C# :: Mapping System In Web Application?

Jun 6, 2011

I'm building image processing or mapping system kinda like google map except we have our own HD images so i'm not sure what is the best way to do this in .NET here is what im trying to do Mapping web application build in .NET i've High resolution images , the user first load the selected area a full scaled image should be loaded 100% (original image) then he Zoom to the area he want, then he can move around this area almost like google map

1.user select area - full scaled image loaded

2.user zoom to random area - (i will receive some values for X, Y, etc.. in query string then i will extract these values and zoom/return the image based on these values)

So i'm not sure what is the ideal solution for this is it just zoom/re-size image based on the vales received from the user, or its more complicated than that?

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Mar 25, 2010

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UPDATE: My current hosting plan - [URL]

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Etiam nisi ligula, sodales non, pharetra eget, tempus ac, purus. Vivamus sagittis mollis risus. Proin dictum libero a elit. Curabitur feugiat, metus sit amet convallis imperdiet, est tortor volutpat nulla, eget mollis diam nisi vel lacus. In diam ligula, euismod eu, dapibus non, fermentum quis, urna. In consequat pede eget erat. Quisque luctus felis. Mauris dignissim. Fusce pulvinar, dolor sit amet porttitor egestas, quam massa tristique pede, nec porttitor diam odio in magna. Mauris congue mauris eu lectus. Duis eu felis ut ligula consectetur blandit.


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Mapping PHP And Flex Objects?

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error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); //error reporting, not needed
require_once "Zend/Amf/Server.php"; //the zendAMF server
require_once "process.php"; //our test class


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var qname:QName = new QName(schema.targetNamespace.uri, "parameterTable");
schemaTypeRegistry.registerClass(qname, ParameterTable);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Variable To String Mapping?

Oct 13, 2009

I'm new to flash and working to embed the flash player in a .NET application. It's going "well" for the definition of "well" that adding the COM control and getting it to play a movie was easy and took about 3 minutes.What's not going well is that I cannot find documentation on the variable to string mapping used the SetParameter variable parameter. To coordinate between the apps, I want to be able to say: "flashPlayer.SetVariable("flash_variable", "value_to_set"). Obviously SetVariable does this. What's not obvious is how "flash_variable" is constructed.
For example, in the actionscript for a button called "OneBigButton" I have the following code:
OneBigButton.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick );var testSetValue = "value";function onClick(evt:MouseEvent):void {    trace("got the click " + testSetValue);    outputText.text = testSetValue;}
When I try this:
flashPlayer.SetVariable( "testSetValue", "foo" );
The results do not get set in testSetValue.
I'd love a pointer to the documentation on how namespaces, class instances, etc affect the string construction used in SetVariable and GetVariable as I can't find it anywhere.

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PHP :: Mapping Login Sessions To Users

Jun 26, 2009

When I login a new session is generated. How can I later know for which login the session was generated? I am getting the session value, but how do I know which user the session is for and redirect him to that page?

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Flex :: AMF Class Mapping Not Working?

Oct 28, 2011

I am building an application using Flex 4.5 and Zend_AMF as my AMF endpoint.I would like to map a class called CRequest in PHP to a class called Request in Flex.This is my php class:

namespace appweb;
class CRequest{


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ActionScript 3.0 :: AMF Class Mapping Of Getters Only

Sep 29, 2009

Dear goodness, am I the only person on the web trying to send a VO object from Flash to AMF where the properties are read only/getters? If I add a setter that does nothing but throws an Error it works. If no setting is present in Flash, it fails. Is there a way to send objects to AMF that have getters and not setters?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Iterative Displacement Mapping?

