Actionscript 3 :: Select Xml Element Based On It Attribute Value Start With "somthing" In It?

Oct 6, 2011

I have an xml like as follows[code]...

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Xml :: Select Element Containing Other Element With Attribute Value In E4X?

May 23, 2011

<function name="lala">
<metadata name="foo" />


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Actionscript 3 :: Select The Viewstack Container Id Based On Select Field In ComboBox In Flex?

Jun 23, 2010

I have a comboBox and values like basic and advanced. And viewstack container conatains 2 grids.When i select the base option in Combobox, the first grid has to be selected. select the advanced value in comboBox, the second grid has to be selected.

<mx:ViewStack id="viewstack1" width="95%" height="85%" x="0" y="63" >
<tables:KeyMetricsBasicTable basicArrayDataProvider="{basicArrayResult1}" width="100%" height="100%"/>
<tables:KeyMetricsAdvTable advArrayDataProvider="{advArrayResult1}" width="100%" height="100%"/>

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Actionscript 3 :: Select XML Nodes By Attribute?

Jul 11, 2010

Trying to parse some XML (over which I have no control!)

In C# I would do something like:

XmlNodeList xnList = xml.SelectNodes("/Names/Name[@type='M']");

Can this be done in AS3?

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Xml :: Set A Variable Attribute Of A Xml Element?

Jan 28, 2010

How do you set a variable attribute of a xml element?This is what I expected to work:xmlElement.attribute(variableAttr) = "the variable attribute is set to this string";

However, I'm getting some error that this value can only be retrieved as a reference and not set.Ofcourse, the following does not work either as it will look for the attribute named "variableAttr" and not for the attribute named after the value of the variable variableAttr:

xmlElement.@variableAttr = "example";

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting Name Attribute Of First Element In XML Document?

Aug 12, 2011

I am trying to get the name attribute of the first element in my XML document. Here is the extract from my xml file:

HTML Code:
<shop name="Pick n Pay">
Here is my AS3 code:
var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var xmlData:XML = new XML();
xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("mall.xml"));
function LoadXML(e:Event):void {
[Code] .....

And this is the output that I am getting:
XML loaded
XML Output
TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.
at map_fla::MainTimeline/ParseShops()[map_fla.MainTimeline::frame1:23]
at map_fla::MainTimeline/LoadXML()[map_fla.MainTimeline::frame1:15]

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Flex :: Datagrid, Select An Item Given My Data Attribute Values?

May 6, 2010

I'm using a custom component CheckBoxList DataGrid ( and as dataProvider I have an ArrayCollection with items such this one:

name="item name" selected="true"

I would like the CheckBox list updated when the selected attribute is set to false or true in the data model.

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Professional :: Application.iPhone Is An Unknown Element/attribute

Jan 26, 2012

I can't compile my .ipa with the iPhone attribute in the app.xml file. I don't know what I'm doing wrong but I'm pretty sure I followed the format correctly


I thought I followed the instructions to T, but maybe someone else can identify the problem?

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Search Flex XML Object To Find Attribute When Given Element Name?

Oct 13, 2010

I have a Flex XML object as follows:

private var _xmlCountries:XML =
<option value="AF">Afghanistan</option>
<option value="AL">Albania</option>
<option value="DZ">Algeria</option>
<option value="AO">Angola</option>


This object is ok, and shows up correctly in debug mode. The problem is I have a country name i.e. private var _country:String = "Angola";, and I want to get the corresponding value 'AO' from the XML object. Do you know how to do this?

I have tried loads of Livedocs examples, but cant get it to work. P.S. I am working on a HtpService & WebService driven app to display global weather conditions overlayed on a Google Maps interface. Going to make it available to the Flex community when finished.

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Professional :: Error 103: Application.version Is An Unexpected Element/attribute

Jul 28, 2011

while i'm publishing iOS app from Flash, i get that thing
Unexpected or unknown element or attribute in the application descriptor file.
/Users/stockingem/Documents/DWP/1-app.xml(44): error 103: application.version is an unexpected element/attribute
application.version is an unexpected element/attribute

View 17 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Error: Application.icon Is An Unexpected Element/attribute

Nov 8, 2011

I'm trying to publish my AIR app from Flash CS5.  Publishing has been fine, until I tried to use my own icon.
In the Adobe AIR 2.5 settings, under the ICON tab, I select my icon.
Now when I publish, I get the error: application.icon is an unexpected element/attribute
Now even if I don't include the icon, I can't publish.
I've found a ton of articles on fixing the same problem re application.version is an unexpected element/attribute - but nothing on this icon prob.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pre-select Element In Drop Down Combo Box?

