Actionscript 2.0 :: Disappearing From Buttons In A Movieclip

Apr 9, 2009

Its a bit difficult to explain so Ill add a link to the swf.[URL] The problem is: When going from one scene to another, and then back from that scene to the previous one, my movieclip containing my buttons disappears. (for example: from wat to nieuws and then from nieuws back to wat). Quiet bizarre, because when going from wat to wie to nieuws to wat and so on, the movieclip with buttons does not disappear.

The situation in short is as follows. I have 4 scenes and 4 buttons, every button linking to respectively another scene / page. The buttons all are in movieclips. I have 4 different movieclips all containing all buttons. For the nieuws page movieclip the nieuws-button in the movieclip gets switched of by ungrouping it and so on, and so on.On every scene I put the movieclip, with the correct button switched of, on top, with the swapDepths function. The other movieclips are made invisible by the _visible = false function.

I could give you even more info, though I have a feeling its not going to make any difference. I even have the feeling that the info I just gave isnt a clue to the solution. It really is mysterious to me, I cant figure it out. Still, the .fla you can find here: [URL]

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Menu Buttons Not Disappearing?

May 29, 2009

I have knowledge of HTML but this is my first flash project, and I think I'm way over my head. I followed a tutorial explaining how to make menu buttons and I realized that the actionscript for a drop down menu should work for what I'm trying to do.  So I finally have everything the way I want it but I'm pretty sure I have a bit of wasted code in there.  Now, my issue is when I play my flash and move my mouse really fast over the flash object sometimes two menu buttons appear. I'm sure it is because of the ._alpha > 0 code I'm using but I dont know another way around it. If you have any advice PLEASE share!! Here is a link to the swf file...http:[url]....
This is the code (for two buttons) I use to make something disappear when I RollOver another button:
calplate_btn.onRollOver = function () { if(scan_large._x > startX) {  myTweenB.stop();  myTween2.stop();  scan_large.enabled = false  scan_large._alpha = 0  scan_large._x = startX }  if(scan_large._alpha > 0 ) {  myTweenB.stop();  myTween2.stop();  scan_large.enabled = false  scan_large._alpha = 0  scan_large._x = startX }[code].......

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Movieclip Button Keeps Disappearing?

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On the last frame i have the 'stop;' code

On the first frame I have this code:

this.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(rewind == true){


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Disappearing Links Once One Is Chosen

Aug 1, 2009

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_____Here's how I would like it to look..._____

In order to be fair about timeslots, choose from one of the links below. The link you choose will contain your timeslot in which cannot be changed and you will not be able to choose another link after you have chosen. These links are particular order and nobody knows what timeslot is in what link. Your selection will be emailed to me.

Choose your timeslot A
Choose your timeslot B
Choose your timeslot C
Choose your timeslot D
Choose your timeslot E

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Symbols Disappearing In Mac Flash Pro CS4?

Aug 28, 2009

All symbols have stopped rendering while in the IDE. They publish fine, but I can't see them on stage.

Details: Flash Pro CS4 10.0.2 Mac OS X 10.5.8 on MacBook Pro w/ 4GB RAM.Objects that are not symbols render fine (shapes, groups, text, components).Symbols are selectable and show the blue selection boundary.Symbol selection is constrained to the shape of the symbol, not the bounds.The 'empty clip' handle is shown for each symbol(and effects / filters are rendered on it).The layers are not hidden, and switching to outine doesn't change the appearance.All files opened on this Mac show this behavior(IDE pref setting for don't display symbols?) .Files openfine on other machines (PC & Mac).I trashed the 'Flash CS4 Preferences' file, but it didn't fix it.Here's the IDE view of the stage:

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You'll see that the movie and the controls appear and work properly.
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If you click the white rectangle at the bottom, it will load comback.swf into Level 1 but the FLV and the controls are missing. (Somtimes the FLV appears w/o the controls.)

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Dec 1, 2009

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function loopX(e:Event):void
var xDist:Number = mouseX - 24000


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Playing A Movie Once Then Disappearing?

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// initialize variables
var moveAmount:Number = 15; // how fast the pano will move
var centerX:Number = Stage.width/2; // horiz. center of Stage


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FLV Playback Seek Bar Handle Not Disappearing?

Sep 22, 2009

I have child movie in a project that contains a FLV Playback instance with an associated Seek Bar component.  The child movie fades in and fades out when a button is pressed.  When a the child movie fades-out, the handle of the seek bar is retained.  If I watch the movie multiple times, multiple seek bar handles remain behind.

