ActionScript 3.0 :: ComboBox Setting SelectedItem()?

Nov 13, 2008

I've got a combobox, cb, for which I need to programmatically set the selection. The combobox was populated by:


Lets say I need to set the combobox to "string2",I've tried all of the following, none work:


The docs say selectedItem() is read/write but all the examples I can find are read only.

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Actionscript 3 :: Accessing ComboBox SelectedItem Inside MC?

Mar 20, 2012

I've created a number of MC's dynamically. Inside each MC, there are 4 comboBoxes. I'm trying to access the selectedItem.label from code.When I However, when trying to access from code on the timeline, I can't get the value e.g.trace("=======================" + my_FC_row.getChildAt(4)); // Value is ComboBoxIf I trytrace("=======================" + my_FC_row.getChildAt(4).selectedItem.label);

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ActionScript 2.0 :: V2 ComboBox: Default Value Based On SelectedItem Not SelectedIndex?

Mar 16, 2005

Ok I can't find any doco on this and it's driving me crazy. Anyone know how you specify the default value for the V2 ComboBox component based on the selectedItem when you don't know the selectedIndex? Here's my scenario:

I have a hardcoded combobox called "dd_names" with 50 names in it. I'm returning a dataset into Flash via a SQL query, and onload I need the dd_names dropdown to default to the value of the name returned in the dataset. So if the query returns "Tom" I need the dropdown to default to "Tom."

I tried setting dd_names.selectedItem = "Tom" and dd_names.value = "Tom" and these don't work. The ComboBox just defaults to the first item in the list.However, if I use the selectedIndex property and set dd_names.selectedIndex = 3, the ComboxBox doesn't default to the first item in the list but shows the appropriate item. This doesn't help because I don't know the selectedIndex being returned from the query - I only know the selectedItem. Anyone know how to do this??

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ActionScript 1/2 :: - Change Variable Kolko[i] To Equals Combobox Name

Dec 5, 2009

i have online game and i have to know how to do this easy thing i have inventory and under things like first aid is number of objects and its combobox and after change i want to change variable kolko[i] to equals combobox name : "co"+i and that selecteditem data , i have this


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Actionscript 3 :: Flex Databinding With SelectedItem Property Of The Combobox Update Many Times

Jan 23, 2010

well, I have a combobox which I have bind his selectedItem property to a value object object, like this

<fx:Binding source="styles_cb.selectedItem.toString()" destination=""/>
<fx:XML id="config_xml" xmlns="" source="config.xml" />
<!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->

<mx:ComboBox x="66.15" y="63.85" editable="false" id="styles_cb" dataProvider="{}" />

the value object is a custom class with some setters and getters, and I want to set a property based of the value of the selectedItem of the combo, so inside the value object I have something like this

public function set style(value:String):void
_style = value;

my problem is that each time I change the combobox selection which in fact change the style property of the value object it does it 3 times, if I trace the value of the setter it actually do the trace 3 times, why?? how can I avoid this? I'm doing something wrong? or there is a better way to do it,

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex Databinding With SelectedItem Property Of The Combobox Update Many Times?

May 22, 2008

well, I have a combobox which I have bind his selectedItem property to a value object object, like this

<fx:Binding source="styles_cb.selectedItem.toString()" destination=""/>
<fx:XML id="config_xml" xmlns="" source="config.xml" />


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Flex :: Setting A Custom ItemRenderer In A ComboBox On Specific List Items After Combobox Creation?

Nov 8, 2010

I'm trying to set a specific list item in a mx combobox to have a custom item renderer, the problem is that I cannot do this via mxml, it needs to be done via actionscript at a later stage, eg: combobox gets created, combobox gets populated, user does other tasks, combobox needs to set one or more items in the combobox to have icons (via item renderer)..

I can do this via the onChange event, but it only applies the icon when the combobox is opened and there is a slight delay so you can see the icon being added.

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Flex :: Fire Tree ItemClick Event On Setting Tree.selectedItem In Air?

Oct 30, 2009

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Setting Value In A Variable Via A Combobox?

Nov 12, 2009

my string LINK at the end of the script is undefined it should change when i select the categories with my combo box

here is the  xml :category.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setting ComboBox To Autosize?

Nov 15, 2009

I have tried

ActionScript Code:
fontCombo.textField.autosize= TextFieldAutoSize.RIGHT;
ActionScript Code:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Setting Selection Of A Combobox?

May 13, 2008

Is it possible to use AS2 to dynamically set the current state of a ComboBox?I'm loading variables from an external file, and I need the ComboBoxes to reflect the selection that comes in.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setting Value For ComboBox And NumericStepper?

