Actionscript 3.0 :: Difference Between ZendAMF And AMFphp

Jul 15, 2009

Whats the scoop?I watched Lee's tutorial on Zend and also the older ones for AMFPHP.Is one 'better' than the other? Doubt that since as I understand both are written by the same author, only Adobe 'officially' supports Zend.

My application is composed of 3 parts

1-an image editing tool allowing users to upload images, edit them, then post them to a server.

2-a publicly viewable gallery

3-a private 'admin' tool allowing the user to change their login settings and delete any uploaded images.

Are both Zend and AMFPHP equally robust and easy to implement when it comes to session registration and login?

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Php :: ZendAMF Have Private Members?

Jun 9, 2009

I've worked with AMFPHP for a while, but with Adobe supporting ZendAMF, I was wondering if I should migrate.

One of the major disadvantages for AMFPHP is that class mappings need to be public, so not only does that mean public members on the PHP side, but also on the Flex side. I was wondering if it is the same case for ZendAMF.

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Php :: ByteArray To MySQL From ActionScript 3 -> PHP Via ZendAMF

Dec 1, 2010

I have an ActionScript 3 application that's sending an object to PHP via ZendAMF. The object contains a byteArray from an image.

I have it currently saving the byteArray into a Blob like so:


This seems to be working fine and I can see the image in the DB (this is running local and I'm using SequelPRO to view the DB).

The problem is when I'm sending the byteArray back to Flash, Flash reports the byteArray length as 0.

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Php :: Traffic Going Between My Flex Application And ZendAMF?

Aug 8, 2011

I am using ZendAMP php and Flex (Flash Builder 4). It works great, but I noticed when I am looking at the traffic going between my flex application and ZendAMF, there packets moving even though I am not requesting communications in my code.For example, this is what my service looks like in flex:

var activityLogService:RemoteObject = new RemoteObject("zend");

Are these just some kind of 'keep alive' messages?If so, is there a way to turn them off? Also, if so, is there a way I can use them to keep some kind of session alive on the server side maybe (maybe that's what they are for)?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: ZendAmf Own Class Fails

Aug 4, 2009

I am using ZendAmf with an example Tutorials of Lee and files downloaded from this forum.

This is the client actionscript code :
Code: Select allvar nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var res:Responder = new Responder(onResult,onError);


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Actionscript 3.0 :: ZendAmf Will Not Work On Webserver

Feb 28, 2010

ive tested my files countless times using WAMP but when i put them on my webserver i cannot get anything to happen when i call the swf


when i goto index.php i see "Zend Amf Endpoint", and as i already said when i use a backup copy of my_db using WAMP i receive the information

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Implement The Introduction To ZendAMF Without Success ?

Dec 27, 2008

I've tried to implement the Introduction to ZendAMF without success

I'm getting this error on publishing the flash file:

Code: Select allError opening URL 'http://localhost/folder/'
Error #2044: Unhandled NetStatusEvent:. level=error, code=NetConnection.Call.Failed

- I'm in localhost on Windows with Xampp.

- If I open in the browser the url of nc.connect() it returns "Zend Amf Endpoint".

- If I print the return of the Tutorials.getTutorials() from another script the returned array contains the correct data.

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PHP :: ZendAMF Returning Invalid XML And Causing Bad Version Error

Sep 1, 2010

I am trying to use ZendAMF to do remote method calls to a MySQL database from Flash and I keep recieving the NetConnection.Call.BadVersion error.
My Server is working correctly. Apache 2.2.14
My PHP is working correctly. PHP 5.2.11
My Database is working. MySQL 5.0

My first problem was a security error in Flash. If you try to run a local SWF from the Flash IDE to a web service online, you'll get a security warning which will throw the BadVersion error. However, the security error won't show up if you 'TEST MOVIE' so it took me a while to realize that. I changed my testing process to remove this variable. I am now able to implement my php class code successfully using AMFPHP, which essentially rules out my class as the issue (I think). It seems to be a problem with the Zend implemntation of AMF.

I have followed a tutorial from Lee Brimlow here: [URL]. I was unable to get this to work locally, and I've moved my content onto a web server and can call the Class and Method from my SWF. I've used Charles to view the response. When I go to validate the response in Charles I get this:
Validator: Failed to Parse XML Document.
Reason: An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x0) was found in the CDATA section.
Line: 65 Column: 87
Can it be handled in PHP?

