Flex :: Enable Icons In The AIR Debug Launcher?

Jan 25, 2011

I can't seem to work out how to enable icons in the AIR Debug Launcher. This seems to work on Linux, but when I run it on Windows or Mac only the Adobe AIR icon shows. I have specified the location of the icon in <icon></icon> in the application descriptor file.

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Flex :: How To Display Soft Keyboard In Air Debug Launcher

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I am trying to create a slider that when changed either adds icons or subtracts icons.Here is what I got:

import flash.filters.*;
import flash.ui.*;


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<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
width="1280" height="750">


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Anyways,I watched shitload of tutorials and I have a little problem here right now and i will not waste your time so id just explain it shortly: I wanted to make a launcher for programs URL's and so on BUT:thats working correctly. var menu_label:Array = new Array("Adobe flash|C:program filesadobeadobe flash cs5flash.exe" - But if i try to open a program by the same method it wont work

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Flex :: Add Icons To A PopUpMenuButton Using A XML File?

Sep 4, 2009

I've been looking at the following example for populating a PupUpMenuButton [URL] and would like to add icons to each menu. Ideally, I would specify the icon in the xml and assign it in a similar way to using labelFunction for the text. The only information I've found via google is to create a menu as follows

(seems I can't include more than one url, but it is an example that creates a menu object using the following function):

private function initMenu():void {
menu = new Menu();
menu.dataProvider = xmlList;
menu.labelField = "@label";
menu.iconField = "@icon";

but I would really prefer to build it all from the XML file.

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Flex :: Accessing OS System Icons?

Dec 3, 2010

I can display the icon of a file that has been associated with that file in the native OS.

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Basically, for all the files in my tile list I want to just show the same icon that Windows, or Mac OS would etc.

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Different Icons For The Same Button Skin Flex?

Feb 9, 2012

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><s:SparkSkin


I was wondering how I can add a different image for different buttons which have the same skin.

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IDE :: Debug Mode No Longer Providing Debug Info?

Dec 21, 2009

When I first downloaded Flash CS3 Professional, I was able to enter an exceedingly useful debug mode by compiling using ctrl+shift+enter instead of ctrl+enter. I could toggle break points, step in, step over and view values stored in variables at a whim.

I must have accidentally toggled some option somewhere, because this interface no longer shows up. Instead, the only extra interface I get is the output menu with the following text "Attemping to launch and connect to Player using URL <file path> [SWF] <file path> - 71984 bytes after decompression" and while the swf does halt if the as3 code reaches a break point, it doesn't tell me which break point nor give me any options to progress the flow (not even through the pull down menu I have to utilize in order to end the so called debug session).

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Actionscript 3 :: Add System Icons Into The Flex Application?

Apr 5, 2010

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Jun 4, 2010

i have a sequence of buttons and each button has its own icon. I was wondering if I have to create a Spark skin file for each button in order to assign its icon.

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Flex :: Add Multiple Icons To The Spark TabBar Control?

Dec 15, 2010

In the MX TabBar component, the iconField property allowed us to display different icons in each tab. In Spark, there does not seem to be an inherent way to add icons to the TabBar.Does anyone have an example of implementing icon support for Spark's TabBar?

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Flex :: Error In Embeding Icons In PopUpMenuButton Node?

Jan 18, 2011

I am trying to create a popupmenubutton, with images and label as its nodes. But I am unable to embed the icons. It gives me and error(given below). Thou the label alone are working fine.

<mx:PopUpMenuButton id="menu_file" labelField="@label" itemClick="{menuClickHandler(event);}" visible="false"
height="20" left="0" top="0" width="15" alpha="0.5" cornerRadius="5" useHandCursor="true"[code].....

This gives me an error: Initializer for 'Embed': unrecognized compile-time directive.

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Flex :: Adding Two Icons On Left And Right On Spark Button?

Aug 2, 2011

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<s:HGroup width="100%">
<s:HGroup id="iconContainer" top="1" bottom="1" left="0" right="0"
horizontalAlign="{iconPosition}" verticalAlign="middle">
<mx:Image id="iconImage" source="{icon}" />


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Flash :: Debug An Inner Swf That's Loaded From A Non-debug Outer Swf?

