Customizing A Flash XML Template: Embeding Video
May 8, 2009
I've purchased a flash template with an xml file that gives the path to the content to the .swf. This much i know! Also, I have all the source files! My issue is i would like to replace some of the images with video clips.
Here is the flash site (demo stock version) :[/URL]Here is the original version of the xml file:
As you can see with the flash site there are 4 sides, i would like to add videos thumbs (these i can make screen shots) on the left hand side that says "BEDROOM". Then once you've clicked the video thumb the video is displayed in the middle like the photos. Do i have to alter the original .FLA file to add .mov or other video formats into the center area that displays the full image of the small thumbs? the size is 788px by 524px.
Furthermore, Scrolling half way down the xml page you will find [I]<page name="GALLERY">[/I] and then <image imageUrl="_pic3.jpg" link=""/> is there xml code that i can add to put in the video?
Also, here i can change the photos but it seems only in this exact order. If i remove a line or add more photos to the sequence the order does not correspond when i refresh the .swf file.
PS. I've also attached the xml file to this post.
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The .FLA
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<mx:PopUpMenuButton id="menu_file" labelField="@label" itemClick="{menuClickHandler(event);}" visible="false"
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import fl.containers.BaseScrollPane;
import fl.containers.ScrollPane;
import fl.controls.ScrollBar;
scrollpaneabout.source = scrollcontentabout;
scrollpaneabout.addEventListener(Event.ADDED,spCom plete);
function spComplete(event:Event):void {
However, the height property has no effect.
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I have tried Macromedia, searched here/Flash Kit/google, but nothing that I can learn from. Live Docs has a feedback part where someone posted some code and while I can cut and paste it, I'm not completely sure how it all worked.
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