Flash - LoadVars Doesn't Wait Until Data Is Loaded
Jun 8, 2009
variable = 0;
function change() {
variable = 1;
The problem is that it executes #Second before #First, which means that the object is not fullly loaded but the code continues nonetheless. Is there a way handle this? I have tried using a while loop, but this is ugly and makes flash crash. Is there any decent way to handle this, does it have to do with better code structure/program flow or is there a technical way to make it wait? Also note: This code is executed on the server side, which means there are no frames involved.
UPDATE:When projects get bigger, this gets very ugly, especially when you are retrieving mulitple things from a server, you have to use very deep nesting, you have to keep repeating the same code, example for buying a serial:
a.onload() {
if(moneyAmount > 10){
b.onload(pay) {
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function showFull(e:MouseEvent):void {
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Mar 24, 2008
For the life of me, I've tried everything: I've researched LoadVars on Adobe forum, used David Powers' books, googled 'flash to php', LoadVars, etc. and tried sendAndLoad, send, and using $_POST, $_GET, $_REQUEST. $HTTP_POSTVARS but I keep getting this same error.
I have a Unix server running Apache/PHP 4 - LoadVars worked to load name-value pairs into an array -see thread)
My goal with this simple app is to prototype being able to pass a variable from flash to a variable in php.
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in flash_to_SQL.php on line 5
Actionscript 2.0 code:
var c :LoadVars = new LoadVars();
c.testing = "123FOUR";
c.send ("
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Sep 16, 2010
This code is being run from a frameset in IE8. When the new window is opened, the form data is not being recognized. It appears that the http header, "content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded", is not being passed into IE and this is causing the post data not to be processed. The data is there, IE is just doing nothing with it.
This code works fine in FF and Chrome, and in fact the correct headers are passed in FF and Chrome.
NOTE: The new page is on a different site, but i don't know why that would cause a problem with a POST and not a GET.
Flash code:
varSender = new LoadVars();
varSender.title = _parent.tCourseTitle;
varSender.notes = input_txt.text;
varSender.send("http://example.com/notes/print.cfm", "_blank", "POST");
I have tried adding the header to the send request, but that has no effect at all. The contenttype header is still missing and it still works everywhere but IE.
My current work around is to use a GET instead of a post, but that's ugly and it limits us in the size of data we can pass but for now at least it works.
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import flash.display.MovieClip;
var myLoadedMovieClip:MovieClip;
var contentLoader:Loader;
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Jul 13, 2010
I've got a simple text file with a variable in it: &tekst=This is a test&
I'm loading it with LoadVars and let the text of one dynamic textfield be replaced by the 'tekst' variable.
var my_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
my_lv.onLoad = function(success:Boolean) {
if (success) {
This works offline, but online the text isn't replaced? This should work right?
The code and the dynamic textfield are both on frame 1. The swf only has this one frame. The txt, swf and html file are at the same location.
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Nov 3, 2009
I have a problem when I try to use the loadVars class in an ActionScript 2 (CS3) file. Actually, it works fine in the debugger but it doesn't work at all from a web browser (IE or FF).
This is my AS code :
ActionScript Code:
_root.testURL = "http://REMOTE_SERVER_IP:PORT/FILE.html";
var myLoadVars:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
_root.info.text = "Loading...";
I can see "File loaded" in the info text field, but the file is not called (I checked the server log) when the swf file is loaded into an HTML page and displayed by a web browser. Thus, _root.sr.text is set to undefined.
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Jul 13, 2010
I've got a simple text file which I want to read with LoadVars:
&tekst=This is a test&
I'm loading it with LoadVars and let the text of one dynamic textfield be replaced by the 'tekst' variable.
ActionScript Code:
var my_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
my_lv.onLoad = function(success:Boolean) {
This works offline, but online the text isn't replaced? This should work right? So what's wrong? All I've got is this one frame with code and a dynamic textfield.See attached files. The published files .html .txt and .swf are all in the same location.
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Jun 14, 2011
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May 18, 2007
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function outputHello(){
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Jan 10, 2010
I am trying to load several swf files into various containers. In one scene I have used the following:
createEmptyMovieClip("container1", 1);loadMovie("MC.swf", "container1");
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createEmptyMovieClip("container2", 2);loadMovie("MC2.swf", "container2");
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Jul 21, 2011
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The problem is that they might not load at the same time. How can I get each banner to check that the other has finished loading before playing?
I had read that LocalConnection was the way to do this, but I haven't been able to find anything that explains it well.
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Feb 3, 2009
essentially, I'm loading some clips dynamically via xml offstage...they then pan to the center of the screen. Pretty easy, except the files (about 100k+) aren't loading fast enough, and they're showing up halfway through the tweenYes, I know, I need to wait until the clip has loaded...but how? I've tried onLoad(success), getBytesLoaded() ==getBytesTotal() etc...but I can't so much as get the file size of the file at the end of the xml branch. Before I go any farther, here's the code:
button.onPress = function() {
var itsloading = _root.gallcon.gal.attachMovie("loader_circ", "loading", 60);
itsloading._x = 380;
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Jul 11, 2007
I'm trying to load an external XML file into my program using onLoad callback function. The problem is that the script will continue to run without waiting for the file to load. Is there a way to do that?
