ActionScript 2.0 :: V2 ComboBox: Default Value Based On SelectedItem Not SelectedIndex?
Mar 16, 2005
Ok I can't find any doco on this and it's driving me crazy. Anyone know how you specify the default value for the V2 ComboBox component based on the selectedItem when you don't know the selectedIndex? Here's my scenario:
I have a hardcoded combobox called "dd_names" with 50 names in it. I'm returning a dataset into Flash via a SQL query, and onload I need the dd_names dropdown to default to the value of the name returned in the dataset. So if the query returns "Tom" I need the dropdown to default to "Tom."
I tried setting dd_names.selectedItem = "Tom" and dd_names.value = "Tom" and these don't work. The ComboBox just defaults to the first item in the list.However, if I use the selectedIndex property and set dd_names.selectedIndex = 3, the ComboxBox doesn't default to the first item in the list but shows the appropriate item. This doesn't help because I don't know the selectedIndex being returned from the query - I only know the selectedItem. Anyone know how to do this??
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Jul 6, 2010
In a simplified version of my issue, I have a ComboBox called "cb". I can set its selectedIndex to 1 (corresponding with selectedItem.label of "Red") easily with:
cb.selectedIndex = 1
However, since "Red" may not always be at a selected index of 1, if another entry is placed before it in the list, I would MUCH rather base my code on selectedItem.label, since it will always be "Red."
How do I do this? I can at least trace the label's corresponding selection index with code like:
var frameSelect:Number = cb.selectedIndex; trace(frameSelect)
Do I need some sort of loop function? Or is there a simpler way? Can I define a variable at the very start of my code that figures out what the corresponding selection index of "Red" is on that particular day? I basically need
var frameSelect:Number = cb.[Index of whatever goes with the label of "Red"]
If it useful to you, what I am doing (on a simplifed scale) is using a combo box to change the color of a movie clip. The user can click on "Blue" or "Yellow" or "Red" in the comb box, and the movie clip changes color. However, I also need a simple button that only has one outcome ("Red") where the user clicks on the button and thus sets the selected index of the combobox directly to "Red." Like I said, I can do this quite easily using the selectedIndex parameter, but this means I would have to manually update my button's code each time a new color option was added. Not remotely ideal, since the actual implementation has hundreds of colors in arrays and there will be lots of buttons creating arrangements from different comboboxes.(Say one combobox is Colors, one is Shapes, and one is Size. The end goal is to let the user experiment as much as they want through dropdowns, OR click a button like "Small green circle" to go directly to a particular outcome.)
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Nov 13, 2008
I've got a combobox, cb, for which I need to programmatically set the selection. The combobox was populated by:
Lets say I need to set the combobox to "string2",I've tried all of the following, none work:
The docs say selectedItem() is read/write but all the examples I can find are read only.
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Jun 21, 2010
Isn't there a better way to accomplish this?[code]...
All I want to do is make sure that when I update the item that the comboBox is pointing to internally, that it's selectedIndex also update so that the label within the ComboBox reflects the new value.
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Mar 20, 2012
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Dec 5, 2009
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Jan 23, 2010
well, I have a combobox which I have bind his selectedItem property to a value object object, like this
<fx:Binding source="styles_cb.selectedItem.toString()" destination=""/>
<fx:XML id="config_xml" xmlns="" source="config.xml" />
<!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
<mx:ComboBox x="66.15" y="63.85" editable="false" id="styles_cb" dataProvider="{}" />
the value object is a custom class with some setters and getters, and I want to set a property based of the value of the selectedItem of the combo, so inside the value object I have something like this
public function set style(value:String):void
_style = value;
my problem is that each time I change the combobox selection which in fact change the style property of the value object it does it 3 times, if I trace the value of the setter it actually do the trace 3 times, why?? how can I avoid this? I'm doing something wrong? or there is a better way to do it,
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May 22, 2008
well, I have a combobox which I have bind his selectedItem property to a value object object, like this
<fx:Binding source="styles_cb.selectedItem.toString()" destination=""/>
<fx:XML id="config_xml" xmlns="" source="config.xml" />
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Feb 8, 2012
I am unable to bind the selectedIndex public property of a spark DropDownList to it's original source in the view's presentation model.
For the purposes of replicating this issue with as few lines as possible I have two views, and one presentation model. The code follows.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
Debugging the application I find that selectedIndex in the presentation model always remains at the default value assigned regardless of which item I selected from the DropDownList. For the sample code above this is -1.How can I bind the selectedIndex in the presentation model such that it is updated appropriately when the selected item DropDownList changes?
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Nov 3, 2011
Is there a way for you to set the default value for a combo box. Lets say the combo box is there, but the user doesnt have to interact with it. How can set the value of the combo box to a value without user input?