May 26, 2011

I have a dropdown combo box that contains numbers 1 to 10. Normally it will show '1' when the application starts, but how do I set it in AS3 to show '3' instead?

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XML Parse Error 4157: The Name Attribute Was Not Found On The String Element On Opening Program

Nov 16, 2009

Recently, whenever I open up the program I get an XML parse error in the output window that reads: *** XML Parsing Errors ***Line 4157: The name attribute was not found on the string element  <string playername="" tiptext="Specifies that the gradient use the reflect sprea... Line 4164: The tipText attribute was not found on the string element  <string playername="" ti`text="Lets the user drag the specified sprite." This is not specific to any .fla file, but seems to be related to Flash itself. The program seems to work fine otherwise. Can anyone shed some light on this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Reorder XML Based On Attribute Value?

May 8, 2008

I am loading a master XML file and then trying to break it down into sections

Here's my XML file:

<entry type="ecard" num="2">


So I was able to create a new array that contains only entries with the attribute "ecard" in them, but now I want to re-order that array into numerical order based on the attribute "num" so that it lists as Ecard 1, Ecard 2, Ecard 3 in the XML. How would I go about re-ordering the new array I've created?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Parsing XML Based On Attribute?

Jun 1, 2009

I have an XML file I'm parsing out into a Flash movie. The XML contains multiple nodes, and within those nodes are multiple attributes.So, for example, there is a node called FirstNode. In that is an attribute FirstNodeID="1" and then there is another node, also called FirstNode which has an attribute of FirstNodeID="2". Each node also has attributes called Header and Body and so on.

What I'm wondering is, how do I call out specific things based on an attribute?Right now, when I call the Header attribute from FirstNode I get ALL of the Header information from ALL of the FirstNode nodes. I need to be able to get JUST the info from FirstNodeID="1", FirstNodeID="2" and so on as needed.


I'd like to be able to be able to simply rename the dynamic text fields and then only paste in the actionscript that defines what nodes to pull the text from and what fields to put it into. So everything from the //MAIN TEXT area in the actionscript above.

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Javascript :: Algorithm Does An HTML SELECT Element Uses To Show Results As Type?

Jan 21, 2010

In most browsers, when you have one in focus and you type something, the combobox will try to find the value within its options and show the closest one. I was wondering what kind of algorithm is used for that.I don't think its Levenshtein or similar since it only works with the beginning of the string.I'm thinking that it works by keeping a buffer of what has been written, and tries to find a string starting with that... if it doesn't find anything, it clears the buffer, and searches a string beginning with the last character pressed.I already prototyped this, and it works quite ok, with one caveat... In HTML, when you repeatedly press the same key, it will rotate between all options starting with that character.

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Javascript :: Jquery : Select And Navigate To Link Embeded In A Flash Element?

Nov 3, 2010

I would like make a script for Greasemonkey (GM),that find and navigate in a link embed in a flash element.I think that is possible to make it to work with function .click() ,but won't work Here's the source code of the page that contains flash elements..

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex - Select DOM-element Of HTML-control And Forward Its DOM-path To Method?

Oct 13, 2011

Suppose, that I need to have a HTML control inside my Flex/AIR app. The user should be able to click somewhere into the currently rendered HTML-page and the flex app should know, which DOM element the user clicked. Ideally, the app would be able to retrieve the DOM path of the selected element. Posting back the innermost surrounding DIV-element to some Flex/AIR method would be fine too.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Select Character And START?

Feb 1, 2012

I have a character selection screen and I'd like the player to highlight the selected character by pressing on it and then press a START button. How?Of course he can change his mind and select another character before pressing start.
Translated to commands should be something like:Press button1 (Character 1) and leave it highlightedPress button2 (Character 2), leave it highlighted and shut down button1 highlightPress button3 (START), go to LEVEL1 with movieclip on Frame1 (Character1) if button1 is highlighted, go to LEVEL1 with movieclip on Frame2 (Character2) if button2 is highlighted Maybe I could hide every highlight on release except of the selected character by writing on each button: highlight1._visible=false, etc...

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Flex :: List Dataprovider Based On Matching Attribute

Jan 27, 2012

I have some xml, I want to give it to a List dataprovider, but based on an attribute match.

