ActionScript 2.0 :: Setting ComboBox Default According To Shared Object Data?

Dec 4, 2006

I have a Flash Form that is fairly long (about 8 short pages), so I have set the form up so that it can be reviewed when the filler-outer is done and they are ready to submit it. I'm using a Shared Object to store the information they enter so they won't lose their information if they hit refresh or need to come back later.

If they go back to the page with comboboxes on it, the comboboxes have reset to the default. The answer and data in the SO haven't changed, but it looks like it to the consumer/viewer.

So, I'd like for the boxes to display the choice they picked when they were on that page. I need use the value from the database to show the particular value in the ComboBox whenever the user returns to that page.

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Apr 16, 2011

quick question:Is there a better way to do this?

public class ribbon extends Sprite {
private var fallAmount,taper;
public function ribbon(FallAmount=50,Taper=0.2){

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IDE :: CS5 - Setting URLs For Import / Export For Runtime Shared Library

Aug 27, 2010

Summary: I don't quite understand how the import/export URLs for symbols in a runtime library work. I can't figure out how I can set them so that the runtime library will be properly loaded and accessible for other swfs to import from, if I want it to work both in a local environment (on my harddrive), and from a remote environment (on a web page).

Relative URLs seem to work great for the hard-drive case, but fail for the web page. Is there a magic way to set the relative URL to work from the web too? And/or, is there some way of manually loading up the RSL at runtime and making the importing swfs import from that loaded copy, rather than having Flash doing it behind the scenes based on the import URL set in the symbol? Following is a longish description of what I'm trying to do, and why... I'm trying to figure out if we can use RSLs to contain common UI controls for our next project. I'm running into an organizational issue that I can't quite figure out - how to get the RSLs to work in both a local development/debugging environment, and on a production web environment, with the same exporting/importing URLs.

Here's what my setup would look like. Say I have a main application main.swf, an RSL lib.swf, and a UI module dialog.swf. Main.swf loads or embeds dialog.swf. lib.swf exports some symbols that dialog.swf imports. On a local development environment, these swfs are found in folders like so:


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