Php :: Hierarchical File-system Application Schema?

Feb 8, 2011

I am creating an web application in which users can upload documents, create folders (just like any file explorer) problem Is how should I translate this Hierarchical structure into Mysql database flat structure, how should I creat a tree view from database?

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Flash :: Flex - Find References To The File System In A Application?

Jul 22, 2010

I need to disable all the aspects of functionality which access the client file system in a flash/flex application. I started having a look on how to do this. It appears that the package flash.filesystem need to be importated to allow the interaction with the file system. However, I did not find any reference to this package in the application. I am a beginner concerning these technologies so maybe I am missing a point here. Do I need to look into an other direction?

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Adobe - Access Local File System From Flex Web Application?

Jan 5, 2011

I'm trying to access local file system from Flex web application. I know it is pretty difficult, but I think there must be a way. Is there a way that Flex app can use AIR components or maybe web application can call some AIR module in order to choose files and upload?

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Flex :: PlayBook - Create A File Browser To Allow Users To Load Images From The Local System Into The Application

Mar 24, 2011

I'm developing an application for the Blackberry Playbook using Flash Burrito 4.5 and Flex. I'd like to create a file browser to allow users to load images from the local system into the application. I followed this example [URL] When I click on the Load Image button in the simulator however, the file browser pops up but tells me that "no file was found with the specified filter", even though I don't specify any filter or even if I specify a . filter.

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C# :: Mapping System In Web Application?

Jun 6, 2011

I'm building image processing or mapping system kinda like google map except we have our own HD images so i'm not sure what is the best way to do this in .NET here is what im trying to do Mapping web application build in .NET i've High resolution images , the user first load the selected area a full scaled image should be loaded 100% (original image) then he Zoom to the area he want, then he can move around this area almost like google map

1.user select area - full scaled image loaded

2.user zoom to random area - (i will receive some values for X, Y, etc.. in query string then i will extract these values and zoom/return the image based on these values)

So i'm not sure what is the ideal solution for this is it just zoom/re-size image based on the vales received from the user, or its more complicated than that?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Develop A Logging System For Application?

Apr 1, 2010

I want to develop a logging system for my application. This system is intended to log warning,messages(like traces) and errors in a log file in the server with time stamp and user information.
I am familliar with flash tracer but that is temporary. Sometime to debug real time user's reports I need this system. Some of the files in the application are in AS1 and the rest in AS2.

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Actionscript 3 :: Add System Icons Into The Flex Application?

Apr 5, 2010

can i add system icons (.doc, .ppt icons etc) into my flex application without embedding them into the application directly.

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Php :: Building A Login System For The Desktop Application?

Oct 15, 2010

I'm currently in the planning/early building phase of a desktop flex application that will be communicating to a Zend Application on a web server.The flex app will basically be like a layout/view in terms of the MVC pattern, it will make requests to various controller actions and display the data returned in a meaningful way, and post data that will update various data in the database on the server. Basically what I'm wondering is what the best way is to go about building a login system for the desktop application.I can't use the regular channels that you would if your users were accessing the application via a browser, so I was thinking I would do this:

Flex app posts login details (email, password) to a login action.The login action uses Zend Auth to check if the details are valid.The login action creates a unique hash (and stores it in the db somewhere along with the user's id) and returns a json object containing the hash along with the user's id to the flex app.Whenever the flex app makes requests to any action in the web app, it also sends along the user's id and the unique hash so the web app can verify the user.

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Xml :: Test The Validity Of XML Against A XML Schema?

Aug 13, 2010

I don't need to parse the XML, or to decode it into an ActionScript object -- I'm only interested in loading both XSD and XML and tell whether the latter is legal XML according to the document definition in the former.

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Flex :: Integrate Shopping Cart System For Flash Application?

Mar 25, 2010

I've built a simple flash application that takes a user's photo/image, offers various effects and filters to play with. In the end, the application can write-out the resulting image to a PDF print file (to be purchased and sent to a printer).Currently I'm using PHP to template the web pages, with the Flash app embedded in the body of one of the pages.

I now need to integrate a shopping cart and check-out system, the idea being that the user can play with images, add various images to a shopping cart, at some point choose print sizes for each image, check-out and purchase etc. My app would attached the necessary print files, and email/submit the order to the printer.In researching the various cart systems out there like Zen-cart, Magento, osCommerce, etc.. these all seem to be full featured CMS systems, full websites, that you deploy, customize and skin, add products to etc... a "canned store". But in my case, I'm adding/creating the product at run-time. It's not a traditional store where you browse and select items.