Jan 22, 2010

The way my test works, I draw a path on a displacement map using the mouse, and this displacement is applied to the same image every frame (i.e., the displaced image of the last frame is displaced again). Colors are flowing along the path as they should, with one problem: the displaced pixels always turn transparent after a few seconds.At first I thought this had something to do with the DisplacementMapFilterMode, so I tried setting it to "COLOR" using an opaque bright blue, while the stage behind my warped image is a highlighter green. Nope, the FilterMode color is only used for pixels sampled off the image, while my interior pixels were turning completely transparent of their own accord. I tried removing the alpha channel from my distorted image, and then the pixels would just turn black instead of transparent.

So, now I'm stumped. I've viewed my displacement map to make sure it looks right, I've tried setting the displacement scale to low and high numbers, and I've checked the channel assignments, all to no avail. Here's my code, and I've attached the .fla as well, so you can see what's happening. If you run the file, just make your mouse is located in the center of the frame before it starts, or you'll end up dragging the blue fill color in from off the screen.

// "spider" is the name of a named movie clip instance containing
// an image on the stage, having the same dimensions as the stage


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mapping Classes With Fluorinefx

Jan 17, 2011

I'm still having trouble mapping my as3 class to a server side class in C#. I've been through several tutorials and the official documentation butI must be doing somethiing wrong. I found that I have to use an attribute in my as3 class: [RemoteClass(alias = "FlashRemotingExample.WorkerCS")] But that is still not working.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Image Mapping In Flash?

Sep 12, 2011

if it is poosible image mapping in flash like in html <maparea>? is yes means how to do that in flash?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mapping The Root To A Rectangle?

Sep 8, 2009

I have four points that make up a rectangle (note: the four points have the same aspect ratio as the window). The rectangle itself can be moved and scaled (again, keeps it's aspect ratio).

I want to map the root's positions (_x, _y, _xscale, _yscale) so that the box is always the frame of the window. This should be easy enough, except for the fact that the root's "hotspot" (position which it scales from) is always 0,0.

NOTE: I use four points to make the rectangle: xLeft, yTop and xRight, yBottom

come up with some code to change the root's _x, _y, _xscale, and _yscale to fit this rectangle

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Data Integration :: Using Flash To Create A Web Mapping App?

Jan 24, 2007

I've done a bit of web design work,and have used Flash a little,so familiar with the principles of the timeline, keyframing, and twining etc.The sort of thing we might be looking to produce would be similar to this site below :[url].....how technically challenging that might get,or is it the sort of thing that although looks complex, might be relatively easy to achieve armed with a reasonable understanding of the Flash principles that are driving it.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Website Built And Buttons All Mapping?

Sep 29, 2009

I am have about 80% of a my website built and buttons all mapping where they should go, along with a number of XML driven BANNER ROTATORS/ACCORDIAN MENUS...ect
This site requires users to be signed in, which is done through a site previous to mine. Once they log in, they can click a button which then allows them access to my site.
My site has three "user levels" or "autentication levels" as we have "Managers", "Supervisors" and "Staff" levels.
For testing purposes, we have placed the below actionscript in the first frame of my project. The purpose of this actionscipt is to reference the "authentication level" that the user is using (as they will have already signed in so we are simply looking to obtain their "auth level").


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Apply Displacement Mapping To Every Frame?

Oct 6, 2011

I'm using this tutorial to create buttons with displacement mapping for my simple game menu. These buttons need to be clickable; i.e. once you click on them you move to a different frame. Everything works fine on the first frame, but when I click to the next frame the displacement map disappears and will not apply to the buttons on that frame. Plus, when I click my "back" button to return to Frame 1, the displacement effect has disappeared entirely.

This is the code which is in the base "Game" class, which links to the main Flash file.
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;


It calls the JitteryButton class, another external class, which I don't think is the problem, but I can post if if necessary. It's very similar to the one in the tutorial. Also, I need to add different buttons on other frames of the menu, but if I call them in this external class, it doesn't recognise them.

can anyone spot why this might stop working like it does? I was thinking about instead of using "Game" as an external Actionscript file, I could actually write it into Flash as Actionscript on a layer - would this work?

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