ActionScript 3.0 :: XmlList Attributes Index Order

Jan 14, 2009

My xml file that is dynamically generated and contains an attribute that may or may not exist in every node. In this case it's "title"

<img file="001" title="title1"/>
<img file="002" title="title2"/>
<img file="003"/>
<img file="004" title="sometext"/>

img file = an image that get's displayed, and I want to test when each file is displayed what the "title" attribute =. That all works great. So depending on what img file I'm using (based on index position), I'm grabbing the title attribute with the position index. The problem is when an attribute is missing the next "title" attribute is moving down into that index position. so when I look for the attribute like this.


Is there a way for the list to hold it's index position based on the img tag and then let me dig down via dot and attribute name? I've tried all sorts of combos with no success.

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thumbLoader.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showPicture);
function showPicture(event:MouseEvent):void
imageLoader.load(new URLRequest(; 


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I need to have same results for the same objects to be able comparing hashes of the strings. How can I have same order of attributes always?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Object Attributes From XML / Sub-attributes

Jun 29, 2009

I am dynamically creating a number of objects (movieclips) which all have a number of attributes.[code]and so on. i.e sub attributes. I don't think this is possible? Only sprite and movieclips can have dynamic attributes so unless atrbY is a movieclip (which it isn't, it's a string) it isn't allowed?Each object can have suboptions with further attributes associated with the chosen suboption.Later in the program I will manipulate, read and interact with the objects and they have text display behaviours dependent on the suboption chosen. That part (should) be straightforward! heh. One the object has the attributes attached in a usable format, accessing them should be simple.This will be for a store. i.e t-shirt1 has size small, price 10, size medium, price 12, size large, price 14. t-shirt2 has size medium, price 35, size large, price 40 and so on.[code]

This format of the XML can be adjusted if it would make the parsing easier.I am currently reading the XML in, stepping through, grabbing the individual parameter such as category and then adding it as an attribute of the object and it works fine. i.e. I end up with obj.category = 'catname'. However, on suboptions I am having a problem.Should I put all the suboptions in a multidimensional array and use nested loops to apply them to the object?I would still have the problem of objX.suboptionarray[Y].suboptionprice which isn't allowed? In the above XML case Y would be 0,1 and 2 giving 3 suboptions to objX and each suboptions would hold attributes such as pvid associated with that suboption.I could go down the horrible route, obj1.suboption1subptionprice ; obj1.suboption1suboptionpname; obj1.suboption1suboptionvalue; obj1.suboption2suboptionprice; obj1.suboption2suboptionpname and so on and so on for each suboption which could be five options (small,medium,large,x-large, xx-large) and which would "work" but would be bad programming and involve splicing names to get say, the "third" suboptions' price and pvid e.t.c

Going down the route of mutidimensional arrays sounds good except that on say 50 objects I would have stacks of arrays which I'm guessing isn't great in terms of resources?.Just to add, the number of suboptions varies between object, every object has a minimum of one suboption (default option) but can have as many as needed (unlikely to be more than 5 but should be scalable). i.e some t-shirts only come in medium whereas some have many sizes.I have a fair amount of leeway on the format of the XML which I generate from the database so the formatting of that could change to make the parsing easier.

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So, for sending to individual streams we have to reference the connected netStream we want to send to in some way like this:


and I have to determine which peer I'm sending to by their ID such as "peerID1234"

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import flash.display.*;


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xmlList is alive and well in the xmlLoaded function. I need to access it in the loadMusic.fla.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Difference Between XML And XMLList?

Oct 25, 2011

difference between XML and XMLList in my example code? I am passing a node to the function and extracting the url of the file:

private function getFile(node:XMLList):String {
var file:String;
for(var i:uint=0; i<node.children().length(); i++) {
trace("Test 1: "+node.children()[i].@id);


Why do I have to have 'current' as XML and not as XMLList? I thought XMLList's with length == 1 are handled as XML's anyway, aren't they?

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Xml :: Add / Remove From XMLList While In A Loop?

Oct 28, 2009

I am trying to parse some XML i have retrieved via e4x in an HTTPService. The loop works and for each episode in the list it goes through the loop. However i get the following error when it is trying to append to an XMLList.TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.I am trying to query the local SQLite database and see if the episode exists (working) and if it does append to one xmllist and if not then append to the other xmllist.

public static function seasonFavHandler(evt:ResultEvent):void {
Application.application.ManagePage.selectedShow =
Application.application.ManagePage.gridFavourites.selectedItem as XML;


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AS3 :: Tell When XMLlist Object In Contains A Node?

Mar 17, 2010

How can you tell if an XMLlist object in AS3 contains a specific node?

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Xml :: Select Items From XmlList?

Apr 7, 2010

My Flash designer is reading an XML stream I'm sending back to the browser (I'm a C# dev). We have this working fine.

He is then selecting into an XMLList where a element has its id a certain value i.e. . This is also working just fine.

In this XmlList, are Events, that look a little something like this:

end event

I don't know how to use the formatting here - but each of those items is an element. startdate would have a value such as 04/02/2010 and enddate 6/30/2010.

Now, from this XmlList I do have of Events, I need to select all Events where a new variable myDate, falls in between the startdate and enddate.

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AS3 :: Xml - How To Access XMLList Nodes

Jul 5, 2010

I am working with an XML list at the moment, which looks like this:

<feature type="startLocation" value="1" x="15" y="3"/>
<feature type="startLocation" value="1" x="15" y="4"/>
<feature type="startLocation" value="1" x="15" y="5"/>


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AS3 :: Flex - Get An XMLList Using A Variable?

Feb 7, 2011

I have the following XMLList and am trying to return the XMLList with the node having the label Mail Box or Outbox, depending on string variable called folder. folder can either be equal to "Mail Box" or "Outbox".

`<fx:XMLList id="treeData">
<node label="Mail Box">
<node label="Inbox">


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Flex :: Loop Through XMLList?

Feb 24, 2011

I'm trying to loop through an XMLList and rather than giving me each item in the list as XML, it's just coming back with the positions as strings e.g.


It just alerts "0" or "1". If I inspect the 'item' variable, I see the same thing. But if I inspect 'myList' it looks like the XML. I've also tried myList.children() and strongly typing 'items' to 'XML' but nothing I do has worked.

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Nov 17, 2011

The aim is to get the flat xmllist out of a xml: each item of the xmllist would be a descendant (not just child) of the xml. This way I have all the nodes of an xml inside the xmllist.

For example:

<a >
<b >


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