At first glance its not clear to me how I would use one of these systems, how to integrate with my Flash app.... it seems I only want to make use of the shopping cart, customer database portion, payment transaction features.Is it possible to use one of these, using only the checkout and order management through a API? called from my Flash app? or processed via back-end PHP?

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Actionscript 3 :: Send Commands To Operative System From Adobe AIR Desktop Application?

Feb 9, 2010

In Python there is a function: os.system(command) that runs the command passed by parameter in the command line, there is something similar in AS3 (or MXML) running an Adobe AIR Desktop Application?

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Actionscript 3 :: Structuring System Architecture In A Flex Web Application On A Budget (w/o Java)

May 28, 2010

I started a project a while back using the following architecture from Adobe Developer Article talking about Creating marketing platforms in Flex. I did my first set of coding locally forgetting that my server did not handle Tomcat. So I said okay, and cut some corners and then some other limitation came up and I cut some more corners. Eventually for a good week or two, it was trying to get the project working with making the ends meet. Layers started to merge.

In the end I used a

PureMVC (Presentation/Client) -> ZendAMF (Communication) -> MySql (Data) Layout.

It worked but I never felt as though I had some layer just to take care of all the SQL calls to the data.It just felt hacked together

So should I keep the above setup and just start from the presentation layer and move downwards like they said in the article or is there a better layering (based on a hosting plan that does not handle Java) I could accomplish ?

UPDATE: My current hosting plan - [URL]

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Flex4 :: Using Operating System Fonts Inside A Flash Application Without Embedding It?

Aug 15, 2011

I'm starting to localize my flash application.I'm trying to see if there is a way to rollback on default operating system fonts for languages like japanese so I don't have to embed them.So far I didn't find anything online.I'm currently using css to define the font family like :

fontFamily: "Tuffy Regular";
embedAsCFF: true;

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Flash - Calling DispatchEvents Without Using Xml Schema In Flex?

Feb 23, 2011

I wanted to know if there are ways to use dispatchEvents with custom event function calls without actually instantiate the function in an xml form but doing so in the script. What I am trying to do is, have a developer use my custom component button, but add his/her own function to what is already added to my own click event call. so just as a case he/she wants to add there own validation function of that click event. One way i have it is where i create an instance in my component within the xml schema.i have a mxml component called DialogWindow.mxml and inside I have

[Event(name="cancBtnClick", type="")]
[Event(name="okBtnClick", type="")]

and in my script in DialogWindow.mxml i created a button with a click event called cancelAction(event);

_buttonCancel = new Button();
_buttonCancel.label = "Cancel";
_buttonCancel.addEventListener("click", cancelAction);
_buttonCancel.enabled = true;

In the "cancelAction" function I add the dispatchEvent to cancBtnClick as this will be the userdefined function.

protected function cancelAction(event:Event):void {
dispatchEvent(new Event("cancBtnClick"));

When deriving the component DialogWindow.mxml from another component, I can use this statement where myFunction is taken place of cancBtnClick in cancelAction function.

// from TestButton.mxml
<cmp:DialogWindow cancBthClick="myFunction()" />

The above works fine, but what if i want to call it using derived class call in a script. such as

public var dialogW:IFlexDisplayObject = null;
(dialogW as DialogWindow).cancBtnClick = "myFunction"; // this is an instance of DialogWindow

When trying this, of course there is no cancBtnClick. So i know i am not implementing this correctly.

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Actionscript 3 :: Showing Service Pack Version Of Current System In Flex Application

Nov 1, 2010

I am able to port much of my application from Flex 35 to Flex 4.0

Next is to show my current system Operating system name (XP Pro, Vista, Linux..etc) along with the service pack level of my system on which my application is running.

I am able to show uo OS name "Windows XP" using "Capabalities.os" in Flex4.0. but not "Professional" or "Pro" exactly. But I could not find an API for showing up the service pack level.

I have to display the content in a label. I tried with Capabilities.cpuArchitecture and System.vmversion, but it shows up some other system data.

I want to show up Service pack version.

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Feb 21, 2011

I found that there is a setting in the Component Inspector within Schema called Formatter. I am wondering if this is what I use, and if so how to format for time such as HH:MM:SS ? Or if I have to use something else?

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Actionscript 3 :: The Details Of Adobe AIR File Permissions - Append To A File On The System?

