CS3 Adding An 'inventory' System?

Mar 5, 2012

I'm making a sort of interactive graphic novel and was wondering how would I implement some sort of inventory system. Btw, I'm using Actionscript 2.0


You see, I would like the ending screen to show a summary of what the player has done in the game.And certain points in the game would add certain 'items' into the inventory which will in turn affect what is displayed in the summary screen.The 'items' here being words or phrases.eg:

You _______ with the _______ and proceeded to _______. But you _______.

For example, if the player chooses Path A, summary screen will show: eg:

Quote: You stabbed the unicorn with the shark fin and proceeded to shag your mistress. But you ate a pecan pie.But if the player chooses Path B, the summary screen will instead show eg:

Quote: You stabbed the tree with the shark fin and proceeded to shag the corned beef. But you smashed a watermelon and caused a civil war.


I think with a few modifications, this inventory system could also be used to affect the outcome of the movie depending on what item the player currently owns? Please enlighten me if this system is feasible.

The player is given a choice to pick up a spoon or a fork in the beginning of the game.The player is later faced with a soup crisis. If the player has previously picked up a spoon, the soup can be consumed. Otherwise, the soup is left well alone.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Selecting Items From An Inventory

Dec 9, 2010

So you start off with all of the items in the inventory. You do not have to collect them.I have 8 MovieClips on the stage each with a different instance name. I made a class called Rebound and linked all the inventory MoivieClips to the Rebound class as the base class. they each have their own unique class.What I'm trying to do is select one of them. when you release the mouse off the movie clip (MOUSE_UP)it goes to frame 2 of its movieclip and making a variable I made up called isSelected = true.but when you click another item in the inventory I want it to deselect the item you clicked first so it goes back to frame 1 and isSelected = false. The problem I'm having is that it selects the first item when you click it. But when I click another the first stays on frame 1 and isSelected stays true. So if I click all 8 in a row they all become selected.[code]I thought this. called on every movieclip of the Rebound class?So instead of this. if there is something that can choose all of the movieclips that belong to the Rebound class I think I could use that instead. If there is such thing.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Selecting Items From An Inventory?

Dec 9, 2010

So you start off with all of the items in the inventory. You do not have to collect them.

I have 8 MovieClips on the stage each with a different instance name. I made a class called Rebound and linked all the inventory MoivieClips to the Rebound class as the base class. they each have their own unique class.

What I'm trying to do is select one of them. when you release the mouse off the movie clip (MOUSE_UP)

it goes to frame 2 of its movieclip and making a variable I made up called isSelected = true.

but when you click another item in the inventory I want it to deselect the item you clicked first so it goes back to frame 1 and isSelected = false. The problem I'm having is that it selects the first item when you click it. But when I click another the first stays on frame 1 and isSelected stays true. So if I click all 8 in a row they all become selected.

here's the class

package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;


I thought this. called on every movieclip of the Rebound class?

So instead of this. if there is something that can choose all of the movieclips that belong to the Rebound class I think I could use that instead. If there is such thing.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Selecting Items From Inventory

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I have 8 MovieClips on the stage each with a different instance name. I made a class called Rebound and linked all the inventory MoivieClips to the Rebound class as the base class. they each have their own unique class.What I'm trying to do is select one of them. when you release the mouse off the movie clip (MOUSE_UP)it goes to frame 2 of its movieclip and making a variable I made up called isSelected = true.but when you click another item in the inventory I want it to deselect the item you clicked first so it goes back to frame 1 and isSelected = false. The problem I'm having is that it selects the first item when you click it. But when I click another the first stays on frame 1 and isSelected stays true. So if I click all 8 in a row they all become selected.[code] if there is something that can choose all of the movieclips that belong to the Rebound class I think I could use that instead.

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So you start off with all of the items in the inventory. You do not have to collect them. I have 8 MovieClips on the stage each with a different instance name. I made a class called Rebound and linked all the inventory MoivieClips to the Rebound class as the base class. they each have their own unique class. What I'm trying to do is select one of them. when you release the mouse off the movie clip (MOUSE_UP). It goes to frame 2 of its movieclip and making a variable I made up called isSelected = true. But when you click another item in the inventory I want it to deselect the item you clicked first so it goes back to frame 1 and isSelected = false. The problem I'm having is that it selects the first item when you click it. But when I click another the first stays on frame 1 and isSelected stays true. So if I click all 8 in a row they all become selected.

Here's the class
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
public class Rebound extends MovieClip {
public var isSelected:Boolean;
public function Rebound():void {
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, starting);
[Code] .....

I thought this. called on every movieclip of the Rebound class? So instead of this. if there is something that can choose all of the movieclips that belong to the Rebound class I think I could use that instead. If there is such thing.

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TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::Shape@2565a101 to flash.display.MovieClip.at Untitled_fla::MainTimeline /drop Item()

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how to create an inventory system for a flash game? Ya know, those stuff that like lets say there's a box on the screen, you click on it and it is added to your inventory, then you can select it from your inventory screen and use it for stuff.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Making Inventory Items Fill Up Empty Spaces

Jun 28, 2009

I am using the tutorial for the simple inventory system located here. I've got it working fine within my game I'm making. However, if the player uses an item in the middle (or, in fact, anywhere other than the end) of the inventory list, it leaves a gap where it once was. How would I go about making each of the found items in the inventory move back one slot upon the player using an item?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Saving Progress (inventory Items Or Partial Actions Taken)

May 21, 2010

I am learning flash, and to do so I'm writing a little adventure game. My current issue is with saving progress; namely, having the game remembering what was done on previous frames. I've experimented with Booleans, who work nicely for small stuff, but it's proving more difficult to save things like inventory items or partial actions taken.

