Actionscript 3.0 :: Scrolling Button Menu Using Keyboard Class?
Oct 14, 2010
I'd like to know what AS3 code is necessary to have a scrollable menu of buttons using the Keyboard class. I am creating app similar to a Yahoo widget, and I would like for the keyboard to simulate a remote control in the prototype. The keyboard's directional buttons (up, down, left, right), the "backspace" and "enter" button would be used to navigate. I have found AS3 code on how to move objects using keyboard commands (up, down, left, right, back), like in a game, but not how to move the target area from one object (button) to another. The changing target would be a clickable button using the "enter" button.
I'm having a problem with this menu tutorial I followed from ASGamer. I have done and used most, if not all of the tutorials from that site.Anyway my problem is their base menu class;
I hope someone can give me some assistance. I am creating a page that I want to click on a button to bring a scrolling menu list that a html link will work from I am using Flash CS3 Pro and am trying to use AS3 for the scripting. I've not tried this before so to say it's not cooperating is an understatment. My button will not allow me to apply any actions to them. Any tuts that might show me the error of my ways (lol)
I have created a vertical menu that scrolls through menu items in a movie clip.There is a big white gap when the movie clip runs out, and it snaps back to the beginning.I would like it to scroll seamlessly, having the end join up with the beginning again without any space.I would like it to scroll to one end of the list and STOP, and scroll back the other way and STOP - without any white space.URL...
All I've been trying to do is to move a string of thumbnails - thumbHolder_mc - incrementally (like every 386 pixels) left and right, controling it with arrow buttons. Code below works like a charm EXCEPT when I try to stop the tween motion on either end. I tried everything - _visible = false, enabled = false, delete function, etc etc, nothing works. In the my script below, buttons get disabled, but never recover. Function never comes "back to life", which is what I thought it was supposed to do: stop(); //connect right and left arrow buttons to
I'm building a website where the user can navigate it by keyboard. I'm having difficulties getting the srollbar to work by keyboard, I have it built but I need to work it in if you press shift+right arrow key, it will go to the right, and if you press shift+left arrow key it will go to the left.
As of right now I've tried many different ways of doing this but have only created a mess of my actionscript. When I did get it going to the left or right, the scroller would automatically go all the way to right or left without stopping.
I've enclosed my sample file. and here is my actionscript minus my attempts of working the keyboard actions in:
ActionScript Code: fscommand("allowscale", "false"); gbar.useHandCursor = gdragger.useHandCursor=false; space = 20;
Basically, I have a button and on click it displays a menu. I want to click that menu a second time and the menu closes. Currently, every time you click the button, the menu reopens. I pasted the Flex livedoc example below. If you click the button, the menu keeps reopening.Now, I rigged it up by setting a var to open and closed, so when clicking the button it does a check. However, if you click away from the screen, the HIDE event gets dispatched, and the menu closes. This messed up the open close var being set.
How could I make this Flex example below show the menu on button click, and then on a second button click, it closes the menu? Take into affect that if you click away from the menu, it closes it.Also, I played around with the MOUSE_DOWN_OUTSIDE event for the button and set the preventDefault, and the FlexMouseEvent event.cancelable is set to false.Changing to a PopUpMenuButton is not an option. I have to much skinning involved.Here is the Flex example:
<mx:Script> <![CDATA[ // Import the Menu control. import mx.controls.Menu;
The first on is using the Tweener class and everytime that I press a button it fades out the loaded content of the previous selection, waits for it to finish and then loads the content of the button pressed. Everything works fine with this part.The second code is the on that is using an Array to dynamicaly rollover, rollout and keep selected the buttons.It was also changing the content of the mc that everything is loaded on but without this fancy fade in - fade out...!So i think its time for some code now...:
Code: Select allimport mx.transitions.*; import mx.transitions.easing.Strong; var FADEINSTART:Number = 2; var FADEINSTOP:Number = 7;
Ive managed to make the previous mc to fade out but cant really make everything work properly...!
The first on is using the Tweener class and everytime that I press a button it fades out the loaded content of the previous selection, waits for it to finish and then loads the content of the button pressed. Everything works fine with this part. The second code is the on that is using an Array to dynamicaly rollover, rollout and keep selected the buttons.It was also changing the content of the mc that everything is loaded on but without this fancy fade in - fade out...!!
I am creating a dynamic menu, that is supposed to be controlled by the keybord, or buttons. The menu has several submenues, so I am thinking of setting up a XMLdocument to read from. Do anyone have a easy-to-understand .fla or a good tuturial on this subject?
I need to make a menu (sort of like a game main menu) that the user can either use the mouse to click on the buttons, or they can use the up and down keys on the keyboard to navigate the menu and use enter to select the button. Like, a game menu.
What is the keyboard shortcut to open a context menu in Flash? Shift+F10 doesn't work.. Now I am trying to implement a key-down event handler like below:
public function customKeyHandler(e:KeyboardEvent):void { if (e.keyCode == flash.ui.Keyboard.F10 && e.shiftKey)
But this is not working as the F10 key in flash is reserved by the system and cannot be used in action script according to this [URL]
how to go about enabling context menu in Flash to be opened using keyboard (not mouse right click) ??
What is the keyboard shortcut to open a context menu in Flash? Shift+F10 doesn't work.. Now I am trying to implement a key-down event handler like below:
public function customKeyHandler(e:KeyboardEvent):void { if (e.keyCode == flash.ui.Keyboard.F10 && e.shiftKey)
But this is not working as the F10 key in flash is reserved by the system and cannot be used in action script according to this [URL]
how to go about enabling context menu in Flash to be opened using keyboard (not mouse right click) ??
