Flex :: Make Default Attribute Values In XML Get Parsed In Based On XSD Schema?

Jun 16, 2009

I have an xml with an xml-schema. The xml-schema defines an abstract complex type with 2 optional attributes that have default values. Then I have several complex types that extend the base one. And finally nodes of the types defined.So I load the xml and when I parse each node, the optional attributes are not present at all.I've tried fooling around with the namespaces, even[code]...

No luck. Something similar was being experienced by this guy on codingforums, but that was like 5 years ago. Same is happening to me with firefox 3.0.11 - the xml is shown without the default attributes.For now I'm setting the default values in code, but isn't there a way to make them available from the xml-schema?[code]...

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Mar 8, 2010

I'm having hard time reaching the right nodes here. The XML structure is like this:

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I'm trying to return a list of names for countries that contain company nodes with t value of f, so here are some of my attempts. None of them work.

_xml.y.rs.r.cs.c.(child("is").i.@t == "f").@n
_xml.y.rs.r.cs.c.(child("is").(i.@t == "f")).@n
_xml.y.rs.r.cs.c.(child("is").i.(@t == "f")).@n

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Flex :: List Dataprovider Based On Matching Attribute

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<rows name="general">
<objects name="Start" image16="startflag16" image32="startflag32" class="someclass">


And I am trying to do something like below, If I remove (@name=="general") from below line it gives me all property


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Say I get passed the following variables:

var objId:String = "label1";
var objAtt:String = "text";
var objVal:String = "Hello World";

I need to take these and update the "text" property of label that has the ID "label1" to "Hello World".

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Flex :: Enter Default Values Into FieldContainer?

Feb 21, 2011

I am using a Field Container to enter a new Contact information, and I would like to populate some of the fields with values.

I can do this for normal fields like Phone and LastName, but ti does not work for lookup fields like ReportsTo and Account.

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acc.LastName="Nieddu Srl"
acc.ReportsTo ="0012000000RsJYb"

Is there any way to populate a lookup field with a default value when the field container is called?

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Flash - Calling DispatchEvents Without Using Xml Schema In Flex?

Feb 23, 2011

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[Event(name="cancBtnClick", type="flash.events.Event")]
[Event(name="okBtnClick", type="flash.events.Event")]

and in my script in DialogWindow.mxml i created a button with a click event called cancelAction(event);

_buttonCancel = new Button();
_buttonCancel.label = "Cancel";
_buttonCancel.addEventListener("click", cancelAction);
_buttonCancel.enabled = true;

In the "cancelAction" function I add the dispatchEvent to cancBtnClick as this will be the userdefined function.

protected function cancelAction(event:Event):void {
dispatchEvent(new Event("cancBtnClick"));

When deriving the component DialogWindow.mxml from another component, I can use this statement where myFunction is taken place of cancBtnClick in cancelAction function.

// from TestButton.mxml
<cmp:DialogWindow cancBthClick="myFunction()" />

The above works fine, but what if i want to call it using derived class call in a script. such as

public var dialogW:IFlexDisplayObject = null;
(dialogW as DialogWindow).cancBtnClick = "myFunction"; // this is an instance of DialogWindow

When trying this, of course there is no cancBtnClick. So i know i am not implementing this correctly.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Url Hyperlinks From Parsed Xml Text?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting XML Attribute Values?

Jun 17, 2007

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<thunder5 name="Jonny James" place="Finished 3rd" about="Good, unique racing


What shoud I write instead of "<stuff_to_change>" to get flash to trace "Jonny James", or "Good, unique racing skills"?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Reorder XML Based On Attribute Value?

May 8, 2008

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Here's my XML file:

<entry type="ecard" num="2">


So I was able to create a new array that contains only entries with the attribute "ecard" in them, but now I want to re-order that array into numerical order based on the attribute "num" so that it lists as Ecard 1, Ecard 2, Ecard 3 in the XML. How would I go about re-ordering the new array I've created?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Parsing XML Based On Attribute?

Jun 1, 2009

I have an XML file I'm parsing out into a Flash movie. The XML contains multiple nodes, and within those nodes are multiple attributes.So, for example, there is a node called FirstNode. In that is an attribute FirstNodeID="1" and then there is another node, also called FirstNode which has an attribute of FirstNodeID="2". Each node also has attributes called Header and Body and so on.

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I'd like to be able to be able to simply rename the dynamic text fields and then only paste in the actionscript that defines what nodes to pull the text from and what fields to put it into. So everything from the //MAIN TEXT area in the actionscript above.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Search Attribute Values

Oct 12, 2011

How to find the attribute values ("0_0_0_1" ) in the following xml example.Example:

var xml:XML=
<root><country id="0"><states id="0_0"><city id="0_0_0"><village id="0_0_0_0"></village><village id="0_0_0_1"></village><village id="0_0_0_2"></village></city></states><states


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Search Through XML Attribute Values?

Jul 20, 2009

I'm trying to match some events on stage to certain info from an XML doc.

For example, I have a movie clip instance named "id1234". In my XML, the attribute value for that particular node is also id1234.

So when I click on that mc, it's suppose to pull the XML data associated with id1234 from XML.