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Dec 29, 2010

Is it possible to make this a mask? The system contains one movieclip of a circle called ball, also a class called ball and a class called particle. I want the particle system movieclips to display an image...I'm sure this is possible...just have not been able to find a way. A little backround, I'm a completely selftaught n00b when it comes to AS3, but I'm grasping it fairly well... the tutorial is on this website, called A Simple Particle System Using Actionscript 3.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create An Inventory For An Adventure Game - Getting Error #1009: Cannot Access A Property Or Method Of A Null Object Reference?

Jan 17, 2010

Im trying to create an inventory for an adventure game (escape the room esque interface).Basically I have an array inventory system - you click on an object that is listed in the array,it moves the item off the main screen and into your inventory (bottom of the screen) and resizes it. Then you can use the object as an inventory object.This is fine on frame one (where all the items are at the moment).But when you move to another frame and then come back to frame one the items are back on the screen in their original position but now non clickable(aswell as being in your inventory working how they should). If i put the items in frame two and no items in frame one I get the following message and the items become unclickable:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at Inventory/makeInventoryItems()
at InventoryOne

Im guessing the errors are because the items don't exist on all frames but the code does as it is in the games properties as the class type (class Inventory), but i have no idea how to get around it.

Inventory/makeInventoryItems() is the following AS code.


function makeInventoryItems(arrayOfItems:Array) {
for(var i:int=0;i<arrayOfItems.length;i++) {
arrayOfItems[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, getItem);[code]............

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var myClass:Main = new Main();
var mcInLibrary:MovieClip ;

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I've stumbled across a very interesting tutorialBut, I've noticed a little detail. When you click on the big image of the finished example on the first page of tutorial, it acts like a link. When I have downloaded finished .fla source, links are nicely written in the images.xml file, but the links in the .fla file don't work.

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Bugs In IK System?

Jun 2, 2009

When I use IK system to build a man and move it to perform poping, I found the more poses I gave to it the more its arms and legs would drift away. I didn't use alt and mouse to move the limbs. I only use my mouse to pose it. But WHY after I finished some poses, the limbs of the figure would get loosened?What was worse, If i adjusted those limbs(by alt and left click-drag) to fix the drift, the poses I have finished would be messed. So, what should I do?

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Jun 25, 2009

Is there a way to get a unique machine-specific system ID in a Flex application running in a browser, so that is can be used for example to determine if the machine is properly licensed to run the application?

View 5 Replies

C# :: Mapping System In Web Application?

Jun 6, 2011

I'm building image processing or mapping system kinda like google map except we have our own HD images so i'm not sure what is the best way to do this in .NET here is what im trying to do Mapping web application build in .NET i've High resolution images , the user first load the selected area a full scaled image should be loaded 100% (original image) then he Zoom to the area he want, then he can move around this area almost like google map

1.user select area - full scaled image loaded

2.user zoom to random area - (i will receive some values for X, Y, etc.. in query string then i will extract these values and zoom/return the image based on these values)

So i'm not sure what is the ideal solution for this is it just zoom/re-size image based on the vales received from the user, or its more complicated than that?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Use System.setClipboard

Apr 1, 2007

I'm trying to use System.setClipboard.This copies text to the clipboard.My problem is that it doesn't copy the newline character.I've tried using and but it still doesn't work.

Here is some sample code I'm using:

PHP Code:

myText.text = "Kirupa Website" + newline + "Flash Samples" + newline "Flash Forums";  System.setClipboard(myText.text); 

I've also tried having 2 newline characters to seperate the text... but the same results happens.There is no paste function in Flash apparently for security reasons...So to test... you have to use something like Notepad or any other text editor.

View 10 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Setup A Point System?

Feb 7, 2010

I'm making a dialogue based flash game.When a player clicks the right response I want them to gain/lose points.What is the best way to accomplish this?I'm in need of correct code/script because the way I'm doing things now doesn't work.

The buttons that allow for a gain/loss of points are inside of movie clips and are also on different layers, so I thought using a global variable would allow for editing it anywhere,but when I click the buttons that //should// make the player lose or win points, the value does not change, either that or I get a "NaN" in my dynamic text box.

Initiated variable;
_global.love = 0

The code I'm using right now;

on (release) { _root.love += 5;

the variable I set the dynamic text box too;

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[AS2] :: Using SharedObject For Achievements System In Games

Oct 23, 2010

i tried to learn about SharedObjects from here: [URL] ...=00001504.html but i dont really get it In a code like this:

var so:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("userHighScore");
so.data.highScore = new Number();

which variable is actually flushed, the userHighScore or highScore? and how to use the shared objects on boolean variables?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Non-system Fonts Embedding

May 15, 2009

i'm building a website, with non-system fonts.. Do i have to do something for other computers to see the same font? or thats just the case if i use imput text?

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