Here is my ZendAMF code:
ini_set("display_errors", "on");
ini_set("include_path", "./frameworks");
require_once 'Zend/Amf/Server.php';
require_once 'Animal.php';
[Code] .....

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Zendamf Not Handling Special Character Data

May 29, 2009

I've written an application that deals with multiple languages, English, French, etc, I'm using Zendamf to retrieve multi-language data from a database, however, I'm running into a problem using Zendamf, and it could kill this project fast:

There seems to be an issue passing special character values via Zendamf. While querying a database that returns data including French-text characters (ie: Québec), the result returned from Zendamf is not handling the special characters (ie: instead of Québec, we receive Qu�c).

I've checked the output of the data via Php: the issue is not with the database result - the characters are returned correctly from the database to the Php result-set - I am able to print these characters correctly before they are sent through Zendamf, either by rendering them in HTML or by writing them to a log file.

However, once I plug the SQL result into an object and pass it to Zendamf, the special characters get mangled. Using Charles Web Debugging Proxy, I can see that the result values are mangled before they are passed back to my AS3 application.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: ZendAMF Error Handling - Make The PHP File Throw An Exception That Gets Traced As An Error Message

Jul 7, 2010

i am currently trying to learn ZendAMF, but i have a hard time troubleshooting which makes learning it quite hard. Is there a way to make the PHP file throw an exception that gets traced as an error message in AS3 (not Flex), the only error i seem to be able to get is "Error #2044: Unhandled NetStatusEvent:. level=error, code=NetConnection.Call.Failed", but it tells me jack ****.

i have gotten ZendAMF working, i just want to know how i can make error handling better, so that as an example can use PHP to tell flash that no results were found, or that the typed text was invalid. Is it better to use AS3 to check if the field was filled properly?

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Returning Errors From AMFPHP?

Mar 19, 2010

When using flash remoting with amfphp, what can I write in php that will trigger the 'status' method that I set up in my Responder in Flash? Or more generally, how can I determine if the service call has failed? The ideal solution for me would be to throw some exception in php serverside, and catch that exception in flash clientside... How do other people handle server errors with flash remoting?


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IDE :: Possible To Send Or Get An Image Or Swf Using Amfphp

Apr 12, 2007

i want to use amfphp to get a very long text so i want to be able to show the progress of the download with a preloader but i dont know how to do this, also i dont know if it is posible to send or get an image or swf using amfphp.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sending Variables To AMFPHP

Jan 18, 2009

How would I send variables to php when I use AMFPHP? I'm trying to send mediaID and voteValue to my php file, but nothing seems to happen. I guess there's something wrong here..

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Is The Framework AMFPHP A Bridge Between Flash And PHP

Nov 24, 2009

connectivity of data using AMFPHP between the flash frontend and the mysql database?

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Php :: Deserialize The AmfPhp Messages While Remoting?

Nov 29, 2009

Is it possible to deserialize the AmfPhp messages while remoting? They are in binary, and assuming that amfphp understands what they are I should be able to decode what it s.

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Php :: Free Opensource Amfphp Alternative

Dec 17, 2009

is there any other framework that does the same as amfphp? I dont want to use amfphp because it hasnt been updated in years and looks like it's no longer under development, I have to use PHP so I'm looking for a PHP alternative.

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Actionscript 3 :: SWF Cannot Connects To DB (using AMFPHP ) While Run Through Browser

Mar 10, 2012

its few days i'm stock with a issue using amfphp 2 in my actionscript project. i have an actionscript project which gets the data from db through amfphp, when i run the complied swf in debug mode or just run through flash player it works fine , but once i wrap it with html and open it through browser it never gets the data from db, dose any body can help me what is going on ? i have added these lines at the first of the project , but still through browser ( i've tried , Chrome, Firefox and safari) it cannot connects to db.


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Php :: Passing ByteArray From Flash To AMFPHP (2.0.1)?

Mar 13, 2012

i have a problem passing ByteArray from flash (as3) to amfphp to save an image.With old version of amfphp, all worked in the past... now, with new version i have many problem.I'm using version 2.0.1 and the first problem is that i have to do this, for access to my info:


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Actionscript 3.0 :: AMFPHP Services Over HTTPS?