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Jul 20, 2009
I've got a comboBox with defined data and label fields. On Event.CHANGE I capture the data field. I need the comboBox to default back to the user selection if they should navigate to another screen and then come back. Normally I've got an array of labels that I can use to just lookup the index: comboBox.selectedIndex = labelArray.indexOf(user selection); In this case I don't have labelArray. What I really want to do is something like this (only with real AS, not fake):
comboBox.selectedData = storedDataString or, if the data array is accessible: comboBox.selectedIndex = selection); Is there an easy way to do this, or should I just suck it up and add yet another global label array?
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Apr 12, 2011
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Oct 11, 2011
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Dec 4, 2006
I have a Flash Form that is fairly long (about 8 short pages), so I have set the form up so that it can be reviewed when the filler-outer is done and they are ready to submit it. I'm using a Shared Object to store the information they enter so they won't lose their information if they hit refresh or need to come back later.
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So, I'd like for the boxes to display the choice they picked when they were on that page. I need use the value from the database to show the particular value in the ComboBox whenever the user returns to that page.
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Dec 13, 2010
I am doing a simple combobox example. Now my requirement was, i want to differentiate the combobox values with some colors. I dont know how to do this. can you guys pls help me out on this. Suppose for ex: if my combobox data value exceeds 200 i want to display the items in "red" else i want to display in "green".
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Simple example to demonstrate the Halo ComboBox control. -->
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
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Oct 26, 2009
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Dec 19, 2010
am doing a simple combobox example. Now my requirement was, i want to differentiate the combobox values with some colors based on a condition. Suppose for ex: if my combobox data value exceeds 200 i want to display the items in "red" else i want to display in "green". i need solutions for this requirment.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Simple example to demonstrate the Halo ComboBox control. -->
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
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Jun 23, 2010
I have a comboBox and values like basic and advanced. And viewstack container conatains 2 grids.When i select the base option in Combobox, the first grid has to be selected. select the advanced value in comboBox, the second grid has to be selected.
<mx:ViewStack id="viewstack1" width="95%" height="85%" x="0" y="63" >
<tables:KeyMetricsBasicTable basicArrayDataProvider="{basicArrayResult1}" width="100%" height="100%"/>
<tables:KeyMetricsAdvTable advArrayDataProvider="{advArrayResult1}" width="100%" height="100%"/>
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Sep 8, 2009
I'm trying to setup a DataGrid that contains a column of combo boxes. The values of the combo boxes are defined by data specific to that row. I cannot get this to work though, I'm asking for a solution to this, either fixing what I have below or a recommendation on a different way.One of the columns of my DataGrid has an object derived from a ComboBox for an ItemEditor. The itemEditor is set like this:
<mx:DataGridColumn editorDataField="selectedItem" dataField="type" editable="true" >
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Sep 26, 2010
I have an Array Collection as follows
var myArr:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
{label: "label1", data: "data1"},
{label: "label2", data: "data2"}]);
How to set the selected item for myDDL based on an item id(myID)? I tried something like:
selectedIndex = {myArr.getItemIndex(myID)}
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Aug 14, 2009
In the code below, the presentedAlbumIndex is used to control the selectedIndex of the TileList. Item "five" is initially selected. Whenever the button is pressed the first item in the array is deleted, and the presentedAlbumIndex is decremented.
In theory, the selected index should stay with "five" every time the button is clicked (until "five" is itself deleted). It works this way for the first button press. However, on the 2nd button press the highlighting changes to "six" for some reason. Also, the TileList selectedIndex is always one behind.
I tried looking into ListBase and monitoring selectedIndex. It looks like the selectedIndex is updated initially to the correct index, but then it reverts back at some point to the correct index+1. I do not know why it's setting back.
It seems it's due to the fact that I am doing a data provider delete and index change in the same operation.
Is there some function in TileList I could override to keep selectedIndex up to date?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
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Apr 9, 2010
Is there something like selectedIndex for SkinnableDataContainer? It doesn't seem to be one of the available properties.
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Mar 11, 2011
I have a simple button function that changes the selectedIndex on a view stack without using the menu bar component. I call the function from the click property on the button and pass an int as the index I want to jump to. When I had the code on the application MXML file everything worked fine. After moving my actionscript to a separate file, I get access of undefined property errors:
protected function changeView(index:int):void
myViewStack.selectedIndex = index;
View 2 Replies
Nov 26, 2004
I have a simple button function that changes the selectedIndex on a view stack without using the menu bar component. I call the function from the click property on the button and pass an int as the index I want to jump to. When I had the code on the application MXML file everything worked fine. After moving my actionscript to a separate file, I get access of undefined property errors:
protected function changeView(index:int):void
myViewStack.selectedIndex = index;
How do I get the .as file to recognize the myViewStack component? Do I need to reference Main.MXML somewhere in the .as file? Thanks.
Here is the rest of my code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
And finally the .as files with the function in question:
import mx.containers.ViewStack;
protected function changeView(index:int, myViewStack:ViewStack):void
myViewStack.selectedIndex = index;
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