Flash :: Z-index - Change Order Flash Swf And Popupwindow

Jun 3, 2011

I'd like to change order flash swf and popupwindow. if the popupwindow opens. flash swf overlayed on popupwindow how can I solve this problem. I've found a solution about wmode. but some blog said wmode is so danger.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash - Restacking In Old Index Order With New Top?

Jan 26, 2010

My Brain Is Going to Explode.. .I have five images all named 0,1,2,3,4.I have five buttons, btn1, btn2, btn3, btn4, btn5.The buttons are laid out like:when an image (lined to a button) is active it looks more like thisA timer is running, at the end of 240 seconds, the image on the bottom of the display stack has its alpha set to 0. It is then placed on the top of the stack and its alpha is tweened in.A user can bypass the timer and advance to whichever image he likes by clicking a button.

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Jul 4, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Change The Index Or Depth Of The MovieClip Breaks The Timeline Animation

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ActionScript 3.0 :: XmlList Attributes Index Order

Jan 14, 2009

My xml file that is dynamically generated and contains an attribute that may or may not exist in every node. In this case it's "title"

<img file="001" title="title1"/>
<img file="002" title="title2"/>
<img file="003"/>
<img file="004" title="sometext"/>

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Jun 22, 2011

So, for sending to individual streams we have to reference the connected netStream we want to send to in some way like this:


and I have to determine which peer I'm sending to by their ID such as "peerID1234"

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how can I make my send stream function know to use the array index where the peerID is?

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I am creating an order form for my flash site. I have never done this before in flash but I have in visual basic. I have a few questions:

1. Is assigning variable names to checkboxes and radio buttons the same as in visual basic? I mean i know that you probably assign them in the properties. ex..say i name a radio button 'radio1', to run a check in my actionscript whether radio1 was checked or not would it be something like if(radio1){}

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May 24, 2009

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<title>Something 2</title>


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Professional :: Change Order Of Depths?

May 12, 2010

I have some movieclips stacked on top of each other, i've got them swapping depths onRelease, but I want them to swap in opposite direction to what they are now. Check out the link below, basically you click the 2nd or 3rd clip to call infront of the 1st, but i want to click the 1st to send to back and so on.[URL]..
Code as follows. Does anyone know what i would change to reverse the order? 
var mcs:Array = new Array (first_mc, second_mc, third_mc); 
var mc:MovieClip;var total:Number = mcs.length; 


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Aug 22, 2009

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var pp:Array=new Array()

all the objects have Events, propertys, functions.....I will like change the position in the array, but not destroy de object.

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May 16, 2010

I have 10 movie clips on the stage all of them are on the same layer and the alpha property at 0.5.

I want a single movie clip to randomly move to the top of the other at timed intervals. This movie clip alpha property will change to 1 while the other movie clip will remain at 0.5

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change The Z-index From Document Class?

Feb 23, 2011

I have a symbol of text with instance name "test_" on the main timeline and some graphics that are loaded programmatically. When the graphics are loaded onto the stage, it covers up the "test_" so that only part of it is visible. How do I change the depth of the "test_" symbol so that it is on top of all the graphics on the stage?

I tried this setChildIndex(test_,numChildren-1); however numChildren is equal to one so apparently it is already on top of its container. I need "test_" to be above all graphics that were loaded onto the stage instead.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Index Of Array Object

Sep 8, 2009

I'm writing a multi-layered drawing app, and I want to be able to move the layers up and down. It's easy enough to change the objects in the display list and move the buttons, but in order for it to work continuously I need to be able to change the index of the button objects in the array so they are targeted properly by the function. Is there a way to do this in AS3?


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Change TabIndex Order In Run Time?

Jul 20, 2010

iam giving tabindex order. some swf file loading runtime than can i change tabIndex order

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get To The Text Field In Order To Change It?

