ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloading Multiple Doesn't Have To Wait In Between Switching The Images
Oct 19, 2009
we are making an app that uses a lot of images. Is it possible to preload all the images at the start of the app ? So the user doesn't have to wait in beteen switching the images.
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Feb 9, 2008
I would like to load different images with Loader object and put them in an Array.can I use only one Loader object to load multiple images or I have to use one Loader object for each loaded image? This array is the base images collection from which I'll generate new Bitmap objects.My problem is that I have to wait the complete loading process before I can access to BitmapData.
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Oct 22, 2006
Let's say I have an swf that loads lot's of jpg files externally (an image gallery for example). Is there a way I can preload all of those images at once so when it gets to the actual gallery they've all already been loaded.
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Sep 3, 2009
Anyone have any experience with bulk-loader for multiple files? Its great for preloading single files, but I am now trying to preload essentially a folder of images. The images have different names (and will change over time), so I can't just create a for loop to preload for example 'image01' then 'image02' etc. They are referenced via XML however, and I'm wondering how I could loop through those, and use bulk-loader to retrieve these...? Essentially I'm confused about integrating XML nodes with bulk-loader, and then also about how to do it with multiple images...?
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Aug 19, 2011
I'm preloading multiple images with my Flash file. What what I'd like to do is preload all of them together, and group them into one preloader that shows the percentage of all of them together in one. At the moment I'm just using a preload GIF to show that they are loading. I'm sure there's a better way.[code]
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Apr 25, 2006
I want to be able to preload images from all way thru to using an array i thought would be best but am having trouble getting it to work, i want it to load one image then load next then when it has finished to gotoandplay my main movie.
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May 12, 2003
Scratch.prototype.loadImages = function() {
for(i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {
tempObj= _root.mcContainer["mcBox" + i].mcPhotoContainer;
As you can see, I'm dynamically loading 6 images into 6 boxes (containers). What I'm trying to make is preloader that shows the loading-status of all six images. So I need the totals (total filesize of the 6 images, and the total amount of loaded bytes)... But it doesn't seem to work this way
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Feb 16, 2010
[URL]This site loads in all of the large images behind the scenes, so once you click through a project, the images appear immediately.
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Jun 25, 2009
I am currently building an mp3 player with a little screen which displays some images in a certain order. Everything is loaded in through XML. I would like to preload those images together with my main movie (using the same preloader bar), so the images can be used later. How would I accomplish this?
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Feb 2, 2009
Just a quick query about how Flash handles the preolading of multiple external images. I'm not after code examples, because I know there are an abundance of them around, but I need to know how Flash is able to store the images. Do they all have to be loaded onto the stage, or can they be effectively loaded into the library for dynamic creation at a later moment?
For example, I'm creating a very basic Flash gallery which loads a series of jpegs, using paths from an XML file. The way I'm doing it is to drop the image paths into an array, and create an empty movie clip for each jpeg, into which they are loaded. I then set the visibility of all but the first containers to false. Am I right in thinking that if I was able to preload the jpegs without instantiating them, I wouldn't have to create individual containers, and could just attach them dynamically when required?
I know that in AS3, display objects can be added to the display stack without actually creating instances of them (with addChild). This is the sort of thing I'm hoping to be able to do. Hope this is all clear, and that my grasp of the way Flash loads and stores external images is sound. If not, I'm ready to stand corrected!
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Jun 28, 2009
I have a new dilemma concerning external preloaders.Now I found out that sometimes external preloaders don't wait to load the entire swf file before this last one runs.I understood the concept and I applied both explained methods, but still couldn't find a solution: the swf file runs before the preloader finishes to load.This is my code (useless) so far:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
var myLoadedMovieClip:MovieClip;
var contentLoader:Loader;
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Jun 8, 2009
variable = 0;
function change() {
variable = 1;
The problem is that it executes #Second before #First, which means that the object is not fullly loaded but the code continues nonetheless. Is there a way handle this? I have tried using a while loop, but this is ugly and makes flash crash. Is there any decent way to handle this, does it have to do with better code structure/program flow or is there a technical way to make it wait? Also note: This code is executed on the server side, which means there are no frames involved.