Sep 18, 2008

I'm having a very strange problem around a few services I developed for AMFPHP that worked fine over HTTP but once over HTTPS gone completely wrong. When testing right on export flash IDE the connection goes fine but when online and on the browser it doesn't. On connecting, Flash returns a security sandbox violation like this:

"Error #2048: Security sandbox violation:[URL] cannot load data from [URL]. I know that I'm missing the "www" subdomain on the gateway secure address but this is has another purpose for domain configuration. What's most weird is that even the Service Browser went completely wrong since it tries to open the gateway through the HTTP version of the address instead of the HTTPS one. Upon opening the browser I get a "NetConnection.Call.Failed: HTTP: Failed" error. It also tells me that it's trying to connect to [URL] instead of [URL].

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sending Values To Amfphp

Jan 20, 2009

I have struggled with this a while now, but I can't understand it. I want to send values from my flashfile to amfphp which will then update my database. This is the as3 code I use for sending:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Columns Comment With Amfphp?

Aug 1, 2011

I'm using amfphp to get some info from SQL database.

My php code of the file in "services" folder looks like[code]...

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Php :: AMFPHP Flex Propel Mapping Class Bug?

Sep 23, 2009

I'm working on a website using :

- Flex 3.4
- AMFPHP 1.9b
- Propel 1.3

I'll try to focus on the problem which takes place in a whole system.To sum up, I have 2 entities (MySQL) :

create table AAA
id_AAA int not null auto_increment,
id_BBB int,


I retrieve all my BBB, they are mapped from PHP classes (generated by Propel) to AS3 classes on the Flex side.But when I create a AAA row in the database.I retrieve all my BBB, and all objects are mapped EXCEPT the BBB whose id corresponds to the foreign key in the inserted AAA row.

if you know anything about how AMFPHP / Propel / Flex are dealing with Foreign Keys and why class mapping is failing right here.The weird thing is that it seems to happen only for this specific case ...

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Database :: Saving Data From Flash Using Amfphp?

May 15, 2010

I know how to get the data from my database, but i can't seem to figure out how to send data to the database from flash using amfphp! give me an as3 and php service example.

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ActionScript 3 :: AMFPHP Call From Server To Client

Sep 18, 2010

Is it possible to call a client method from server using AMFPHP? For example if there is a Flash chat app with PHP backend. Everytime a new chat is logged from one of the clients, server would call update in all of the clients?

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Flex :: Security Amfphp With A Secure Channel

Jul 9, 2011

I have an application running on flex and php, connected using amfphp, i added a secure channel to services.conf of amfphp [code]how do i know if flex is actually using this secure channel? i tried [code]from the php side and they are both false ... but if i remove these checks it works fine, I'm using wamp, with mod_ssl, and working from localhost

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Flex :: Call A Function In It From Php Side Of AMFPHP?

Aug 26, 2011

Is it possible to call a function in flex from the php side of AMFPHP?

For instance, and error is thrown in php, can i "listen" for it in the flex app?

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Flex 4.5 :: RemoteObject And AMFPHP Over SSL With Self-signed Certificate

Nov 2, 2011

I'm trying to connect to AMFPHP over SSL (self-signed) from a Flex 4.5 application.Will this work? Or do I need an authority-signed certificate?Will it silently fail or prompt user like it does in browser?How do I need to edit the services-config.xml file for this to work?

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Actionscript 3 :: Catch PHP Exceptions In Flex Without AMFPHP?

Nov 10, 2011

I'm looking for a way to catch an Exception thrown by PHP in Flex using HTTPService. Is it possible to do it without using AMFPHP?

In my current implementation, if an Exception is thrown in PHP, a FaultEvent.FAULT is indeed dispatched on Flex side. The only problem is that the exception's message string is nowhere to be found in FaultEvent.[code]...

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Flex :: Getting A Sending Failed Error In AMFPHP

Dec 20, 2011

I am using remote object in flex to call a method in amfphp. I have project setup properly with a services-config.xml in d src, d end point uri pointing to the gateway.php. After testing on my localhost everything works fine but when I copied my files to a remote server repoint the uri in d servies-config and then recompiling the application gives a sending failed error.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing Complex Types To Php With AMFPHP 2

Jan 13, 2009

Passing a complex type to PHP with AMFPHP 2. This 'sort of' works, sort of in that I can pass an AMF object to a service, and I can echo that object back to Flex/Flash, but I cannot access the contents of the object in PHP.

A simple service


We get null. - Now I am assuming this is some sort of serialization I am missing, does anyone know what it is?

Edit - also worth noting when passing an Array to AMFPHP I have no problems accessing the data

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