Flex :: Getting SelectedIndex For SkinnableDataContainer / List?
Apr 9, 2010Is there something like selectedIndex for SkinnableDataContainer? It doesn't seem to be one of the available properties.
View 2 RepliesIs there something like selectedIndex for SkinnableDataContainer? It doesn't seem to be one of the available properties.
View 2 RepliesI am unable to bind the selectedIndex public property of a spark DropDownList to it's original source in the view's presentation model.
For the purposes of replicating this issue with as few lines as possible I have two views, and one presentation model. The code follows.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
Debugging the application I find that selectedIndex in the presentation model always remains at the default value assigned regardless of which item I selected from the DropDownList. For the sample code above this is -1.How can I bind the selectedIndex in the presentation model such that it is updated appropriately when the selected item DropDownList changes?
when i use nextSlide() and prevSlide(), which are executed when i click on two buttons. SelectedIndex works when i click on the elements in the List. What am i doing wrong? do i have to dispatch some events? Are there any tricks to doing it with buttons?This is my playlist class
public class Playlist extends List
private var dispatcher:Dispatcher;
I have a skinnableDataContainer that I extended with some properties that I would like to use in my itemRenderer. When I try to call (from the itemrenderer)
I get an error stating that owner is a List and cannot be converted to extended_skinnabledatacontainer Is the owner not the hostComponent?Or is the hostComponent just something completely different?
I am new to Flex. What I am looking for here is adding a click handler on all the items created by a SkinnableDataContainer. I tried several things that didn't work, and I have no idea what is the right way to do it.
<s:SkinnableDataContainer id="teamList" itemRenderer="TeamSummaryRenderer">
<fx:Object teamName="A super team 1"/>
<fx:Object teamName="A super team 2"/>
<fx:Object teamName="A super team 3"/>
Furthermore, I don't want to declare the handler in my custom TeamSummaryRenderer component. I would prefer that the handler code stays at application level.
I have an Array Collection as follows
var myArr:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
{label: "label1", data: "data1"},
{label: "label2", data: "data2"}]);
How to set the selected item for myDDL based on an item id(myID)? I tried something like:
selectedIndex = {myArr.getItemIndex(myID)}
In the code below, the presentedAlbumIndex is used to control the selectedIndex of the TileList. Item "five" is initially selected. Whenever the button is pressed the first item in the array is deleted, and the presentedAlbumIndex is decremented.
In theory, the selected index should stay with "five" every time the button is clicked (until "five" is itself deleted). It works this way for the first button press. However, on the 2nd button press the highlighting changes to "six" for some reason. Also, the TileList selectedIndex is always one behind.
I tried looking into ListBase and monitoring selectedIndex. It looks like the selectedIndex is updated initially to the correct index, but then it reverts back at some point to the correct index+1. I do not know why it's setting back.
It seems it's due to the fact that I am doing a data provider delete and index change in the same operation.
Is there some function in TileList I could override to keep selectedIndex up to date?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
When using a dropdownlist in flex I'd like to know the exact index value when the prompt is initialized in it.
View 1 RepliesIsn't there a better way to accomplish this?[code]...
All I want to do is make sure that when I update the item that the comboBox is pointing to internally, that it's selectedIndex also update so that the label within the ComboBox reflects the new value.
I have an Array Collection as follows
myArr:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
{label: "label1", data: "data1"},
{label: "label2", data: "data2"}]);
I'm using flex 4.1 to write an application. i read in the documents that has the rowCount property to set how many items to display. the does not have that property. how can I limit the list to display 3 items ?
View 3 RepliesFlex 3 List control had a itemRollOver event. Flex 4 List doesn't have it. Is there an equivalent or a workaround for this issue?
View 2 RepliesHere is a snip from within my code:
The 'recommendations' dataProvider is an ArrayCollection of String, which are generally sentences about as long as this one. By setting the variableRowHeight and wordWrap properties as shown, if a sentence is too long to fit on a single line, everything works fine- the row expands and the messages show on two lines, or occasionally three.
The space allocated for this panel within the entire canvas means if the total text size of 'recommendations' exceeds six lines, I need for the entire list scroll. This is also working just fine. The trouble is when using the mouse wheel to do the scrolling- Flex scrolls both the entire list and the single item where the mouse is hovering. Often this results in only the second half of a sentence being visible. Non-programmer friends I have asked to look at this noticed this, and tell me it as a problem. If a user does not notice the dual scrolling, and sees only a fragment of a sentence, it will be perceived as an error in the application.
When a user selects a category from the first drop down box then i want the 2nd drop down to be updated based on the selection of the first drop down. I have created multiple ArrayCollections whose names are set to the "data" values of the first drop down, for instance:
public var countries:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
I am currently working on a project in Flex and I am having a hard time having a list's contents ALL be selected by default. Wondering how to do this.
<mx:List id="list" dataProvider="{dp}" allowMultipleSelection="true"/>
I'm just trying to have the list all selected.
I'm trying to animate a list as I delete the top row. All the examples I can find use itemsChangeEffect to bind to the effect, but this property exists only in MX lists, not spark lists.
Any idea how I can get the same effect done in Spark Lists?