UPDATE:When projects get bigger, this gets very ugly, especially when you are retrieving mulitple things from a server, you have to use very deep nesting, you have to keep repeating the same code, example for buying a serial:
a.onload() {
if(moneyAmount > 10){
b.onload(pay) {
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Oct 7, 2010
i believe it is quite simple but i'm not able to do this. situation is something like this:
function name123():void //i m already in a function.
var a:Loader = new Loader(); //define a loader
i know if i give set width and height in eventComplete function, i could do but the situation is different and i've to set the sizes in name123 function only.
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Feb 22, 2009
My program reads a rather large data file that is crucial to the display of the program I am making.I have an event listener that waits for my loader to load all data from the file, and it then adds all the data (and parses it) to a 2d array.Unfortunately the program flow doesnt wait for the loading to finish, so when it checks the array, it is still empty because nothing is loaded into the array yet.
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May 18, 2007
I'm stopping on a keyframe, then using setInterval to advance after a specific timeout. The first time through everything works fine, but when the movie loops (user-initiated) and it gets to that keyframe with setInterval again, setInterval immediately advances the timeline and doesn't wait any time at all. The keyframe in question is coded like the following:
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Mar 18, 2011
I'm developing an ActionScript 3.0 app for Blackberry Playbook. I have twelve images loaded with a Loader class. I use Event.ENTER_FRAME to fade in and fade out images using this event handler:
private function onEnterFrame(event:Event):void {
imageToFront.alpha += 0.1; // slow fade
imageToBack.alpha -= 0.1;
if( imageToFront.alpha >= 1.0 ) {
imageToFront.alpha = 1.0;
[Code] .....
I have the following problem: If user clicks on another image before the previous image hasn't reached to alpha = 1.0 it lefts that image with an alpha less than 1.0. In other words, I have to make something to left onEnterFrame function set alpha to 1.0. I have tried with stage.hasEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME) but it doesn't work.
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Sep 7, 2011
how to explain this behavior but I'll try. I am loading images from an external url that requires basic auth so I am using URLLoader to load the image from a unique ID. The ID gets passed to the itemrenderer which then proceeds to load the image. But the images switch around on their own when I scroll. If I load more than 7 images or so it starts repeating images....
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Feb 12, 2007
I currently have an SWF that is reading and displaying text, images and an ID number via an XML file. What I wanted to do was switch the text and graphic based on a URL.
For example the if the url was the SWF would then read the XML file and see that based on the domain ID the "about" text and images would load.
Here is what my Actionscript looks like
function loadXML(loaded) {
if (loaded) {
_root.headers = this.firstChild.childNodes[0].childNodes[1].firstChild.nodeValue;
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Dec 12, 2009
I'm making a website for my business. I want this site to run similar to an OS UI. The first issue I've run into is swapping between "window" MC depths. I'm not quite sure if its just that I need to add a mathematical variable to each one every time it is clicked or how to getDepth of the highest "window" MC in order to put the desired "window" MC above it.
You can download the .fla file <a href="">here</a>.
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Apr 7, 2010
I've been told by another intern where I work, that I must package the game I'm making in an swf file and then preload it.So I'm trying that but fail.I have two issues:1) I use BitmapImages but don't know anymore what to do with them. Is I preload the swf does that mean all images the game uses are automatically are preloaded as well? 2) When I try to preload my own game, it doesn't show up. Oh uhmm.. I use flashdevelop so the preloader project has a Preloader class and a Main class. My game has a Main class as well.Below is the code I use to preload my own game:
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May 30, 2011
I'm having issues with switching scenes for this 6 scene short story, between scene 1 and 2, the text (thats in a text box from my character) in my project, slides in and out just fine... At the end of the code in the 1st frame, I added a code snippet (click to go to next frame and stop), and it goes to the next frame, code then tells to click button, then the text switches/slides in and out fine, the horse(another character) comes into the scene fine... Then again at the bottom of frame 2 now, I add the same code snippet to the click button, its suppose to go to scene/frame 3, where the text slides in and then out, but it's giving me output errors, AND I noticed when I press the (click to go to next frame and stop)snippet again, it inputs a totally different snippet(click and play next frame), which I manually change back to the other snippet, and even make sure that its suppose to go to frame 3, and then it still gives me output errors: Error:
Cannot tween a null object. at com.greensock::TweenLite() at com.greensock::TweenLite$/to() at CortesWP1_fla::MainTimeline/fredRun2() at Function/ at com.greensock.core::TweenCore/complete() at com.greensock::TweenLite/renderTime()
For some reason the code in scene 1(frame 1) to scene 2(frame 2) is fine. Its the code from scene 2(frame 2) to scene 3(frame 3) thats giving me issues. I'm trying to keep the button I created on the bottom right corner of the scene, to be the one button that clicks from scene 1 through 6(dones not need a previous button).