Click the "View Entry Footage" button and then click the "Return to Map" button. 

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Formatting Disappearing In TextField?

Feb 3, 2010

I have a screen in a Flash window with four TextFields(just regular text, no html formatting).If I tab from one TextField to the next, select all the text (using keyboard command), and then start typing, the text formatting is removed.

This does not happen if I click into the TextField before tabbing into it.Even clicking into a TextField, placing the insertion point at the begging of the text, selecting via keyboard, and typing does not reproduce the effect.I'm pretty sure this has something to do with the TextField receiving focus, but am not sure how to work around it as there is no restricted order to type into TextFields.

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Professional :: Disappearing Timeline Panel?

Jun 28, 2010

I have a problem where every time i close flash normally (it's not crashing) and fire it up again, my timeline panel is missing. I have to press ctrl+alt+t or window>timeline to bring it up again and reposition it. What's going on here?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: My Movie Clip Are Disappearing

Aug 12, 2010

I have a simple drag and drop game which consists of a scale and multiple rocks that you can place on either side of the scale. If you get the rock placed on the correct side the first time, you get ten points, which is reflected in a dynamic text box in the upper right hand corner. If you get it wrong, you get zero poitns even if you get it correct the second time. That all works fine. These rocks are also double-click-able and when you do that it will bring up some information about that rock. You can close that window and then go about your business. That works fine as well.

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Professional :: Objects Disappearing On Stage?

Aug 17, 2011

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Professional :: Text Disappearing After Publishing A .swf?

Dec 19, 2011

*Using Flash CS5 professional (AS3)*
I'm currently working on a LARGE flash presentation broken up into many small flash movies.  the files play fine in the timeline, but SOMETIMES when publishing as .swf, the text is not visible, but all the other objects and tweens play as normal.  My co-worker is also having this same issue, but we can not figure out why.  It seems random and does not happen with all of the files.   We are copying and pasting symbols from file to file.  i don't think that is the issue, though.  i wonder if anyone else is experiencing this or knows why.  causing LOTS of extra time spent remaking presentations. 

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Professional :: MASKED Items Disappearing From Swf?

Mar 13, 2012

I am trying to create a very simple 'fruit/slot machine' effect using moving numbers, and a mask.I want the numbers to start at 0,000, spinning through to 1,700. The '1' and '7' work fine, but the two '00' disappear during the tween, then reappear at the end (I have a 'stop' in place).I have the spinning numbers as a 'movie clip', and I have tried uisng 4 different number clips (at the moment 1 clip is duplicated).

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Professional :: Library Images (PNG / JPG) Disappearing

Mar 19, 2012

This has happened to me and other co-workers multiple times lately and it appears to have started around the time CS5.5 was loaded on our computers. What will happen is, we will have a file with multiple pngs/jpgs imported in and placed across the timeline. They will import fine and they swf will publish out fine. We will save the fla and close it. Then later we will open the fla back up and the images will all be gone from the library and obviously, in turn, removed from the timeline.

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Professional :: Timeline Completely Disappearing?

Mar 19, 2012

While animating in Flash CS5 I have had all sorts of strange things happen, which never occurred in CS3 or CS4. Most recently, after drawing an image inside a movieclip symbol, I returned to the root timeline to noticed i had lost my entire timeline and every single layer. lot of work lost. All I had was a blank stage and no matter what I tried I could not get it back. The timeline panel was there, just completely empty.Prior to this, whenever I published a .swf to test my animation, i had several frames worth of blank stage before the animation was shown. For instance, my stage colour was a pale green, and all I saw was pale green for a split second. This got progressively worse before the issue mentioned above occurred.Another strange thing is that I get a completely random moviclip play at the end of my .swf. So,

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash CS4: Font Disappearing?

Jan 28, 2010

I have an odd issue while using FlashCS4.

I have a textfield that, when set to STATIC TEXT works absolutely fine, in the correct font. If I set it to DYNAMIC TEXT, the text shows up as Arial or some other default on systems where the selected font isn't available. It shows up in the proper font on systems that have the font installed.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Array Of The Disappearing Bitmaps?

Aug 25, 2009

I have an array: possessionPics.

returns: [Object Bitmap]


Just gets me: TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert []@1c87df59 to flash.display.Bitmap.

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