

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var link:string = c:\somewherfile.jpg
how to replace the   with /  in the link?

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Actionscript 3 :: Replace A Certain Value In String?

Oct 17, 2011

I am using Flexbuilder with sdk 3.5. I convert an int to a binary string. Now I want to replace binary value at certain index. How can I do this?

I tried following but it did not work;

binaryStr[0] = "0";


binaryStr[0] = '0';

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Php :: AS2 Multi String Replace?

Nov 27, 2011

First my AS2 code:

txt.htmlText="This is an example: is not";[code]....

First question is why my flash function always replace only first url? What I'm trying to do is send string from flash input textfield by PHP to mySQL table. Then, when flash will load it again all urls in my flash textfield will be clickable.Of course I can use preg_replace in PHP:

$comments = $_POST['comments'];
$comments = preg_replace("/([^w/])(www.[a-z0-9-]+.[a-z0-9-]+)/i", "$1http://$2", $comments);[code]....

I can also use some PHP function which will check whether sended data from flash already contains clickable url's, but if I need add another link in edited string, preg_replace not fire then...

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Replace First Quotation Mark In String?

Aug 3, 2010


above im using that regular expression to escape the " in the string. however it only does it for the first "

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Flash :: Replace String With Movieclip?

Feb 9, 2011

In my application I have a String like this..

var str:String = "The item is [mc]";

Here i need to replace the [mc] with MovieClip Object. Is this possible?

But i could not use TLF text,because it increases the file size.

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Actionscript 3 :: String Replace With <br/> Not Working?

May 13, 2011

Im currently loading some text through XML via my doc class - this text contains tags

XML example:


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Actionscript 3 :: String Replace Characters With MML?

Oct 26, 2011

What i'm trying to do is to first of all remove all special characters from a hard coded tweet. What I want to do after is to convert each letter into a specific tone, using MML (Music Macro Language).When i play the tweet via the sound library sion after my attempted replacing i only get five tones through. What am I doing wrong? I'm guessing it's simple, but I don't know anything.I'm coding Actionscript 3 in FDT, which is all very new to me, as is regexp.

public function translateTweet() {
var myPattern:RegExp = /[~%&\;:"',<>?#]+/g;
var tweet : String = "@cupofjoakim AN EXAMPLE string! :D #hi11expo";[code].......

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Replace A Comma In A String?

May 28, 2010

ActionScript Code: var dataString:String = "Hello, this is me, I am a cow."; var lastoccurence:int = dataString.lastIndexOf(","); trace (lastoccurence); //Returns 17. How to I replace character (17,1), meaning the "," with "" ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Replace String To A Variable?

Feb 19, 2009

i have the following:

private static const CONFIG_FILENAME:String = "config.ini";
public function get fileName( ):String


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ActionScript 2.0 :: String Replace With AttachMovie()?

Oct 11, 2010

I'm trying to basically search a text string and then replace it with a movie that I have in my library so I plan on using attachMovie and then do some tweening to it later. The part I'm struggling with now however is the actual adding the movie after it finds the string. Here is what I have:

var check_text;
check_text = "This is some text and it is nice in <bullet>Spain!";[code]...

The output is: "This is some text and it is nice in _level0.arrow_movSpain!". Anyway to replace text like that with an actual movie and have it output the movie?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: YouTube API - Remove Or Replace Play Button?

Sep 9, 2010

I'm using the YouTube API to load YouTube videos into a custom player. I'm loading HD video and trying to either remove or add a custom PLAY button ( the play button that appears in the center of the video when AutoPlay is false)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Replace String Dynamic Text

Nov 24, 2010

I have an "input text" a "dynamic text" and a button.when I insert a string in input text box and click on button, my actionscript should search in string and if there is a character like "%20" should replace with character "K" and then the result shows in dynamic text.How should I use the action script for this target?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Search And Replace A String In HtmlText?

Dec 11, 2010

My htmlText in AS2 looks like:



This replaces the 2 but of course also replaces all the other instances of 2 in the htmlText as well. Is there any possible workaround? Can I exploit the fact that the other 2's are inside quotations and someone not mess with those ones based on that fact?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: String Replace Will Not Work - Traces To Q23.swf And Q23

Dec 20, 2010


it traces to Q23.swf and Q23 I want Q_23.swf where the original value is "Q23" Does anyone see what I am doing wrong?

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Actionscript 3 :: String Replace Method Not Doing Anything In Flex 4 App

May 24, 2010

I have a string called userEmail in my Flex 4 app that has a value of:

I need to have an @ symbol instead of %40, so I run this line:


But the string has the same value after.

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