Actionscript 3.0 :: Jsfl Panel & Flash Authoring - Get The Duration Of A Selected Sound File?

Jul 13, 2010

I've developed a neat WindowSWF panel after watching Lee's demonstration video. I got everything I needed to work, but I'm having trouble getting information from my sound files. Basically I have a list of sound objects (.wav format) in my library and I want to find the duration of each file so that I can add them to existing movie clips, then add or remove frames depending on the length of the sound file on the frame. I've been pouring over the jsfl actions libraries and can't find any method to get the duration of a selected sound file.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Get The Duration Of A Selected Sound File?

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Code: Select allpackage

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but I get undefined when I use trace fl.xmlui.get('secretword') in JSFL after opening the panel. In a way it kind of makes sense, if the xmlui variables live as long as the xmlui dialog is display, and they become undefined as soon as the user click either accept or cancel. Can someone confirm is this is the case ? Aworkaround would be saving the 'secretword' in a text file through JSFL from xmlui, although just passing values from a xmlui node to JSFL would be simpler. Is there a 'cleaner' way of doing this, other than writing a file to disk ?

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Nov 27, 2009

1. Is there a method of determining the length of a sound file (mp3 primarily); in bytes, elapsed time, before the file is played? (the file could be played against a stop watch and the elapsed time record after the fact, programmatically).

2. Is it possible to set markers and fast forward/rewind to markers corresponding to the file?What I am thinking of is a feature allowing the user to play a file to a point and pause, set a marker, rewind and play to the marker and stop, or fast forward from the beginning and play from the marker, or even play past the marker and rewind to the marker.

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var selectedIndex:int;


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var directory:String = "Voices/";
var noOfSongs:Number = 100;
var aSongs:Array = [];
var currIndex:Number = 0;


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mySound = new Sound();
songs = new Array("1.mp3", "2.mp3");
songIndex = 0;
mySound.loadSound(this.songs[songIndex], true);
var playing = true;
[Code] .....

So, the sound begins to play from the beginning. However the problem is with the timer: when 'stop' is pressed it says 0:00. But, when I press play again it immediately jumps to the time it showed when stop was pushed, e.g. 0:12

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loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, loadProgress);
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadComplete);
function loadProgress(event:ProgressEvent):void {
var percentLoaded:Number = event.bytesLoaded/event.bytesTotal;


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C# :: Stalling Program Until JSFL File Finishes

Sep 6, 2011

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trace( <b>brett</b> ); and to get that to appear in bold in the console window or the output window?

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Flex :: Get The Duration Of An Mp3 File?

Nov 27, 2009

I noticed many players display audio track duration before loading the sound file, but I cannot figure out how that is done. So how can I get the duration of an mp3 file in Flex without having to load the file in a Sound object ? Think about loading 1000+ files in an application that has to immediately display the duration for each track.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loaded External Sound Control Panel

Oct 12, 2004

I've got a main flash index file (fla_main.swf) which acts as a header/menu that concurrent pulls in external movies (ie, content pages) when sections are selected. There's no problem with that at all, but I do have a soundtrack control panel that is an external mov loaded in (soundctrl01.swf). There's 3 music tracks and options to stop, start, next track etc. All the usual stuff, vars loaded by " Sound();" etc and played/stopped with the var instances. Anyway, the mov starts with loop01 playing and then allows the option to skip etc, working fine on publishing but when the fla_main loads it in theres no sound on any loops. Is this an issue with loading sound vars and external movies?

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Media Server :: Getting Flv File's Duration?

Jan 29, 2010

Is it possible using command line, or a php file to get the duration of an flv file using the flash media server. I used the flvcheck file to fix the meta data, and was using the duration operator but it didn't come up with anything. I am guessing the duration operator just shows if there is errors with this?

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