I have two swf files that I exported from After Effects. They are both fairly large (1.7mb and 2.6mb) so I decided to load them into my main fla externally. This works fine but the playback is a little choppy. I tried creating a separate preloader.fla that will play my main movie once it is loaded. This doesn't work though since my main movie is only 4kb (since all the swfs are externally loaded). With me so far?
So then I created a regular preloader inside my main fla. Here is my code:
I understand how to load external swfs into an container with the loadmovie command. I also understand I could make that container invisible so I don't see the movie right away.However, I want to script a preloader that loads swfs without starting them - just gets them into memory. how to do this and then play them on command?
I've found this bit of code and it works for preloading my single 'Q1.swf' in an old AS2 project I did a while back. How do I adapt it to preload 5 swf's? Can I load them all to the same target mc or do I have to load them on separate levels or to different targets.I don't want to change the project to AS3 as the budget doesn't allow. Also will this work when the project is viewed from a CD as well as online?[code]
In AS3 i am using the Loader class to load in multiple external SWFs (AVM1), each of which has a short animation which automatically plays when the swf is I obviously cannot control the timeline of these (i can't use local connection etc) but would like to load in the *.swf files, so they're in memory then add them to the stage when requested. the problem is that if i load them enmass. then use addChild when they are called, they have already played through and animated pre the addChild command.
i'm having a problem with using a preloader to load external swfs into my movie. the swfs are loaded into my movie using "holder.loadMovie(movies[k])", where movies is the array i'm using to reference the movies i want to load. the problem is that the movies being loaded using this method are not being preloaded correctly. in my preload function, the percent variable that i'm using is constantly at 100% no matter how large the external swfs are. even when i try placing "trace(holder.getBytesLoaded()/holder.getBytesTotal())" into my enterframe function, the value always traces to 1, meaning that everything has been fully loaded. i have also tried using the debug options to change the speed of the load to simulate a slower speed, but still, it made no difference.
I've tried endlessly to make sense of the solutions that other people have posted. But I cannot seem to get any code to work my my purposes, so I decided to post my own thread.I have a main parent Flash movie that I need to load 7 exteral SWFs into. Each of the SWFs is like its own scene in a longer movie. The external files are called:
The final parent movie should play each external SWF movie sequentially so that it appears as one combined movie (so none of the loaded SWFs are actually playing at the same time - they should only play one at a time, one after another).I want to preload mc1.swf, mc2. swf and mc3.swf into the cache before the parent movie starts playing(and I would like to include a progress bar to indicate loading status). Once those SWFs are preloaded, I would like them to start playing sequentially while the rest of the SWFs load in the background.
Basically,I have a long Flash animation that I decided to split up into several individual movies.I've using the parent movie to seamlessly string together my individual movies to give the appearance of cohesion.I have determined that I should use the MovieClipLoader Class and loadClip() to accomplish what I am trying to do.However, I have a very limited knowledge of actionscripting, so this has been a major challenge for me.
I am optimizing the parent SWF for the web, and it's important that the video plays seamlessly, so I cannot put individual preloaders onto each external SWF. They have to preload at the beginning so that when each individual SWF is called, it's already loaded and no preloader is required.
Is there a way to tell flash to preload a number of swfs in the background (meaning no visual cue to the end user that this is happening), while the current movie is playing?The idea is when the user clicks on a button to move to another area, that swf has already been preloaded in to memory or cache and loads instantly.
Is there a way to tell flash to preload a number of swfs in the background (meaning no visual cue to the end user that this is happening), while the current movie is playing? The idea is when the user clicks on a button to move to another area, that swf has already been preloaded in to memory or cache and loads instantly.
i've created a project that i'm putting on cd-rom. this project calls some externals swf files. everything was working lovely until i tried it from the cd. all the called swf files are running way slow and it's just a mess.so i'm trying to figure out preloading to see if that will help. i used some script i found in a thread by Scotty, and looks like the external swfs preloaded okay. and i put a stop() on the first frame of each of the external swfs so they will not play immediately. but now i'm trying to call the swfs when i need them by using a gotoAndPlay(frame) and don't know what i'm doing wrong. i need to have these swfs not play on preload but when i call them, either by EnterFrame or onPress.[code]as an aside to this, some of the forums i've been reading say it's just bad to try doing all this with flash on a cd, that i should try rolling it into director. yowza, haven't touched director in a few years..