Is there anyway I can compare the current target value (that is whatever my mouse clicked) and search for the proper attribute in XML dynamically?

var _current:String = e.currentTarget.name;
} else {
Do something else;

The thing for me is making this process dynamic.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple Values Within A Single XML Attribute?

Mar 27, 2011

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<image index="0,1,2"></image>

and somehow parse it into an array like

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Function That Returns An Array Of Attribute Values?

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//this is my main class
var _XMLPicQuery= new XmlQuery("gallery.xml");[code]......

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[code]will this represent possible performace increase instead of writing like so:[code]

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Aug 12, 2010

How can I set default values for the parameters of a function in AS2? I am trying the common way but it doesn't work...

private function myFunction (param1:Number = 3,
param2:String = "a string",
param3:Boolean = false, etc ....):Void

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ActionScript 2.0 :: V2 ComboBox: Default Value Based On SelectedItem Not SelectedIndex?

Mar 16, 2005

Ok I can't find any doco on this and it's driving me crazy. Anyone know how you specify the default value for the V2 ComboBox component based on the selectedItem when you don't know the selectedIndex? Here's my scenario:

I have a hardcoded combobox called "dd_names" with 50 names in it. I'm returning a dataset into Flash via a SQL query, and onload I need the dd_names dropdown to default to the value of the name returned in the dataset. So if the query returns "Tom" I need the dropdown to default to "Tom."

I tried setting dd_names.selectedItem = "Tom" and dd_names.value = "Tom" and these don't work. The ComboBox just defaults to the first item in the list.However, if I use the selectedIndex property and set dd_names.selectedIndex = 3, the ComboxBox doesn't default to the first item in the list but shows the appropriate item. This doesn't help because I don't know the selectedIndex being returned from the query - I only know the selectedItem. Anyone know how to do this??

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Parse The Style Object In Order Get The Color - FontFamily FontSize Attribute Values

Aug 19, 2009

I have the following XML


I am able to get <styling> as a XML but I cannot figure out how to parse the style object in order get the color, fontFamily fontSize attribute values. I am also unable to access the lang attribute value <tt xml:lang="en">


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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Assign Default Values For Point Type

Aug 24, 2009

If you have a function that accepts a parameter of Point type, how do you assign a default value?
PHP Code:
setPosition(position:Point =(0,0)){
I tried (0,0), (x:0, y:0) {x:0, y:0} and none worked... anyone know the correct way?

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Actionscript 3 :: Setting Default Values For Object Properties?

Dec 28, 2010

how to set default property values for objects that are being created in a loop.

In the example below, these propeties are the same for each object created in the loop: titleTextField.selectable, titleTextField.wordWrap, titleTextField.x

If you pull these properties out of the loop, they are null because the TextField objects have not been created, but it seems silly to have to set them each time.

var titleTextFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
titleTextFormat.size = 10;
titleTextFormat.font = "Arial";


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Superclass Default Values Being Chosen Over Subclass Changes?

Sep 3, 2011

I've run into an extremely odd problem. I'll give a code example to start. This is the superclass Building.

public var allowsEnemyMovement:Boolean = true;
public var information:String = "";
public var buildingName:String ="";


Now here's the odd part. Only SOME of the variables defined in the superclass do this. the variable information, buildingName and health all will take the default value from the super class. But the variable defenseValue will take its value from Factory's constructor. What am I doing wrong here? I would like to keep default values in the superclass so that I don't end up with null pointer errors later just in case.

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Dec 22, 2010

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Actionscript 3 :: Using Constants As Default Parameter Values In Interfaces: IDE Okay But Mxmlc Fails?

Jun 13, 2011

This code seems to compile fine in the IDE, but the command-line compiler (SDK 4.5 mxmlc.exe) reports "Parameter initializer unknown or is not a compile-time constant."

package {
public class Constants {
public static const CONSTANT : int = 0;


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Flex :: Make A Container Resize Based On The Size Of Its Contents?

Mar 16, 2010

I'm trying to create a Flex application that can automatically shrink based on the size of the components that it contains, so that a user can shrink it to a minimal view to see more of the HTML page it's embedded in.

I know how to change the size of the whole application using ExternalInterface, but I'm having trouble automatically figuring out how much the size changed when something is hidden or shown.

For example:

Let's say I have the following flex layout:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="vertical">
<mx:VBox width="100%" paddingTop="0" paddingBottom="0"


How can I hide one of the text fields and cause the VBox to shrink? I'm currently setting it to visible = false, but that doesn't seem to affect the parent VBox.

Once the VBox shrinks, how can I detect that the Application no longer needs so much space, and then go about figuring out how much less space it needs?

I've tried using ResizeEvent, but I haven't been able to get them to work, but I could be doing something wrong.

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Actionscript 3 :: Select Xml Element Based On It Attribute Value Start With "somthing" In It?

Oct 6, 2011

I have an xml like as follows[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sort XML Data Based On An Attribute "price" (or P)

Sep 8, 2006

I am trying to sort XML data based on an attribute "price" (or p). I'm trying to sort the prices numerically so that, for example, 1230.00 does not show up before 19.00. I have defined a preliminary price sort function as follows:


How do I edit this function so that the prices will display in numerical order rather than string value order?

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