Aug 3, 2010

there is a movie clip in the library. Has three layers.Each of the layers is also in the library.Layer 1 has a button symbol, layer 2 a text symbol with instance name 'item_label', layer 3 is color. instance name is 'flbutton' it looks like this was created into a symbol itself and given intance name of 'menu_item'.An array is created with button label names.A loop is created based on the number of labels in the array.An instance of 'menu_item' is created each loop and placed on the stage/screen and the text on the button is changed to the item in the array.[code].....

I have learned how to duplicate a movieclip with DisplayObjects, but I have no way of knowing how to get to the text field in order to change it.

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Actionscript 3 :: Change Order Of Radiobuttons From Radiobuttongroup?

Apr 5, 2012

I am using RadioButtons within a radiobuttongroup. i want to change the order sequence of the radiobuttons of the group based on the end user's input.i have searched a lot, but all fell into vain.

I want to know whether it is possible to change the order of the radiobuttons?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Display List Order

Nov 4, 2009

I have a series of mc's that I'm adding to the a display list of "theContainer". This is a "canvas" I'm using to drag mc's around on to make various pictures.I've set up my code so I can click any mc in that list and make it "selected". I can then, with controls outside "theContainer", change the selected clip's scale or alpha, etc.I'd like to set up 2 buttons outside that display list so I can change the stacking order of those clips in "theContainer".So if I add clip "a" to the display list, then add clip "b" to the display list, then add "c" and "d" and "e and "f" to it, I want to be able to move any of those clips forward or backward.First I'd need to learn what the index is of the clip I want to move up or down in the display list.[code]That's my problem, I can't know what the index is, or how to get a property to find it.I'm looking for a way to "get the clip's index" then to "make the index, the current index + 1", to move it up in the display list."setChildIndex( dispObj, index ) would be nice if I could know what the index was and then add +1 to it like this:setChildIndex(clip, current index + 1);

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Change The Z-index When User Clicks On One Of Movieclips?

Dec 12, 2011

I am trying to change the z-index when you a user clicks on one of my movieclips. I get this error and am not sure how to resolve it. If anyone has a few minutes to view the code I posted below that would be awesome.

Here is the error I am getting:
TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter child must be non-null.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex Output - Change The Name Of The Swf Created To Say Index.swf

May 4, 2009

Currently creating a pure Actionscript Application within Flex, (Really just playing about to see what it can do). Currently when you create a new application it sets out all of the folders for you, and creates an SWF with the same name as the project. Is there anyway to change the name of the swf created to say index.swf.

I am aware I can create the new swf in the flash ide and go from there, but this is really just a question to see if it's possible. I am aware the is the compiler arguments, and also there is an argument -o="" or -output="", however when I use this argument and an exact path to where I want it to go Flex throws me an error.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change The Order So That Currently Loaded Swf Is Removed From The Stage?

Nov 15, 2009

I have a main swf that I load external swfs onto the stage. I am trying to fix the loading order. Currently when a button is pressed, the swf is preloaded, the current swf is on the stage with the preloader showing, then the preloader disappears and the swf plays the outro transition.

how to change the order so that currently loaded swf is removed from the stage, show the preloader and then show the new swf.

import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.SimpleButton;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Stacking Order On Display List?

Nov 3, 2009

I have a series of mc's that I'm adding to the a display list of "theContainer".

I've set up my code so I can click any mc in that list and make it "selected". I can then, with controls outside "theContainer", change the selected clip's  scale or alpha, etc.

I'd like to set up 2 buttons outside that display list so I can change the stacking order of those clips in "theContainer".

So if I add clip "a" to the display list, then add clip "b" to the display list then add "c" and "d" and "e and "f" to it, I want to be able to move any of those clips forward or backward.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change The Stacking Order Of Display Objects?

Jul 10, 2010

How do I change the stacking order of Display Objects in AS3? I have a semi-transparent caption box that is supposed to be on top of externally loaded images. no matter where I place the script for that box in the code, the images always load on top of it.

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