i've created a project that i'm putting on cd-rom. this project calls some externals swf files. everything was working lovely until i tried it from the cd. all the called swf files are running way slow and it's just a mess.used some script i found in a thread by Scotty, and looks like the external swfs preloaded okay. and i put a stop() on the first frame of each of the external swfs so they will not play immediately. but now i'm trying to call the swfs when i need them by using a gotoAndPlay(frame) and don't know what i'm doing wrong. i need to have these swfs not play on preload but when i call them, either by EnterFrame or onPress.
Code: stop(); movieArray = new Array("clientsatprinciple.swf", "ccmvie.swf");
I've got a Flash site up that is almost finished, but it just needs preloaders. [URL]. I plan on using this type of preloader in the gallery section and before the root movie is launched. I'm looking for a preloader that preloads the _root movie, and all of the content it loads on it's level, which will be external SWF files. I plan on using the loader in two ways for the site:
- For the preloader that I will insert before the entire movie, I plan on loading the tattoos/merchandise/contact/news external SWFs which will makeup the content of the _root movie. - For the preloader used in the tattoos/gallery I plan on using it to display a loading bar on top of the button thumbnail clicked, then displaying the pop-up enlarged image (which is an external SWF file) of the thumbnail on top of the entire movie once the loading is finished.
I've tried some of the preloader examples given in the tutorial section without much luck.
How to preloader all my external .swf website pages at once, so when I hit a button the external .swf don't need seperate preloaders *and so the visitor only needs to wait once time*.
But to lower file size I made the each section a different swf file
when you click a link you will have to wait for that section to load, it would be good if peoples can see the loading progress while they r waiting.
And i hav added a preloader in each of the external swf file.. and then i realise that if i wanna change or modify the preloader, i will have to change all the preloader too.. this is really kicking axx..
is there a way where on the main page there is only 1 preloader needed to show all the external swf files loading progress? i am using an empty mc as container to load thoose external swf files..
how im trying to preload external swf files:[code]i am loading first four swf files from swf directory (page1.swf, page2.swf, page3.swf, page4.swf) - However, I WOULD LIKE THEM TO BE INVISIBLE WHEN THEY ARE PRELOADED TO THE STAGE.. how should i do that.. "fileLoad._visible = false;" does not work-
I am currently building an mp3 player with a little screen which displays some images in a certain order. Everything is loaded in through XML. I would like to preload those images together with my main movie (using the same preloader bar), so the images can be used later. How would I accomplish this?
Just a quick query about how Flash handles the preolading of multiple external images. I'm not after code examples, because I know there are an abundance of them around, but I need to know how Flash is able to store the images. Do they all have to be loaded onto the stage, or can they be effectively loaded into the library for dynamic creation at a later moment?
For example, I'm creating a very basic Flash gallery which loads a series of jpegs, using paths from an XML file. The way I'm doing it is to drop the image paths into an array, and create an empty movie clip for each jpeg, into which they are loaded. I then set the visibility of all but the first containers to false. Am I right in thinking that if I was able to preload the jpegs without instantiating them, I wouldn't have to create individual containers, and could just attach them dynamically when required?
I know that in AS3, display objects can be added to the display stack without actually creating instances of them (with addChild). This is the sort of thing I'm hoping to be able to do. Hope this is all clear, and that my grasp of the way Flash loads and stores external images is sound. If not, I'm ready to stand corrected!
I was wondering if someone could help me. I've spent months looking for an AS2 preloader that does the following:
1. Preloads multiple external swf files into a single movie holder. 2. Starts automatically preloading once the parent file is launched. 3. Contains a progress bar with % downloaded. 4. Can be placed on a "Preload" scene.
Working on the file in Flash CS3, AS2. I've looked at tutorials, scanned the web, etc. And I still can't find the right one, or even how to make one.
