Actionscript 3.0 :: Different Photo On Page Load

May 29, 2009

I have (say) 3 photos on my homepage and what I would like to happen is, every time I access the site I would like the photo to be different. What I'm thinking is there must be some way that one can randomly select a photo (perhaps using tweenmax?)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Kirupa Photo Gallery - Load 2 Instead Of 1 Photo?

Aug 26, 2006

I found the tutorial by Kirupa


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Xml News Page With Photo And Video?

Dec 15, 2009

[URL]I'm looking to make a page like this (go to the NEWS page).Does anyone know how to do this, or if there are any components out there that do this? I am familiar with making a standard xml page with just text, but I'm not sure how to add the videos and photos.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Link From Photo To Page In Gallery

Dec 16, 2009

I am new to flash and trying to find out how to link from one page on my flash site to another. My example is: I am constructing an accommodation site and have 3 pictures of 3 different rooms on my 'Rates' page. If a user clicks on one of the pictures, it should take them to the photo gallery page for that room so they can view all the photos for that one room. How do I link from a photo to a page in my gallery. I have got as far as turning the photo images into buttons. My gallery is all set up with the photos. I have looked at the URLRequest, but my flash site is not uploaded to a server and I don't know what the link would be to the gallery.

View 3 Replies :: Session Is Different If Flash Uploads Photo To The Aspx Page

Mar 17, 2011

I have a aspx called user-photo-upload.aspx and another aspx called get-photo.aspx. I set the Session["PhotoId"] in the page_load method of user-photo-upload.aspx.

If I visit the user-photo-upload.aspx through the browser normally, the session can be retrieved in get-photo.aspx. But if the flash uploads photo to the user-photo-upload.aspx page, I can't get the Session["PhotoId"] in get-photo.aspx.

I discover that the Session ID is different when visiting the page using browser normally or by flash. I don't know why flash uses another session.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Photo Gallery - Matching Amount Of Photos On Page

Feb 16, 2006

I have decided to build my own XML gallery. The flash loops through, checks how many images there are and duplicates a movie clip to match the amount of photos on that page. The duplicated mc's are given the names "hello"+z, but when trying to load the images they don't want to load (I have taken the code that loads the dynamic images out). When I trace "hello"+z, it gives me an undefined.

Here is the code:
//builds an array for the amount of XML nodes
function loadXML(loaded) {
vararPhoto =[]
if (loaded) {
xmlNode = this.firstChild;
[Code] .....

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Server Side :: Have A Different Image Load On Home Page Everytime The Page Refreshes?

Jun 2, 2011

I want to have a different image load on my home page everytime the page refreshes or someone visits it. Is it possible to do it without using Flash?

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Make The Buttons On Each Page Load The Next Page (sprite) From The Library?

Jun 29, 2011

My basic aim is to create a newspaper that consists of four pages. Each page i have created and are sitting in the library as sprites. Each page has buttons that need linking so that when pressed it loads the next page or page that i want. This is the part i am confused with =/ how do i make the buttons on each page load the next page (sprite) from the library??

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Javascript :: Getting A Flash Video On New Page Load At Position It Was At On Last Page

Oct 11, 2011

I have a an unobtrusive flash video looping in the background of a website, it is not essential to navigation - it is purely cosmetic.The flash video loops every 30 seconds.As this video is on all pages, it jumps back to the start when a new page is loaded.Is there an actionscript / javascript way to get it to remember the position it got to on the old page so it can start there on the new page?I do know that this can be accomplished by loading the flash movie in a frame as well as by having the subsequent pages load the contents in AJAX but I was hoping not to go down this route.I have seen other people ask the question and allude to the solution but they only posted that they got it to work without saying how.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load External Swf Into Main Page And Remove When Nav To New Page

Jan 7, 2009

I am trying to load an external swf with a number of quotes into an empty movie clip on the home page. then I want it to obviously disappear when nav to any other page.

1) know that you need a loaderEmpty_mc to load the swf into

2) don't know code for how to get it to load on entering the home page

3) don't know how to cdde for leaving the home page and making it disappear

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load A Different Page For The Flash Player To Scroll Up All The Way To The Top Of The Page Itself?