Sep 14, 2009

I need to set the text value of the ComboBox and numericStepper when an item in a list is pressed. I understand that the value of the ComboBox and NumericStepper is read only. How can I force these components to show the value that I want?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: ComboBox Not Setting Any 'selected' Text?

May 25, 2007

i'm having some trouble with an actionscript-generated ComboBox here's my script


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setting Text That Initially Appear Within ComboBox?

Dec 9, 2008

Any way to set the text that initially appears within a ComboBox without actually making it a selection? I have a ComboBox that initially starts out with one selection labeled "Select One". When you click on the ComboBox, the first selection in the list is "Select One". Is there a way to tell the ComboBox to just say "Select One" when it first hits the stage without making it editable?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setting New Style On A Combobox Instance

Jul 20, 2010

I am setting new style on a combobox instance. Following is the code.

myCombobox.textField.setStyle("textFormat", myStyle);myCombobox.dropdown.setRendererStyle("textFormat", myStyle); where myCombobox is the combobox instance and myStyle is textFormat object. but when i disable the component. i.e, myCombobox.enabled = false; The combobox textField loses its style and resets to its defualt style, though the dropdown style remains( myStyle ). What is the reasons for this behaviour. How can i change the style for the disabled state of the component.

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Flex :: Programmatically Setting Chosen Item In ComboBox

Jan 26, 2011

I need to programmatically set the selected item in a combobox. I've got a combobox like this:
<mx:ComboBox id="MyComboBox" change="puzzleHandler(event);"prompt="Make a Selection">
<mx:ArrayCollection id="myDP">
<mx:Object id="first" label="Label 1" series="2" pageTitle="Title 1"/>
<mx:Object id="second" label="Label 2" series="7" pageTitle="Title 2"/>
<mx:Object id="third" label="Label 3" series="9" pageTitle="Title 3"/>

I've got a function that regards deep linking. [URL]. They'll be taken to the appropriate part of the site (without having selected Label 2 in the comboBox). How do I set the comboBox programatically, so that it corresponds with what the user it looking at? In my function's switch statement, I want to set the comboBox to the label that corresponds with the view. If "view=2" then the comboBox should show "Label 2" as selected.

case "view=1":
MyComboBox.selectedItem.label="Label 1";
case "view=2":
[Code] .....
I tried this: MyComboBox.selectedItem.label="Label 1" But it's not working.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setting ComboBox Default Selection Using Data Field?

Jul 20, 2009

I've got a comboBox with defined data and label fields. On Event.CHANGE I capture the data field. I need the comboBox to default back to the user selection if they should navigate to another screen and then come back. Normally I've got an array of labels that I can use to just lookup the index: comboBox.selectedIndex = labelArray.indexOf(user selection); In this case I don't have labelArray. What I really want to do is something like this (only with real AS, not fake):
comboBox.selectedData = storedDataString or, if the data array is accessible: comboBox.selectedIndex = selection); Is there an easy way to do this, or should I just suck it up and add yet another global label array?

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Flex :: Setting Text Property Of A Combobox On Application Start?

Jul 20, 2011

I am using the combocheck example from the following site: [URL]

It's a very useful component and works very well.

Now, I need to set the text property of this combo box upon application startup with certain values (which are defined dynamically according to some criteria). The problem is that although I have no problem setting the text property of the combo box at other times of the application run, setting the property at startup seems to have no effect unfortunately.

For example, I want to set the text property of the combobox to "Bob" (which is one of the items in the dataprovider for the combobox) and the "set text" method is called on the combo box. Performing a step-through shows that the "set text" method is receiving the correct value item but not setting the _text property.

I have tried not doing anything until "ApplicationComplete" but no joy there either.

Here is the code (a combination of the code from the URL above and some other changes to it). However, as I've stated above, the codes does work. The problem is that it doesn't work at the application startup. Whenever an event is fired and setComboText is called as a result, the text of the combo box is set correctly.

private function onComboChecked(event:ComboCheckEvent):void {
var obj:Object=event.obj;
var index:int=selectedItems.getItemIndex(obj);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Setting ComboBox Default According To Shared Object Data?

Dec 4, 2006

I have a Flash Form that is fairly long (about 8 short pages), so I have set the form up so that it can be reviewed when the filler-outer is done and they are ready to submit it. I'm using a Shared Object to store the information they enter so they won't lose their information if they hit refresh or need to come back later.

If they go back to the page with comboboxes on it, the comboboxes have reset to the default. The answer and data in the SO haven't changed, but it looks like it to the consumer/viewer.