I am trying to figure out how to read an XML file containing a list of the swfs I want to import, pause for 8 seconds to allow the swf to run and then continue the loop with the next swf.I am reading the XML correctly but I am having an issue creating the timer to pause the for loop for 8 seconds between slide.
I have a game which has various cutscenes. Each cutscene is split up into 3 or 4 seperate swf movie files which can be played (and replayed) by the user.
My question is, I've seen many tutorials on how to load external swfs but how do I load several movie clips into memory, and then clean everything up once the user has finished viewing them all?
I want to load the first swf, if the load is complete, load the second swf, etc. This seems logical but I get a compile error: Scene 1, Layer 'scripts', Frame 1, Line 24 1120: Access of undefined property swfLoader3.[code]...
I can't figure out how to load external swf files(9) into my master.swf file one after the other. This is the Actionscript i have written so far.....(AS2)
Code: var myItems:Array = new Array("swf01.swf", "swf02.swf", "swf03.swf", "swf04.swf", "swf05.swf", "swf06.swf", "swf07.swf", "swf08.swf", "swf09.swf");
I'm building a website that loads multiple swfs within one main swf. I would also like some swfs to unload when i click on the button situated on it. Currently I'm only able to load one swf with this code, can I somehow load more that just one swf by default? you can see the code below:
I've tried to approach this from several angles, employing several of the tutorials, attachments found in various threads, etc, and nothing has worked. So, please bear me as I ask yet another question regarding this subject.I need to preload 2 external .swfs, one containing animation and one containing sound, and I need them to start playing at the same time. As of now I have a general preloader on the main timeline, but as you might expect, after the preloader finishes, there is a lag while the .swf's are being loaded.thought everything was solved, until a friend of mine looked at it in dial-up, and the preloader just kept looping 10 times before the animation started, so now I'm starting over. Part of my complication I believe is that I'm using loadMovieNum into levels as opposed to loading the external .swf's in a separate container MC (that's what I've noticed most people recommend for this problem), but I tried doing that technique several times with no luck. Right now my main movie, index.fla, has a preloader MC in the first frame, with this AS attached to the clip:
In AS3 i am using the Loader class to load in multiple external SWFs (AVM1), each of which has a short animation which automatically plays when the swf is I obviously cannot control the timeline of these (i can't use local connection etc) but would like to load in the *.swf files, so they're in memory then add them to the stage when requested. the problem is that if i load them enmass. then use addChild when they are called, they have already played through and animated pre the addChild command.
(I cannot edit the swfs at all, and would rather not load them on demand at runtime)
I've been trying to combine the features of two tutorials I found, one that deals with controlling external swf's from the main timeline and the other that explains how to load and unload multiple external swf's. I'd like to be able to load and unload multiple external swf's, and control these swf's buttons from the main timeline
I asked this same question on the forum of the site where I found these tutorials, and receive only one reply saying that "it shouldn't be hard to do." but they did not elaborate any further. This left me think that I was missing something very obvious and I've spent too much time now trying to work what it is now. I understand pretty much how both pieces of code work, but just can't work out how to combine them.[code]...
detailed as possible. Took basic Flash classes, but no AS other than searching online, taking a couple Kirupa tutorials, so it's all greek tho recognizably so. I have 10 individual "scenes" currently in one swf file, but would love to break these apart individually, and load each into a "container" swf with a "random" code (so each visit to my site starts differently) which I've located and tested with Kirupa's super "Loading random movies" tutorial. Question is: currently I have active buttons in each scene which advance playhead to the next scene. How can I code these to load another swf into the main "container" file and kill/replace the current swf?
Another tutorial "Transitions between external swfs" suggests "if your buttons are not located on the main timeline, you will have to change the path to the container movieclip" - but doesn't show exactly how to do this, and I have to say I can't figure the "path" out! Another issue I foresee is that I'll need the script to automatically pull in the next swf file when the current one finishes, if the visitor doesn't click the button first... Haven't been able to find this with a few hours searching, though some threads come close.