Apr 25, 2007

Im working on a website for school, and im doing it through flash. The server ive been given is being taken up by thousands of pages, so its slow. Instead of loading each page through HTML, ive decided i could do a seperate frame for each page. However, to reach the menu at the bottom, you have to scroll down. Is there any way to make it so that when you click a button to load a different page for the flash player to scroll up all the way to the top of the page itself?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Swf That Contains Xml Photo Gallery

Nov 13, 2009

downloaded an xml photo gallery that is displayed through a swf.

What I want to do is load that external swf into another swf - but everytime I do it gives me a #1009 error. I know my code works - because it loads regular swfs, and I know I have the address right, because I direct it to an exact url location.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Photo In Current Swf?

Oct 27, 2005

im using some AS that scotty modified from the photo gallery tutorial on this site. it goes like this.

var absX = 523;
var absY = 320;
this.pathToPics = "";


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IDE :: Load A 360 View Photo In Swf File?

May 8, 2009

i need to load a 360 view photo in my swf file.. im using the following code but i dont know if i need something else as it is not loading at all..


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Photo Into Dynamic Object?

Jun 28, 2009

Target: Create wall of 25 photos

I'm creating dynamic objects like this[code]....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML - Load Dynamically Specified Photo Galleries?

Feb 14, 2006

I have just started to learn more about XML in Flash but so far it's all a bit confusing. I have this photo site that I'm working on at the moment and I can't figure out how to load dynamically specified photo galleries. I load in my XML on the first frame of the root timeline with this script:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load First Image In Photo Gallery?

Nov 22, 2006

I have done a photo gallery using the following code. However, I need the first picture to appear as the movieclip is loaded. What shall I introduce to this script? Or what would I have to change?

myPhoto = new XML();
myPhoto.ignoreWhite = true;
myPhoto.onLoad = function(success) {
//portfolioTag = this.firstChild;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load / Run Photo Slideshow Automatically

Jan 27, 2004

I downloaded the sample file of making slide photos, but I just can't make it run and load pictures automatically and loop itself continuously. How do I do it without have to hit next or previous? And all done with action scripting only without using keyframes? [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unable To Load Photo Gallery

Mar 2, 2005

I'm new at actionscripting althought not new to flash. I tried creating the photo gallery using the code that is posted here on [URL]. But it doesn't seem to load. I've been using Flash 5, (I'm more comfortable using 5) and I don't know if it makes a difference. But I also tried it on MX and it didn't seem to load with MX either. I don't know if I'm messing up on the dir for the images or what have you, but most of the time I get nothing when I preview it, other times my image frames pops up for a split second. Here's what I've what I've done

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Making Photo Slideshow To Load External MC On Site?

Apr 13, 2010

Making a photo slideshow to load as an external movie clip on my site when a button is pushed. Here is a link to the .swf file: [URL]. There is text that describes each set of 6 pictures. After the set of 6 pictures plays through the text is supposed to disappear and a new text appears to label the next set of 6 pictures. Problem is: the text doesn't disappear! I made all the text layers a symbol/movie clip. I animated each text to disappear at a certain point in the timeline but when I test the movie the texts just remain there and build up one after the other. When watching the movieclip, pay attention to the text in the lower left screen.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Photo Gallery That Load Pictures In Order

Apr 18, 2006

I was taking a look at this great site at the link interior Design. How it's done that gallery? I noticed that the pictures are loaded in order, before they are asked to be shown. When the user clicks on the number of the image, it has already been loaded by the swf.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Photo Gallery And Load Pictures And Comments Via XML

Jul 30, 2007

[URL]. It's a tutorial that shows how to create a photo gallery and load the pictures and comments via XML. My problem is the following, the gallery and everything works well, but I when I try to load it into a container then everything messes up. Here's what I have: I have a main movie (the main .swf file) with a container in it, when clicking on one of the buttons from that movie the gallery.swf loads into the container (the gallery is the exact gallery from the tutorial) and it works well, until I press the button to load it again.

