ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Handles The Preloading Of Multiple External Images

Feb 2, 2009

Just a quick query about how Flash handles the preolading of multiple external images. I'm not after code examples, because I know there are an abundance of them around, but I need to know how Flash is able to store the images. Do they all have to be loaded onto the stage, or can they be effectively loaded into the library for dynamic creation at a later moment?

For example, I'm creating a very basic Flash gallery which loads a series of jpegs, using paths from an XML file. The way I'm doing it is to drop the image paths into an array, and create an empty movie clip for each jpeg, into which they are loaded. I then set the visibility of all but the first containers to false. Am I right in thinking that if I was able to preload the jpegs without instantiating them, I wouldn't have to create individual containers, and could just attach them dynamically when required?

I know that in AS3, display objects can be added to the display stack without actually creating instances of them (with addChild). This is the sort of thing I'm hoping to be able to do. Hope this is all clear, and that my grasp of the way Flash loads and stores external images is sound. If not, I'm ready to stand corrected!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloading Multiple Images At Once?

Oct 22, 2006

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Flash 10 :: Handles Multiple HD Video Layers?

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- In the background will be multiple HD videos(probably StageVideo that I will make show and play at certain events - like transition to the menu category)
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Aug 19, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Preloading Of Multiple Images?

May 12, 2003

Scratch.prototype.loadImages = function() {
for(i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {
tempObj= _root.mcContainer["mcBox" + i].mcPhotoContainer;


As you can see, I'm dynamically loading 6 images into 6 boxes (containers). What I'm trying to make is preloader that shows the loading-status of all six images. So I need the totals (total filesize of the 6 images, and the total amount of loaded bytes)... But it doesn't seem to work this way

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[URL]This site loads in all of the large images behind the scenes, so once you click through a project, the images appear immediately.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Handles Multiple Simultaneous Objects Being Loaded?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloading Multiple Doesn't Have To Wait In Between Switching The Images

Oct 19, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloading All External Images First?

Jul 9, 2009

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Preloading External Images From XML?

Jul 17, 2008

I'm having a problem preloading external images from an XML file in AS3. It's a scrolling image gallery and everything loads fine, but I can't figure out how to preload the images (all I've been able to do is preload the actual .xml file, which is useless to preload a 10k file). The thumbs skip, the big pics pause, etc.

I'm moderate in AS2 and decided to do this project in AS3(doh), and it's been painful;

Here's my code:

Code: Select allimport flash.display.*;
import fl.transitions.Tween;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloading All External Images At Once

Jul 12, 2007

Im using a mix between xml and loadClip to dynamically load the content of a photogallery into my swf. Everything is working fine except the preloader. I know how to make a preloader for each individual image using this function:[code]However for this particular project it does not matter when each individual image is loaded, but rather I need to know when the whole lot is could be that Im using the wrong approach and maybe I can solve this with some kind of a onLoad(success) type function on the xml part of the code.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloading Multiple External Swf At Once?

May 1, 2010

How to preloader all my external .swf website pages at once, so when I hit a button the external .swf don't need seperate preloaders *and so the visitor only needs to wait once time*.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloading A Folder Of External Images?

Jan 22, 2009

I have a really annoying slide show that shows pairs of before and after pictures. What I need is to be able to preload a folder of images and then load those images into movieClip holders. I have no idea how to get the images to preload.What I really wanted is a slide show that has pairs of images that fade from before to after. With buttons along the bottom that take you to the next pair of images. AND have all the images loaded in from an XML document. Bonus to anyone who can give me a hint on that one.Really i would settle how to preload the images while the preloader is going. And then loading the first pair of slides. [URL]

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Preloading Multiple External Swfs?

Oct 24, 2011

I have two swf files that I exported from After Effects. They are both fairly large (1.7mb and 2.6mb) so I decided to load them into my main fla externally. This works fine but the playback is a little choppy. I tried creating a separate preloader.fla that will play my main movie once it is loaded. This doesn't work though since my main movie is only 4kb (since all the swfs are externally loaded). With me so far?

So then I created a regular preloader inside my main fla. Here is my code:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloading Multiple External Swf Files?

Apr 19, 2007

I'm working in Flash MX

I made a site completly in flash.

But to lower file size I made the each section a different swf file

when you click a link you will have to wait for that section to load, it would be good if peoples can see the loading progress while they r waiting.

And i hav added a preloader in each of the external swf file.. and then i realise that if i wanna change or modify the preloader, i will have to change all the preloader too.. this is really kicking axx..

is there a way where on the main page there is only 1 preloader needed to show all the external swf files loading progress? i am using an empty mc as container to load thoose external swf files..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloading Multiple External SWF Files

Jan 14, 2009

how im trying to preload external swf files:[code]i am loading first four swf files from swf directory (page1.swf, page2.swf, page3.swf, page4.swf) - However, I WOULD LIKE THEM TO BE INVISIBLE WHEN THEY ARE PRELOADED TO THE STAGE.. how should i do that.. "fileLoad._visible = false;" does not work-

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloading External Images Fetched By XML Via LoadMovie?

Nov 1, 2009

I have a flash website, which has 4 menu options, each of which when you click fetches a different XML file in which the child nodes indicate the content, or description of an item, and fetch a external image to represent it on stage. Each menu option when clicked gets a new XML file, replacing the old one in the xml variable. Once the XML is loaded (xml.onLoad()) it sends it to a function (loadItems) to place each item on stage. Obviously, when uploaded onto the Internet, when a XML loads, the images are still loading, thus the Tween effect of them appearing on stage can't be seen.