Apr 4, 2009

I have a swf that I need to attach the flex builder debugger to. I have full access to the source code, and can make a debug build of this swf.

However, this swf is being loaded by a non-debug build of another swf which I don't have source code to, and can't make a debug build with.

I've tried mocking this up with two very simple swfs, and while it works fine when both are debug builds, when the outer swf is a non-debug build, while I can get the debugger to connect, I don't get trace messages, breakpoints don't work, and it seems to lock up the flash app.

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Change Flash Version From Non-debug To Debug?

Jan 3, 2012

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Flash :: Adding Icons To TabbedMobileApplication In A Flex Mobile Project?

Feb 28, 2011

Anyone successfully added an icon to their tabs in <s:TabbedMobileApplication> ? I've tried just using something like:

<s:ViewNavigator firstView="views.appmobile_HOME" width="100%" height="100%" icon="@Embed(source='../assets/home_icon.png')"/>

I've also tried in <fx:Script> something like:


Neither of these methods worked, and to be safe i used the same code to embed an image on the screen and it works!. I just can't seem to get the icons to appear in the tabs also note - I was doing all of this in my main mxml file, just incase you're familiar with the Flex Burrito "Mobile application" file structure. And another thing is that I don't get any errors when trying these methods. It lets me compile and test it.

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Jul 23, 2011

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Xml :: Flex Xml Lost On Debug?

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Flex :: Debug Flex Application Under Maven?

Oct 18, 2010

I develop Flex-Java applications which is running under Apache Tomcat. I use Flex Builder plug-in for Eclipse as my IDE. My application consists of several libraries and modules. I manage all of them as a small maven (flex-mojos) projects.

how to setup robust debuging enviroment?

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Flex :: Enable Accessibility In Application?

Feb 13, 2010

The Accessibility best practices for Flex page from Adobe website list four strategies to enable accessibility :


I test if the accessibility is enabled by checking the value of Accessibility.active, which is always false in my sample application containing only a datagrid and some buttons, using the four above strategies. As I'm new to Flex, I don't really know where else I could search to enable it, and no, Accessibility.active = true; isn't a solution, as it's a read-only property

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Jun 16, 2011

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Flex :: Enable (open In A New Tab) For LinkButton?

Sep 13, 2011

I would like to enable the (Open in a new tab) option when a user right clicks a mx:LinkButton, take the address that linkbutton is supposed to go to and allow the user to click on (open in a new tab) and get to that address in a new tab. Is there an easy way to do that.

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Flex :: SWF Only Working In Debug Folder?

Mar 21, 2010

If I copy all the files from the debug folder and paste it somewhere it stops working gives me a sandbox error. ( I am not using any absolute paths) and everything seems to be fine in debug folder.

It's a actionscript project in flex builder.

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Flex :: Debugging - Builder Debug?

Jun 4, 2010

I am running on Windows XP and recently updated Flash Player from v9 to v10.1. And Now, in the Debug Console under Flex Builder, I am getting a lot of debug statements(I think that is assembly). Below is an example, of what I get:


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Flex :: Debug Flash In Two Browsers?

Oct 26, 2010

I have a Flex 4 application which connects to ASP.NET webservice based on FluorineFx. It is authenticated by cookies via RemoteObject.setCreadentials()

Both applications connect to FMS server and talks to each other via RTMFP direct connection (P2P).

I want to debug both instances of this application in Firefox and Internet Explorer at one time by single click (F11).

Now I can debug only in one browser by running Debug in Flash Builder 4. I have created double browser runner with bat file registered as default browser in Preferences > General > Web browser that looks like this:

start "IE" /b "c:Program Files (x86)Internet Exploreriexplore.exe" -private %1
start "FF" /b "c:Program Files (x86)Mozilla Firefoxfirefox.exe" -private %1

But this connects the debugger only to firstly run instance of the application in Internet Explorer.

How can I attach to and debug both instances?

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Flash :: Flex Builder 4 Can't Run Or Debug

Jun 2, 2011

I've been working in Flash BUilder 4.0. I installed Flash Builder 4.5, and switched to the workspace I had used for 4.0. Then we were told to go back to 4.0, and now I can't run or debug. I can build, but then I have to double click on the .html file to run. Right clicking doesn't bring up run or debug, and the run and debug icons are not in my toolbar.

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