I'm trying to build a class that can handle a menu or other grid of buttons being keyboard accessible (navigate with arrowkeys, select with another key, here 'b'). So far I have the keyboard part working, but you have to click one of the buttons to 'activate' it, and I am unsure of the logic needed to do the mouse events. I have added mouse events but don't see a simple way of integrating them with the keyboard system. Code is here, and both the class and a test .fla are attached.
Basically, the list of instances are passed by the frame into the constructor in an array. The selector class manages the index in the array of the currently selected button. The frame adds a key event listener, and these keys are picked up by the class to change the selected button and call the roll out and roll over methods to change the states (for this test just adjusting scale to 1.4, but in future, causing them to run a function or similar).
What I would ideally like, ideally, is for the keyboard and mouse to work in sync, as in rolling over with the mouse will update the currentButton index... If not, just some explanation as to why one of the buttons in the array must be clicked first before I can start using the keyboard would be good.
I'm building a site with flash (obviously) and it has multiple pages, now on one of these pages i wanted a scrolling menu with thumbnails that when you click them they take you to another page, but I'm not quite sure how to go about it. The methods I already tried haven't worked.
it is unbelievable how many ppl have asked for help on this that i've seen and have been ignored...all i see is tons of ppl viewing and noone bothering to reply..not even to say they doan know how...well i hope that that is not the case with this post i need to scroll a vertical xml menu as per "the xml driven menu" [URL]..
i don't need a menu with a text area or anything like that...just a plain old menu that can scroll because my list will be very long. something like the infinite menu created from xml would be great too..
i want to make one of those menu's that when you rollOver it moves to left or right depending on the position of the mouse. for an example of what i mean look at lostinbeta's footer.
I have a scroll over menu that works great (see code below) But I only want it to work when I scroll over the menu. Right now, it activates and scrolls even when I'm not hovering over the menu. My canvas is about 800x400 and the scroll over menu is only 200x350. I tried: on rollover disable but that did not work.
stop(); ym = 5; //function to set the xpos of the movieclip function ypos(bar_length, mul) {
I did a xml image gallery, with buttons for each image (using the duplicateMovieClip function + a for loop).Now i went to next step, I need to make a scroll for the menu, BUT, i don't have any idea how to set something to happen after the for loop is done.
My code so far:
Code: stop(); var yPos = -10; var depthCount = 1;
Just for a simple test (since i noticed what i tried wasn't working well), I added a test movie clip and added a _visibile = false to be executed, i added it right after the closing of the for loop. I didn't had sucess thou, it happened before the loop .
[URL].. Can anyone lead me in the right direction to create an icon scrolling menu like at the bottom on this webpage. scroll with the right and left arrows and click the images for links.
I am trying to make a photo gallery with a scrolling menu at the bottom. I have made both a photo gallery and a scrolling menu with tutorials but I can't figure out how to combine them so that they work. I've tried for quite a while now and I think that the problem comes from the scrolling menu which requires that I put all of the symbols I'm using into one symbol called panel. Is there any way to combine the code without completely rewriting it? Here is the code for the photo gallery:
So below is my code for a project I'm working on. I'm having some trouble though. I got the code for the scrolling menus online from another forum, but I can't figure out where that was. In any case, the current version of the code allows for the scrolling to happen when I open the page displays (enter Frame). But I can't figure out how to get the scrolling to happen only when I hover over the menu. I only want each one to scroll when I hover over the menu, not when I get on the page. I tried to replace the "enterFrame" part of the code, but it didn't work right. I need this done ASAP.
- The menu scrolls to the left when mouse is over the left side of the menu (there will be an arrow pointing left), and the menu reacts in the opposite fashion when the mouse is over the right side of the menu- The menu is constantly scrolling in the left direction when the mouse is not over the left or right arrow- The menu stops scrolling (or slows down) when the mouse scrolls over any of the items in the side-scrolling menu.
I've been searching through here constantly for a thread about a horizontal scrolling menu for actionscript 3, but I can't find any that are what I need. I have something that has been written for AS2, but I don't know how to write it for AS3.
This is the script I have now, that I got from a website called Sitepoint (Flash Script - Scrolling Menu With A Scrolling Background, I'd link but this is my first post here).
xm = 0; function xpos(bar_length,mul) { hpos = 400;
I like it because its all based on the x position of the mouse which I feel makes the scrolling easier to control than a variable speed, not that it matters too much.
I'm working on an AIR for iOS iPad scrolling menu with "kinetic" interaction. I'm trying to emulate as closely as I can the behavior of native components. To that end, I've had to forgo the traditional startDrag() method because of the peculiarities of the native UIScrollView. The reason startDrag() won't work for me is that when you drag the menu past its upper or lower scrolling threshold you encounter resistance, that is, the effect of your mouse/finger on the scroll/dragging of the menu is cut in half. Inside either threshold, if you move your finger a pixel the menu moves a pixel. Beyond either threshold, when you move your finger two pixels the menu only moves one because of the a .5 resistance multiplier. As far as I know, startDrag() doesn't account for any of that.
I finished my slide show using xml.of course only one picture shows (loads) as my navigation is...the scrolling menu, so there is not click next button as in the xml slide show tutorial.I also finished, as you can see, the scrolling menu movie...i would not use the xml slide show technique with this as you would always have to manually go in and update blank boxes to load pics into as they are not overlapping in the same space.although you super coders just not there...this is my first project with any coding, and im copy and paste do i make it where my buttons in the scrolling menu call up the images from my xml document that created my slide show?[code]