I need to find a way of how to create a preloader, that would show the status of ALL the images download progress, and once complete, starts the Tween effect of them appearing on stage.

loadItems function (places the external images from the XML file on stage):

ActionScript Code:
var xml:XML = new XML();
xml.ignoreWhite = true;
function loadItems()


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloading Multiple External Swfs But Not Playing?

Feb 13, 2007

I understand how to load external swfs into an container with the loadmovie command. I also understand I could make that container invisible so I don't see the movie right away.However, I want to script a preloader that loads swfs without starting them - just gets them into memory. how to do this and then play them on command?

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AS3 :: Flash - Loading Multiple External Images Into An Array?

Apr 2, 2011

Trying to pick 4 images randomly and load them into and array and then show them using a timer when all 4 images are shown 4 more images will be loaded again. here is the code:

var images : Array = new Array();
var rndNumbers : Array = new Array();
var imageLoader : Loader;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloading Images From XML To Flash That Is In HTML?

Aug 25, 2009

I created a gallery in flash that loads images from an XML. Then, I put the flash swf into an html doc that is my portfolio site. In which document of the 3 do I preload the images into? An example of the code to preload into the specific document? I don't need a preloader bar or anything of that, just want the images to load faster when clicked. I'm trying to land a job and need my portfolio site working properly before I let the corporate world see it.
My site that needs images preloaded (print/email):

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Coverflow - Preloading XML Images

Sep 30, 2009

I'm using flash coverflow from here [URL]. My XML contains a large amount of images which really slow the smoothness of the slideshow down as I have it autmatically scrolling through image by image. I was wondering if there is a way to preload the images from XML in as part of the general preloader? I've seen other threads on preloading from XML this way but I am not sure how to incorporate the code they suggest into the existing actionscript I have.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash XML Gallery: Preloading All The Images?

Feb 25, 2007

I've built a flash XML gallery (using the kirupa tutorial) and i would like to change one thing: instead of having to wait between each image for a loading (even if it can be real quick) i'd prefer preload all images before, in the way the mcLoader class does (progressively). I've triyed some things like assigning a massLoad of the images on first frame, or loading (on first frame too) all images in a mcLoader hidden under the movieclip which loads the pictures found in the XML but none worked. I've triyed to change some lines in the code but it was a disaster too, as long as i don't really understand all the code (but only globally).

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Flash - Preloading SWF From Multiple Sources

Apr 22, 2010

I have a rather big (34 MB) Flash CS4 AS3 swf being loaded as a whole into a preloader like
l.load(new URLRequest("sample.swf"));
What are my options to minimize loading time? Can I split the swf and load from several servers? I'm dynamically loading images from the library:

var myBitmapDataObject:myBitmapData = new myBitmapData(100, 100);
var myImage:Bitmap = new Bitmap(myBitmapDataObject);

Right now I'm declaring/referencing every single image in order to get it included in the compiled clip. Any better way? Haven't got round to using Flex yet.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloading All Images In Flash / XML Photo Gallery

Feb 2, 2006

I'm building a Flash photo gallery, and I came up with a solution using Flash and XML which is very, very similar to the one in this tutorial: [URL]. The catch is, I'd like to preload all of the images listed in the XML array before showing the first picture. Simply using _framesloaded will obviously not work; I searched around a bit on Internet, but I haven't yet found a solution. I thought I might try using an external script in PHP or javascript and use fscommand() in Flash, but I wanted to post here to see if anyone could think of another (simpler) way.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloader For Multiple External Images At Once?

Apr 10, 2009

I am experimenting with AS3 and I created a page that loads around 35 images to the screen from XML and randomly scatters them on the stage. I know how to use the ProgressEvent to show the loading for each individual image, but I am trying to figure out a way to show it as a whole. The one think ive tried & acheived is to have total number of loaded images divided by total number of images. So when 15 of 30 images are loaded its 50 %, etc.... But Id like to have a more effcient preloader that shows the actually loading.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Preloader For Multiple External Images

Jun 19, 2009

I'm creating a 360 turn by importing .png files into each movie clip. I wanted the preloader bar to increase in size as each one loads. Once the preloader is completed on frame one, I have it go and stop on frame 2, but there is a blank screen for a view seconds. I think the images were still loading after the preloader was completed.


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Professional :: Loading Multiple External Images?

Oct 22, 2010

I have created invisible buttons which when clicked will load an image into a UILoader. When testing, an output error message comes up saying:

Error #2044: Unhandled ioError:. text=Error #2035: URL Not Found. URL: file:///E|/butcher1/images/cut0.jpg

I thought it might have been incorrect naming conventions or instance names but I have checked and I'm sure i've got it all right.
Could it possibly have something to do with my setup of the timeline as I have all my layers on the same line.
Should I start all over?

This is what some of the code looks like an i have done the same for the rest of the invisible buttons

this is what part of the code looks like...

cut7_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_MouseClickHandler_3); function fl_MouseClickHandler_3(event:MouseEvent):void{ // Start your custom code // This example code displays the words "Mouse clicked" in the Output panel. trace("cut7_btn"); probackground.iloader.source = "images/cut7.jpg"; // End your custom code}

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