So, I'd like for the boxes to display the choice they picked when they were on that page. I need use the value from the database to show the particular value in the ComboBox whenever the user returns to that page.

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Flex :: How To Set 'selectedItem' Property

Oct 15, 2009

i am working in Air application in Flex3 , i need know how to set "selectedItem" Property when we have 2 values like(data and label) label property to combobox selection, data value for our input.In (selectedItem="{stylename}") stylename will have "data" value but i need to set that "lable" property as selected value in combobox.Like if stylename is "checked" then the ComboBox selected item need to be "Checked".How to implement this in flex.

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Keep Track Of Last SelectedItem In Datagrid?

Apr 13, 2011

I"m using Flex 4 and an AdvancedDataGrid. I need to keep track of the previously selected item. I can't think of where to capture this though. In an itemClickHandler method, the grid's selectedItem value is already the current selected item.

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Flex :: Set SelectedItem In DropDownList?

Sep 10, 2011

I am making some simple project and I have problem with selectedItem. I have sth like this

<s:State name="Form" enterState="makesService.send()"/>

so when I enter this state I take makes from database and populate them to dropdownlist.

but I have also button and on click event I'm changing state to this Form and I want to select specific make from the dropdownlist but I can't. I'm not sure whether I'm doing sth wrong or the problem is that I'm selecting item just before the dropdownlist became populated.

e.x. List of make consist of Audi and BMW and when I click button I want to open this state Form in which this dropdownlist exist with selected value e.x. BMW.

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AS2 :: Create A Custom ComboBox - Test Movie - Combobox Has Become An Unclickable White Rectangle With No Label?

Aug 7, 2009

I'm using Flash CS3 and want to create a custom ComboBox. I've followed the steps outlined in "Editing component skins in a new document" (http:/[url]...), but every time I get to the step where I drag the ComboBox Assets folder from the HaloTheme.fla library into my library, if I test movie at that point my combobox has become an unclickable white rectangle with no label, button or anything.

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Flex :: Identify The Component's SelectedItem

Mar 17, 2010

I am creating a lot of dynamic flex components like RadioButton, Combo Box, CheckBox.


When i click on Submit finally i need to get all the selected Values in each question. All the components are dynamically created at runtime.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change The MyComboBox.selectedItem ?

Aug 13, 2007

Does anyone know how to change the myComboBox.selectedItem or at least make it act as if it were changed (meaning on the screen it remains the same, but i can refer to the myComboBox.selectedItem property later on with actionscript and use it.The selectedItem property is inherited from the List class.

Basically what I'm trying to do is build a media player, and I have my playlist in a combo box. The user clicks on a song to start it. Then when that song finishes, the onSoundComplete method is called from the Sound class, and it will move to the next item on the combo box and start playing that song.Btw, as in the title, I'm using UI components 2, actionscript 2.

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Validate Combobox In Flex Before Save Has To Select Some Item In A Combobox?

Mar 16, 2011

How can I validate there's a selected item in a ComboBox before saving? If there's no selected item, how can I set focus on the ComboBox?

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IDE :: Warning - The Linkage Identifier 'ComboBox' Was Already Assigned To The Symbol 'ComboBox'

Dec 8, 2008

**Warning** The linkage identifier 'ComboBox' was already assigned to the symbol 'ComboBox', and cannot be assigned to the symbol 'GUI MC/Combo Boxes/abc', since linkage identifiers must be unique.**Warning** The linkage identifier 'ComboBox' was already assigned to the symbol 'ComboBox', and cannot be assigned to the symbol 'GUI MC/Combo Boxes/def', since linkage identifiers must be unique.

Both of my ComboBoxes has the same identifier.I could not change the identifier through the properties tab because it is greyed out.

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Flex :: Reflect Changes In The List.selectedItem In The ItemRenderer?

Oct 22, 2010

When I change the: = 'name2'

then in my item renderer

the dataChange event is not fired! and I can't update the label with the name property...

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Flex :: Get SelectedItem Data Value From Treeview In Actionscript?

Jan 26, 2011

Main Thread (Suspended: ReferenceError: Error #1081: Property @data not found on Object and there is no default value.) [code]...

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Flex :: Using List SelectedItem It Appears As Null?

Feb 15, 2011

I have encountered somthing a little strange in flex, possibly somthing im doing wrong but im not sure. In two cases which i have noticed, when there is only 1 item in a s:List or s:DropDownList for some reason when using list.selectedItem it appears as null. Using requireSelection="true"i know this isnt the case.


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