I'm trying to remove the top most item in the list with a slight fade out effect before the rest of the items move up to replace the gap.
while i using drag & drop from listbox1 to listbox2 ,how can i get all the items of listbox2 in flex
View 1 RepliesThe traditional way to assign an icon would be to use the icon field of the item renderer,which reads the value of "icon" property in your data, for example:
listData.addItem({label: "Logout", icon: "com.classpth.DefualtThemeLogoutIconClass"});
But i want the DefualtThemeLogoutIconClass to changed to another class: ightThemeLogoutIconClass when the theme is changed.The only way to do this would be to use a style declaration containing a classReference to the icon, and change its the value in each of the CSS files of the various themes.The question is, is there any way to assign this style to an icon in a List, something as easy as intuitive as list[0].getIcon().setStyle("styleName");
I have a simple button function that changes the selectedIndex on a view stack without using the menu bar component. I call the function from the click property on the button and pass an int as the index I want to jump to. When I had the code on the application MXML file everything worked fine. After moving my actionscript to a separate file, I get access of undefined property errors:
protected function changeView(index:int):void
myViewStack.selectedIndex = index;
I have a simple button function that changes the selectedIndex on a view stack without using the menu bar component. I call the function from the click property on the button and pass an int as the index I want to jump to. When I had the code on the application MXML file everything worked fine. After moving my actionscript to a separate file, I get access of undefined property errors:
protected function changeView(index:int):void
myViewStack.selectedIndex = index;
How do I get the .as file to recognize the myViewStack component? Do I need to reference Main.MXML somewhere in the .as file? Thanks.
Here is the rest of my code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
And finally the .as files with the function in question:
import mx.containers.ViewStack;
protected function changeView(index:int, myViewStack:ViewStack):void
myViewStack.selectedIndex = index;
I am having a real problem with one of my components. I have a list object and I need to set the selectedIndex. Now I would think this would be easy, but it appears that for just this instance the selectedIndex property is read only. I have set the property for other instances, and I can read the property for this instance, but I cannot change it.
View 1 RepliesI have a viewstack, which contains 3 (at this moment just 1) customcomponents:
<s:Application xmlns:components="components.*">
<mx:ViewStack id="mainViewStack" x="76" y="90" width="800" height="400">
<components:Login />
In lee's xml tutorial he uses the list component and the text area component but when he tested the swf he had to select the item befour the text field was populated.
i have set the selectedIndex to 0 but the data still does not load untill an item is selected.
Ok I can't find any doco on this and it's driving me crazy. Anyone know how you specify the default value for the V2 ComboBox component based on the selectedItem when you don't know the selectedIndex? Here's my scenario:
I have a hardcoded combobox called "dd_names" with 50 names in it. I'm returning a dataset into Flash via a SQL query, and onload I need the dd_names dropdown to default to the value of the name returned in the dataset. So if the query returns "Tom" I need the dropdown to default to "Tom."
I tried setting dd_names.selectedItem = "Tom" and dd_names.value = "Tom" and these don't work. The ComboBox just defaults to the first item in the list.However, if I use the selectedIndex property and set dd_names.selectedIndex = 3, the ComboxBox doesn't default to the first item in the list but shows the appropriate item. This doesn't help because I don't know the selectedIndex being returned from the query - I only know the selectedItem. Anyone know how to do this??
I have a DataGrid bound to an XMLConnector and XMLDataSet. The XML data loads fine into the components. However, I cannot get the value of the selected index using: my_datagrid.selectedIndex
The call works fine if you use addItem to populate the grid.
Is there an issue being that the datagrid.selectedIndex parameter is bound to the XML components?
I've got a combo box in my movie (called news_selector), whenever the selection of the combo box changes, I want to do something. Here's my code for the combobox so far...
trace("News feed changed to: " +news_selector.selectedIndex);[code].....
The problem is that the news_selector.selectedIndex bit is showing as undefined in the debug window, and thusly the if/else statements are ignored completely.
I have a drop down list for selecting the titles for a person, I want to employ smooth drop down when i select the drop down menu.
View 1 RepliesWhat's the difference between selectedChild property and selectedIndex property? I read the documentation, both seems to be setting currect active accordion. selectedChild can be only used in actionscript, but other than this, what's the difference?
View 0 RepliesI want to create a list of progress bars and update the list accordingly.I have group data in an Array as
<mx:Array id="arr">
<mx:Object label="Group One" min="0" max="200" currentValue="60" />
<mx:Object label="Group Two" min="0" max="300" currentValue="50" />[code]....
The values in the array object indicate name of group,minimum,maximum and current value for the group (to be used in progressbar).I used the list with "mx.controls.ProgressBar" as itemRenderer as
<mx:List width="100%" dataProvider="{arr}"
Now what I need is whenever currentValue field of Array "arr" changes i want to update the progressbar "progress" value to currentValue (where min and maximum value of progressbar are stored in Array "arr").
Here is the code I am using in the label function. Some of the values are numbers and some are strings. It works:
private function getLabel (area:AreasVO):String
return "Area Name: " + area.areaName + " " + area.areaWidth + " X " + area.areaLength + " X " + area.areaHeight;[code].........
I just get error upon error...Numbers as Strings or a bunch of others...How do I do this?