It seems that it messes up the value of "p". I tried tracking it, on the first load it tracks normally p=1, 2, 3, 4.... but on the second load it reacts as if it's double tracking it p=0 1, 2 2, 3 3, 2 4 ... It seems that Flash somehow keeps the old value of "p" in mind. I tried reseting it somehow or something but I can't seem to make it work (or maybe I have to rebuild the whole thing?).

It works perfectly if I load it only once but if I load the gallery.swf twice or more times then it goes crazy (or since I have more buttons on the stage, after pressing one and coming back to the gallery, it does the same, it's messed up). How can I "reset" the value of 0 on every load or something? I even tried playing around with unloadMovie but can't figure out how to use it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: First Photo In The Xml Datebase (pic1.jpg) Does Not Load When Button#1 Is Pressed?

Jul 17, 2004

1. For some reason, the first photo in the xml datebase (pic1.jpg) does not load when button#1 is pressed. The gallery starts with #2? I just don't understand why.

2. On load, the preload bar is presend even though i've got visible = 0.

3. The BIG one. Right now I've got an empty frame for my thumb buttons. What I really want to do is have a single button prototype that duplicates itself and externally loads a thumb*.jpg rather than placing each thumb*.jpg on each button manuelly. There was an example on the same thread, but I was unable to combine the two.

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Making A Photo Slide Show To Load As An External Movie Clip?

May 17, 2010

Making a photo slide show to load as an external movie clip on my site when a button is pushed . Here is a link to the .swf file:[URL]..Basic problem: There is text that describes each set of 6 pictures. After the set of 6 pictures plays through the text is supposed to disappear and a new text appears to label the next set of 6 pictures. Problem is: the text doesn't disappear!

I made all the text layers a symbol/movie clip. I animated each text to disappear at a certain point in the timeline but when I test the movie the texts just remain there and build up one after the other.

When watching the movieclip, pay attention to the text in the lower left screen.


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Actionscript 3 :: Adobe Air Open Ipad Photo And Load Image To The MovieClip

Mar 30, 2012

Is there a way to have the file reference work under ipad?

The file reference works for flash and andriod tablet, but not the ipad.

* uploadNewBackground
* Sets up the position for the panel container and add Event Listener to


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load A Folder Of Pictures Into A Flash Movie Photo Gallery?

Oct 4, 2010

A couple days I started a topic about how to load a folder of pictures into a flash movie(photo gallery).

With some tutorials I almost got it but something is not working very good.The images are displayed to big. They apear out of the box they should be in.

I dont know where to look anymore... is there someone that can take a look at my files?

I will attach them in a .zip file. (the "img" map is empty because the file was to big)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change The Current External Photo That Is Being Loaded To Load The Url From A Setting In The Same Xml File?

Mar 5, 2012

I have a gfx which I have created 6 shapes and converted them into simple buttons. I have urls sat inside an xml file. How can I get the buttons to use the urls set from within the xml file?Also how can I change the current external photo that is being loaded to load the url from a setting in the same xml file.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Photo Slide Show - Run And Load Pictures Automatically And Loop Itself Continuously

Jan 27, 2004

i downloaded the sample file of making slide photos, but i just can't make it run and load pictures automatically and loop itself continuously. how do i do it without have to hit next or previous? and all done with action scripting only without using keyframes? can someone please provide codes for me to learn or use? [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Effect - When The Photos Load - The Layout Resizes According To The Photo Size?

Oct 10, 2007

I'm working on making a site with an xml photo gallery with thumbnails. Right now, I have the gallery working, but I want to add an effect from this site: [URL] When the photos load, the layout resizes according to the photo size. How can I do something like this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make The Small Photos Take Forever To Load Since Their Source Is A Large Photo?

Apr 29, 2004

i sort of asked this before but never got a clear responce to it. this is sort of a two part question. one i have a dynamic gallery of images with a small picture that you click on that loads a bigger picture. I would love to be able to just have one photo that loads into the bigger mc and also the small mc. right now what i am doing is making two size photos a small 47x47 and a large141x141. does anyone know how i can use the same photo for both mc's second question. if that works will it make the small photos take forever to load since their sorce is a large photo?

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