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Jun 27, 2008
...for customising the mouse cursor. I have five movie clips, each for the mouse cursor in different states. The first is for when the mouse is moving at anything from static to average speed; the other four are for when the mouse is moved very swiftly from left to right, right to left, up to down, and down to up, respectively. These are the two things I need to ask you:How do you detect when the user moves the cursor very swiftly in the x axis? (and also y)Triggered by fast movement as above, how do you tell the mouse pointer to change to, and play, the corresponding movie clip, before returning to the static state pointer?
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Nov 2, 2009
I have a swf that loads images from my server and resizes them to fit the 800x600 stage size. The original images are stored at 1024x768 max pixels. The user can press a button to go into fullscreen mode. What should I do to show the images at the best quality?
a) should I resize the loaded images to their max size (1024x768).
b) do I need to reload the entire image if it has been resized to 800x600 or is the original image still accessible and I can replace the 800x600 image with the original?
I am using AS2 and Flash 8 (but require users to have Flash Player 10 for fullscreen)
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Jun 17, 2010
I just tried this code from this url and it didn't preload my sound: [URL] is there more to it that I need to know? here is the link to the project. You can see that the sound takes several seconds, but the animation already plays: [URL]
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Oct 8, 2011
I read a tutorial a while back about making a symbol for a character's mouth in an animation, and making multiple frames within the symbol, with one for each different mouth position I'd like to use (Open and saying a certain letter, smiling, frowning, etc.). What I can't figure out is how to keep it from constantly animating repeatedly through all the mouth frames on its own in each shot when I just want it to stay in a certain position on certain sequences of frames. I also can't figure out how to select the precise frame I want when it needs to change.
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Oct 20, 2011
When setting up a Stage3D's Context3D for rendering, is it expensive / bad practice to switch between Program3D's in an Event.ENTER_FRAME cycle?I don't have an example at hand, but I'm curious to know if there's such situations where this alternation between programs would be used and if the frame-rate would suffer considerably.
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Nov 11, 2009
I am currently building a flash site which uses dynamic images throughout using loadMovie("picture.jpg", mc_name) to load them into various movie clips. This all works fine and the site is starting to look good, the only problem i have is with preloading. I have the main swf file and everything contained within it preloading with a progress bar at the start which works fine. When the movie loads the main homepage image slowly fades in, however as the loadMovie("home.jpg", homepic) is on the same frame as the homepage, if you don't have the image in your cache then you miss the fade completely in the time it takes the image to load.
As a result i am wanting to preload this (and a few other) images during the initial preloader if possible, that way i can prevent this problem from occurring. Unfortunately from what i understand i can't run loadMovie from within my preloader actions as they're in a different frame so i'm really not sure how to do it, given the image is external
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Nov 16, 2009
I got this gallery with thumbs, where i load my images out of an XML file..this all works fine, but now I want to see the progress of loading an image aswell. I use a preloader at the intro to load the whole index.swf file before entering the website. really simple one. Now I tryed to combine my xml gallery with the preloader I used for the website intro.but this seems not to work, it should probably, but im not a flash guru yet I'll post you the code of the gallery and the code of the preloader's just a simple dynamic text preloader...
ActionScript Code:
import gs.TweenLite;
import gs.easing.*;
import flash.display.*;
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Mar 17, 2010
I am working on a slideshow where images are loaded from XML.Currently the slide show starts when all the images are loaded.I want to preload one image at one time i.e when first image is loaded,first image should be displayed then preloader for next image is to be shown and after that next images is displayed and so on....
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Dec 15, 2008
I am creating a slide show with about 12 images.The images will be external to the swf and info pulled in via xml.Is there a way that I can get all the images to preloaded before the slide show starts. I don't really want to ahve a "Loading bar" between frames,
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