My Xml

<rows name="general">
<objects name="Start" image16="startflag16" image32="startflag32" class="someclass">


And I am trying to do something like below, If I remove (@name=="general") from below line it gives me all property


But it gives me error, so basically I want to get all property based on rows attribute name matching general

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ActionScript 3.0 :: E4X Filtering Based On Descendant Attribute Values?

Mar 8, 2010

I'm having hard time reaching the right nodes here. The XML structure is like this:

HTML Code:


I'm trying to return a list of names for countries that contain company nodes with t value of f, so here are some of my attempts. None of them work.

Code:"is").i.@t == "f").@n"is").(i.@t == "f")).@n"is").i.(@t == "f")).@n

The problem is that the selector either returns too many or too few nodes.

View 9 Replies

Flex :: Make Default Attribute Values In XML Get Parsed In Based On XSD Schema?

Jun 16, 2009

I have an xml with an xml-schema. The xml-schema defines an abstract complex type with 2 optional attributes that have default values. Then I have several complex types that extend the base one. And finally nodes of the types defined.So I load the xml and when I parse each node, the optional attributes are not present at all.I've tried fooling around with the namespaces, even[code]...

No luck. Something similar was being experienced by this guy on codingforums, but that was like 5 years ago. Same is happening to me with firefox 3.0.11 - the xml is shown without the default attributes.For now I'm setting the default values in code, but isn't there a way to make them available from the xml-schema?[code]...

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Load A Varible Xml File Based On User Select Box?

May 12, 2007

I am putting together an artists gallery, and i need to show each artist's collection when you select their name from a drop down combo box. [url]...

create a new xml file for every artist (artistname.xml) to load in to the thumbnail gallery.

QUESTION - How do I make this file to be a variable depending on the user selection from the dropdown.[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Create Somthing That Spins Correctly

Jul 6, 2004

I was wondering how to create somthing that spins correctly when something hits it. (UL...) The gernades make it spin differently the different distances away they are from the center.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Displaying Element Based On Selection?

Sep 14, 2011

how I would go about to accomplish the following:

There should be 3 dropdown menus with predefined words

1. First menu has 3 predefined options
2. The second dropdown has 5 options.
3. The third dropdown has 3 options

--> Depending on which word is selected in dropdown #2, an img (of a total of 5 possibilities) is being displayed

In addition there is a dynamic textfield, where you can enter a name, which should then be displayed along with the img.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sort A Sub Array Based On One Element Within It?

Aug 23, 2004

how to sort a sub array based on one element within it? I have an array which contains a number of sub arrays. The sub arrays each have an element consisting of a single number. I need to sort the sub arrays within the "mother" array using this number as the key.

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Css :: Center Flash Element Based On The Elements Actual Size 2?

Mar 2, 2010

how can I place a swf file in my webpage when the width of the file changes according to the user input. What I need is a sort of a dynamic css...

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Javascript :: Create Image Based Off A SWF (flash) Element On The Page?

Jul 14, 2010

Is there anyway to take take a "screenshot", "save" or "capture" the active SWF element on a page as an image? I'd like for users to be able to simply click a button on my page, instead of having to need to manually take a screenshot of the entire page and then crop the image to show only the SWF element.I found a Jquery method, although I am unsure if it could work with SWF files. It basically captures an area of an Image element on the page and allows you to save that as a separate image. What I would need however, is to capture the SWF as the image instead. Note: I do not have access to the SWF code so I cannot achieve this using Actionscript or anything like that

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Flash :: Javascript - Center Element Based On The Elements Actual Size

Mar 1, 2010

I have a problem positioning a Flash element inside a div tag. The problem is, that the flash element is changing it's size based on the user input. I need a way how I can dynamically get the actual size of the flash element, and to change the behavior of the div element the flash is integrated in. actually I want to place it in the middle of the div. right now I gave the flash element width and height of 100% but that way I can not center the element inside the div...

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Flex :: Getting Error "Element Type "components" Must Be Followed By Either Attribute Specifications?

Jun 30, 2011

I am getting problem like

Element type "components" must be followed by either attribute specifications, ">"

and my mxml file is

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<components:View xmlns:fx="" xmlns:s="library://" xmlns:components="spark.components.*" title="Home" creationComplete="srv.send()">[code]....

this line gives me error like following line :Element type "components" must be followed by either attribute specifications, ">"

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