Actionscript 3.0 :: Creating Simple Component - Can't Get The Default Parameters "loaded" In The Class ?
Mar 18, 2010
I want to create a simple component in as3, cs4. There are 2 problems I cant solve:
1.)I can't get the default parameters "loaded" in the class for the component so lets say if I have w = 10 in the parameters how can I refer to it in the code?
2.) How can I get the tool with which I can set which corner of the component should stay the same : it looks like this in the default
flash button component
theLinesTool.png (11.82 KiB) Viewed 290 times
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{Impact:"A", KBP1:1, KBP2:0, KBP3:0, KBP4:0 },
{Impact:"B", KBP1:0, KBP2:0, KBP3:0, KBP4:0 },
{Impact:"C", KBP1:0, KBP2:2, KBP3:3, KBP4:0 },
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