Actionscript 2.0 :: Expanding A Photo In Server But Not In Localhost?
Apr 25, 2011
Iīve a problem with a website that when I see in local mode everything is ok but when upload it to the server something is wrong , if you go to [URL] in the Menus section if press the photo and then try to expand it, not expand properly, so you have to press again to view it correctly.
What I donīt understand is why I see the web correctly in local and not in when itīs in the server.
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Apr 25, 2011
problem with a website that when I see in local mode everything is ok but when upload it to the server something is wrong , if you go toin the Menus section if press the photo and then try to expand it, not expand properly, so you have to press again to view it correctly. I know that the problem is in the actionscript but I don know how to fix it
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Localhost server is using 5.2.17 and so if my Server hosted on 1&1
Flash Code To Send Info to PHP
function MakeZip():void
var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
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var loader:Loader = new Loader();//declaring new loader variable
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Localhost server is using 5.2.17 and so if my Server hosted on 1&1
Flash Code To Send Info to PHP
function MakeZip():void
var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
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Code: Select allvar FR = new FileReference();
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both ?
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>There was an error during model deployment for xxxxProgram.
>The server returned the following message:
>Unable to contact the RDS Server "Data Services on Tomcat (localhost)."
>Connection refused: connect
>Do you want to continue launching your Flex application?
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// (c) Copyright by Andrew DiFiore. All rights reserved. DO NOT REMOVE.
fscommand("allowscale", "false");
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";[code]......
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Feb 6, 2009
I have an XML photo gallery, that when it starts it has a loader for the photos. It always starts with the XML file determined sequence, which is fine, but what happens is that the tabs on the right hand side of the photo loader go astray while it is loading the first photo. If the first photo was loaded instantly this wouldnt be an issue.Is there a way that I can preload that first photo, so that it is in memory when the swf file reads the XML file, allowing the first photo to be instantly loaded ?Amongst other things, I tried embedding the photo in the swf file, but it didnt work...obviously I have no idea what to script...I also created another scene, prior to the main scene, to preload the photo.. but it didnt work either, again probably used useless script...Going further in detail, this is the main script:
import com.mosesSupposes.fuse.*;
ZigoEngine.simpleSetup(Shortcuts, PennerEasing);
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Jul 10, 2009
I have been searching for a particular photo gallery, and haven't got far. Here is an example of what I am looking for. With the example I wanting the user to be able to click on a photo for it to appear in the box above. I am looking for a tutorial, so I can customise to fit in my client's flash website.
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Apr 20, 2006
I have a combo box in swf B which I load in swf A.1: If I test swf B the combo box fills ok and expands ok. If I test swf A which loads swf B the combo box appears with data in it. But it does not expand.
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Jul 15, 2010
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Aug 17, 2009
I have had some success using LocalConnection between SWFs.I can have a connection function between a preloader SWF and its child, and another connection work between two SWFs present on the same webpage......most of the time.
If I run my SWFs in a webpage from my localhost (ie my local testing PC) a particular LocalConnection will fail about 50% of the time. If the same SWFs are run on a remote server (ie the inernet) the LocalConnection works 100% of the time.SWF 'A' is sending to SWF 'B'Bizarrely, the LocalConnection going the other way, from SWF 'B' to SWF 'A' works 100%.
All the other LocalConnections I have used all work 100% of the time.I have tried adding a listener to the eventStatus which reports when the connection fails.I have also tried allowDomain(), although Im not sure it is neccessary since all the SWFs are hosted from the same domain anyway.Why should a LocalConnection behave differently depending on where the SWFs are hosted?
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Jun 28, 2010
I try to do a gallery(not important right now) bar that expand when the mouse over it, and back to normal when the mouse get out. I used AS3. There is frame 1, 5 and 10, when 1 and 10 is the normal/small sized bar, and 5 is the big one. As you guessed, 1->5 and 5->10 connected in motion tween, and the layer goes as a loop. The problem is AS:Frame 1:
Actionscript Code:
stop();var up = false;rollingBack.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER,function(){ up = true;});rollingBack.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT,function(){ up =
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Feb 19, 2006
I'm using one of the resizeable image gallery's found on this site.It works great for me, but i have one problem.. I can't really expand it now.I use a frame where i load all the thumbnails for the images. 12 thumbnails will fit in that frame, not more. I want to create it like this: if i load more then 12 thumbnails, a link(a nr) will come automatically at the bottom of that frame. If i will click that link i will see the other thumbnails... In case there are more then 24 thumbnails a third link (nr 3) will come... and so on.the problem is that i havent got the slightest idea how to achieve this
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