Actionscript 3.0 :: Zendamf Not Handling Special Character Data
May 29, 2009
I've written an application that deals with multiple languages, English, French, etc, I'm using Zendamf to retrieve multi-language data from a database, however, I'm running into a problem using Zendamf, and it could kill this project fast:
There seems to be an issue passing special character values via Zendamf. While querying a database that returns data including French-text characters (ie: Québec), the result returned from Zendamf is not handling the special characters (ie: instead of Québec, we receive Qu�c).
I've checked the output of the data via Php: the issue is not with the database result - the characters are returned correctly from the database to the Php result-set - I am able to print these characters correctly before they are sent through Zendamf, either by rendering them in HTML or by writing them to a log file.
However, once I plug the SQL result into an object and pass it to Zendamf, the special characters get mangled. Using Charles Web Debugging Proxy, I can see that the result values are mangled before they are passed back to my AS3 application.
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How can i handle these exceptions?
1. Some code that uses a "timer" to periodically try to load the data again if the connection is slow and the txt doesn't loads the first time?
2. When it doesn't load at all, and the onLoad fails, how can I simulate notOnLoad - exception for data download fail? And retry the dataLoad?
I've already made cross-server data loading possible using crossdomain.xml policy.
The site is still in development. This problem occurred when the server which contains the data.txt was down due to maintenance, and when one of the test-visitors was downloading so much in the background that his connection didn't had enough bandwidth to load data correctly (browser thought he had connection problems).
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Jun 3, 2011
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Jun 9, 2009
I've worked with AMFPHP for a while, but with Adobe supporting ZendAMF, I was wondering if I should migrate.
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Dec 1, 2010
I have an ActionScript 3 application that's sending an object to PHP via ZendAMF. The object contains a byteArray from an image.
I have it currently saving the byteArray into a Blob like so:
This seems to be working fine and I can see the image in the DB (this is running local and I'm using SequelPRO to view the DB).
The problem is when I'm sending the byteArray back to Flash, Flash reports the byteArray length as 0.
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Aug 8, 2011
I am using ZendAMP php and Flex (Flash Builder 4). It works great, but I noticed when I am looking at the traffic going between my flex application and ZendAMF, there packets moving even though I am not requesting communications in my code.For example, this is what my service looks like in flex:
var activityLogService:RemoteObject = new RemoteObject("zend");
Are these just some kind of 'keep alive' messages?If so, is there a way to turn them off? Also, if so, is there a way I can use them to keep some kind of session alive on the server side maybe (maybe that's what they are for)?
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Jul 15, 2009
Whats the scoop?I watched Lee's tutorial on Zend and also the older ones for AMFPHP.Is one 'better' than the other? Doubt that since as I understand both are written by the same author, only Adobe 'officially' supports Zend.
My application is composed of 3 parts
1-an image editing tool allowing users to upload images, edit them, then post them to a server.
2-a publicly viewable gallery
3-a private 'admin' tool allowing the user to change their login settings and delete any uploaded images.
Are both Zend and AMFPHP equally robust and easy to implement when it comes to session registration and login?
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Aug 4, 2009
I am using ZendAmf with an example Tutorials of Lee and files downloaded from this forum.
This is the client actionscript code :
Code: Select allvar nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var res:Responder = new Responder(onResult,onError);
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Feb 28, 2010
ive tested my files countless times using WAMP but when i put them on my webserver i cannot get anything to happen when i call the swf
when i goto index.php i see "Zend Amf Endpoint", and as i already said when i use a backup copy of my_db using WAMP i receive the information
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Dec 27, 2008
I've tried to implement the Introduction to ZendAMF without success
I'm getting this error on publishing the flash file:
Code: Select allError opening URL 'http://localhost/folder/'
Error #2044: Unhandled NetStatusEvent:. level=error, code=NetConnection.Call.Failed
- I'm in localhost on Windows with Xampp.
- If I open in the browser the url of nc.connect() it returns "Zend Amf Endpoint".
- If I print the return of the Tutorials.getTutorials() from another script the returned array contains the correct data.
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