Apr 15, 2012

I need to know what the details are of the file permissions of an adobe AIR app. Specifically, to where can may it write text files? Anywhere on the local system? I heard Adobe has a set of "Sandbox Permissions" but these just confuse me as I don't know where they apply. Additionally I wish to know if you need some kind of special permission to append to a file somewhere on the system.

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Mar 29, 2010

I am working with Flex, Flash, Action Script and I want to browse the local machine file system using Operating System's file browse window and select a file then i want to get the full path of the selected file. How can I do this?

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Flex :: Make Default Attribute Values In XML Get Parsed In Based On XSD Schema?

Jun 16, 2009

I have an xml with an xml-schema. The xml-schema defines an abstract complex type with 2 optional attributes that have default values. Then I have several complex types that extend the base one. And finally nodes of the types defined.So I load the xml and when I parse each node, the optional attributes are not present at all.I've tried fooling around with the namespaces, even[code]...

No luck. Something similar was being experienced by this guy on codingforums, but that was like 5 years ago. Same is happening to me with firefox 3.0.11 - the xml is shown without the default attributes.For now I'm setting the default values in code, but isn't there a way to make them available from the xml-schema?[code]...

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Flex :: Search For A File On Users File System?

Jun 8, 2010

So we want to seacrch for file like exampl*.ex*mple. We want to search in all users files and folders.

I know it will take long, but steel using ONLY AS3MXML, no native commands, no external programms - only AS3MXML libs and classes, we can skeep all folders with sise <= 200kb

So How to search for a file on users file system? (in Air application, NOT NATIVE)

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash - Why Size Of An .ipa File Is Large As I Export A Mobile Application As IOS Application

Aug 18, 2011

I have made one one mobile application in flash builder using flex mobile project I have a question that "why size of an .ipa file is large as I export a mobile application as iOS application.???? in compare to that same application for android takes small size!

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Flex :: Gui - Switch Between Different Applications(mxml File With Application As The Root Tag) In A Big Application?

May 16, 2010

I'm new to flex. Now I'm writing an flex application. I plan to split my application into some MXML files(Application as the root tag). How can I switch from one mxml to another?BTW, what is the best practice for design large flex application? Just one MXML Application and many MXML component or many MXML Application?

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Get File System Metadata From A File?

Jun 19, 2009

For a research project I am looking for a way to collect the file system metadata of a certain file. The user selects a file on his system and the app retrieves the metadata of the file, only the metadata and not the actual contents. A friend of mine made a test app using SWFupload [URL] and it works, however not all attributes from the metadata can be retrieved. I would also want to collect 'lastaccesstime' and 'owner' from the metadata. Try the test app [URL]
The following code has been used to make this test app:
function fileDialogComplete() { //this.startUpload(); var f = this.getFile(); var a = "File Info
"; a += "Created: " + f.creationdate + "


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ActionScript 3.0 :: System.useCodePage - Getting Error 1120: Access Of Undefined Property 'System?

Aug 7, 2009

I got a textfile who i am reading on a serverside script and passing it as a script to my client side as3 code. The problem is that i am using characters like ä,ö,ü,ß and this isn't well displayed. I tried System.useCodePage but the compiler complains about : 1120: Access of undefined property 'System'. It doesnt matter if I tried this on the first line of the 'Action' in the first scene or in the first line of the first .as file i am loading. (btw i am only working with .as file and not in the timeline). When i am importing flash.System.* the compiler complains he dont know useCodePage.

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Flex :: How To Find A File In System

Apr 14, 2010

I am loading data from one sample.xml file using http service. the xml file will generated by jsp and it is saving in one proper location like(d:/programfiles/some.xml).now when I first time login to application i need to check whether that xml file is present or not. How can I check?

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Flash File EXE And SWF - System Requirement

Oct 17, 2011

I am a new user of adobe flash. I have a question: After I published my flash file to .exe and .swf, how to I check the system requirement for this project when they need to open it? I need to write on the cd face....

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Hierarchical Tree In Flex Through Json

Dec 27, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: File Saving On Local System?

Jan 5, 2012

i want to save a text file on user local sytem without user interaction usiing file Refrence class in flash

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash File Not Opening In XP System?

Feb 21, 2012

I did one flash file by using Action Script 3.0. That SWF running in Vista and Windows7 systems but it not running in XP systems.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Write To The File System From Flex?

Mar 25, 2009

Can you write to the file system from flex?

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