Can't Upload .fla File To Webserver

Jul 30, 2009

I recently used Flash to create the header for my website. However, when I tried to upload my .fla file along with the .swf (which had no problem), I couldn't because the file format isn't supported. Is there any way I can get around this?

Also, I heard that you have to upload some .js file or something.

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on (release) {
loadMovieNum("mov-1.swf", 1);

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Is there any "mainstream" library used for this purpose? Commonly spread, well maintained, documented etc.I found these (using flash):

Uploadify - not many releases, latest 12/2010, no documentation (!)
SWFUpload - latest release 03/2010, documentation
fancyupload - looks buggy.

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1. My first thought is that we could use a popup window with a upload form in it. Which is simple, but not very cool.

2. Use some sort of ajax background uploader in conjunction with flash ... not sure exactly if this is possible.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: File Upload On Mac OSX?

Jun 28, 2010

uploading files on Mac system. The same code runs perfect on a Windows system. Below is a snippet of the code I am using:
public class BrowseImage extends MovieClip
public var fr:FileReference = new FileReference();
public var ff:FileFilter = new FileFilter("Images", "*.jpg;*.gif;*.png;*.pdf,*.JPG,*.JPEG,*.GIF,*.PNG");
private var timeStamp:String;

Once the file gets uploaded to the server, I load it into my application.Also, the script runs fine if there isn't any space in the file name of the file to be uploaded.

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MXML File:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
d {


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Anyone have any examples or tips as to how I can do this?

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Aug 20, 2011

I'm working with Air and in Flash CS5. I've got AIR saving a string in a variable to a file:


It works fine. I'd now like to upload the file just created to a server. I've been playing around with a var fileRef:FileReference = new FileReference(); example. I was wondering if there was a way to automatically upload the file, or if a browse is always required? If not, I have previously used the following AS3 code to successfully send a string of data to a php file, and have php save the data as a file with whatever name is set in the php file.


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Sep 4, 2011

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In a separate project, I was able to get variables from flash-php-flash, but I can't work out how to do this while also uploading a file.  I get a null reference error in the completeHandler function when flash tries to display the vars coming back from php.


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Upload A Flash On This Forum File?

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Jun 26, 2010

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Nov 4, 2010

On a webpage, is it possible to split large files into chunks before the file is uploaded to the server? For example, split a 10MB file into 1MB chunks, and upload one chunk at a time while showing a progress bar?

It sounds like JavaScript doesn't have any file manipulation abilities, but what about Flash and Java applets?

This would need to work in IE6+, Firefox and Chrome. Update: forgot to mention that (a) we are using Grails and (b) this needs to run over https.

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Flex :: File Upload With Adobe Air?

Mar 7, 2012

I'm trying to upload a file with Flex to

The API Reference explain the upload with this example:

POST /api/v2/folders/0FQHJakL/files?bearer_token=[token] HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: multipart/form-data;
boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryxECY8varBqIXZW4f Accept-Charset:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Upload Pdf File To Server?

Apr 21, 2010

I am trying to upload a pdf file to a server but I am not having any results. Here is my actionscript code:

ActionScript Code:
var fileTypesV:Array = new Array();
var pdfTypes:Object = new Object ();
pdfTypes.description = "pdf (*.pdf)";


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Upload The Content Of XML File?

Aug 30, 2010

In the attached example, you can see that the variable hardcodedXML is defined with some fixed contents.In stead of this, I would like to find a way that I can read these contents from an XML file and put it in this variable.As I don't have that much experience, I'm completely lost.

import fl.transitions.*;


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