Flex :: Accessing OS System Icons?

Dec 3, 2010

I can display the icon of a file that has been associated with that file in the native OS.

I have a tile list of a folder's contents. For images, I display the image, for everything else I display a generic image. However, it would be great if I could tap into the OS and just use the icon that the OS uses. For example, if I have installed Microsoft Word on my computer, then when I view a word document in the file system it will display the word icon that Microsoft created for word documents. For MP3's it might be an iTunes type sound icon, if I have iTunes installed and so on.

Basically, for all the files in my tile list I want to just show the same icon that Windows, or Mac OS would etc.

In addition to this, if the OS creates a thumbnail for the file (images, videos and PDFs for example) is it possible to tap into this OS generated thumb?

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echo "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>";
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Jun 30, 2011

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