Flex :: Error In Embeding Icons In PopUpMenuButton Node?
Jan 18, 2011
I am trying to create a popupmenubutton, with images and label as its nodes. But I am unable to embed the icons. It gives me and error(given below). Thou the label alone are working fine.
<mx:PopUpMenuButton id="menu_file" labelField="@label" itemClick="{menuClickHandler(event);}" visible="false"
height="20" left="0" top="0" width="15" alpha="0.5" cornerRadius="5" useHandCursor="true"[code].....
This gives me an error: Initializer for 'Embed': unrecognized compile-time directive.
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private function initMenu():void {
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<s:HGroup width="100%">
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mysite.net/forum.swf I would need it to be just mysite.net
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<collection title="Christmas 2004">
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Feb 11, 2011
I have a tree with nodes , and a delete button , first user select the node and click this delete button , I want this node to be removed from the tree , Its not XML , every node in tree is of type Object
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Aug 20, 2010
I am currently developing a dynamic LineChart in FLEX 4.I am implementing a Tree control next to my LineChart, which will filter the LineChart dataprovider and lineseries. The tree control has several branches and ultimately 5 children (leaf nodes) at the bottom of the last branch.I need the leaf node/children to be displayed as checkboxes inside the tree control.As I understand,this will require overrides in the TreeItemRenderer class.This is where I am a little confused on how to implement that.Currently I can distinguish between leaf and branches using this code, in my main MXML component.I added this because it may be helpful to some beginning FLEXdevelopers, such as myself, who cannot easily find this functionality documented well:
private function treeClick(e:ListEvent):void {
_selectedItem = Tree(e.currentTarget).selectedItem;
if(mainTree.dataDescriptor.isBranch(_selectedItem)) {[code].....
I am looking at the TreeItemRenderer override class from the following example here: In the example, they override the "createChildden" super function to add checkboxes to the tree control.My question is, can I override the createChildren function directly in my MXML component, and not have to use an entire class file to override this functionality? Must I re-invent the wheel to do this?Also, how can I distinguish that my treeItem is a leaf node and not a parent, in the override function? I only want to add checkboxes to the leaf nodes, how can I differentiate? The following example adds checkboxes to all branches and leaf nodes, but I want to add checkboxes only to leaf node/children. How would you approach that?
override protected function createChildren( ): void
super.createChildren( );[code]............
Here is my tree tag:
<mx:Tree id="mainTree" dataProvider="{treeData}" itemRenderer="TreeCheckBoxItemRenderer" labelField="@label" showRoot="false" width="100%" height="100%" itemClick="treeClick(event)" />
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Nov 2, 2010
I have an XML object like this[code]...
but how to add the id attribute as the 'data' field of the dropdown so when an item is selected, it returns that field?
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Jan 20, 2010
Is there a way to embed an swf file into another flash file and have everyting in that file function. I see where it works on Actionscripts 3.0 but nothing for 2.0.
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