Actionscript3 :: Xml - Appending Data To External Text File By PHP And

Sep 30, 2010

import fl.controls.*;

var MyText:TextArea = info_txt;
var score:XML = new XML(<score/>);
score.PlayerName = "Maged";

Here I create a new XML date , I want to write these data to an external text file to use it by PHP but I don't have much information about it .

Note i want to append to the text field n't write .

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pathVars.onLoad=function(ok) {


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package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.text.TextField;


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how to send and get data both at the same time from a sample file?
The sample file is example.php
It has to sent information like ID and NAME and it has to get information like Description and userID

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Nov 22, 2010

I'm running it in actionscript 1  and 2 since 3 wouldn't work when getting data from external media. I'm  trying to find out how to post data to a PHP file and getting from that  file I'm trying to make the flash for something that works like a game  but differently. Since I just found out how to make the HTML stuff show  up but a lot of times, some of my text will not appear so I don't know  what's going on.
how to send and get data both at the same time from a sample file?
The sample file is example.php
It has to sent information like ID and NAME and it has to get information like Description and userID

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