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Jun 4, 2009
In this app/website I'm building, I will be making many requests for data (via an external PHP file that queries a MySQL database). I'd like to build this request mechanism into its own class so I can reuse it.What's the best way to handle this? I'm thinking the following would work, but I'm a bit lost on the last step:1) From the main class, call a method in the query class (with whatever arguments apply, to specify what data I need etc).
2) Set up a listener in the main class and make the program enter a sort of "wait" state (possibly visually, if these requests wind up taking more than a half-second or so)3) From query class (upon receiving the data), dispatch event to let main class know it's received the data.4) Send data to main class. <---- How should this be achieved?For #4, should I create a custom event that dispatches with the data inside the event object for the main class to receive when it's notified? Will this be a problem if I have lots of different types of requests (will I need a new custom event for each type?)? Or is there some other sort of "return" I can/should use (similar to calling a function that returns a value)
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Aug 17, 2006
All the examples in the text books, etc. show the LoadVars object being used with a .txt file. Can I use it with a .xml file or not? I have tried but the output panel just shows rubbish data!
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Jul 11, 2010
I am using the loadVars class (Flash 8) to load key/value pairs from a mySQL database through php (example &pic1=pic1.jpg&pic2=pic2.jpg&...).
The ultimate goal is to create a dynamic slideshow with a variable length, depending on how many pics were submitted by the user. Since the associative array object returned by loadVars does not share the "length" property of indexed arrays, my guess is that the values need to be converted into a new indexed array before being able to use them in the slideshow.
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Jul 16, 2011
I'm messing around with trying to load variables from a text file and it's just not working as I'd expect. First, my text file is formatted like this
For example, if I do something like create a simple Dynamic Text Box on the same frame as the above code, to show the value from _level0.Test.variable1, it displays "undefined" even though the debugger indicates this variable has the value "value1" as I wish it to. (using "trace(_level0.Test.variable1)" yields no better results)
I have attemped using onLoad and onData alongside the above code, and neither one has made the situation better. I have also attempted trying to reference the variable in a few different ways, and it's just returning the same thing every time. When I was experimenting last night, I managed to get the variables to show up properly on a "trace()" but not when referenced by other things in the flash file. Regrettably, I cannot remember how I did this. Either way it didn't quite work still. Do I need to do something else to be able to reference loaded data in my project, or is there some fundamental mistake I am making? I'm usng Flash CS3 Pro, if that makes any difference. Flash Player is up to date, etc.
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Sep 13, 2006
I'm loading data from sql, by using asp.net. I've made the script in vb, but now i have problems with flash. I can load data, by using Code: trace(this.body); But i dont't know how to get the data with the while loop
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Feb 20, 2004
I want to write out some names from a DB and then get it with loadvars and then put it in an array for easy using later, how do I do this the best way? First thing first I have made an ASP file like this:
Dim objConnect, objRS, SQL, strConn, i
Set objConnect= Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set objRS= Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
[Code] ....
How do I loop out this thing and put it all in an array =?
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Feb 10, 2005
I'm using Flash MX (2002) and I need to get my variable values saved to a server each time my test subjects run and finish my swf/fla (PHP scripts and a .txt file on the server are being worked on, but that's a different nightmare!). I'm pretty sure I should use LoadVars, NOT SharedObject for this data capture right?. The data must not be overwritten each time over the course of a few months of data collection. The 3 variables are: username (name of the user), counter (this keeps track of which version the user chooses from the start menu), numcorrect (keeps track of the number of times the <right> arrow key is pressed).
2 main problems: I don't know where to put in the LoadVars obj (in the AS code of "finaldisplay" frame?) AND I don't know how to build/format the LoadVars object to capture the data in the 3 variables I listed above. I've got several Flash books and have done online tutorials, so for something so simple (3 lousy variables!)...why is my life so miserable? Here's my zipped .fla.
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Jul 8, 2009
My Flex application does a remote call to weborb to save some data from Flex. When this data is saved, a service is called on another server. All this time Flex is waiting for an answer. Is it possible to call this service (on the other server) and not wait for an answer. I have tried to call the service asynchronous but all this does is calling the service in a different thread. Flex still has to wait for both threads to be finished... So when the data is saved, flex should get its answer. (while the thread handling the service is still running).
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Feb 18, 2005
I was trying to create a preloader that preloads content loaded by the LoadVars() Object. For some reason, the getBytesLoaded and getByetesTotal variables of the LoadVars object kept retuning a null value. Below's how I do it:
PHP Code:
var news_lv = new LoadVars();
var url = "news.aspx"
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