Data Integration :: Embed Live Streaming Windows Media In Flash Website
Feb 3, 2007
I am new with Flash, and still trying to learn. There is one thing I can't find information about. How do I embed a Windows Media stream on a flash web site? If possible at all.
i would like to ask which is the best way to embed my .swf player to my blog and my site to view my streaming video from my FMS?The whole streaming proccess works great but i do not know how to put the .swf player to my blog and my site
I have Flash media server, flash media live encoder, and flash cs5.I'm gonna be using flash media live encoder to stream my desktop and webcam to my website. My current host (host gator) doesn't have rtmp enabled on their web hosting plan, only on their dedicated and vps hosting. My question is do I need to switch hosts to one that has rtmp enabled so I can stream to my website for people to view?Also, can I embed this stream into another part of my site?
I have installed flash media server, flash cs5, media live encoder to be able to view my webcam feed via my website. Now in addition to these, i started streaming to localhost, and installed a dns updater which updates a name server according to my current ip. Then i wrote this dns address in the feed's source from flash 5 as rtmp://
so far so good, i also forwarded the ports 1935 incoming and outgoing from modem to my computer as well (because 1935 is said to be the default port number for media server). firewall -> closed (just in case); and my internet provider doesn't block ports...started the media server (with admin privilage in 7), started the live encoder, connect to localhost, start live feed.
NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound : Adobe Flash tried to play a live or recorded stream that does not exist. Source can't be found.
we are looking forward towards developing a very interesting community portal that would help the user to broadcast their live videos across the community.I've been checking over sites like, and wondering what/how Technology they been using to do so.
I am doing a lot of research over the last few days checking over the medium to do this effectively and figure out some of the leading companies in the domain like, providing servers/technology to broadcast videos seamlessly across the globe. I will be signing up with any of these providers soon.So my question is , how exactly would my website be catching with the live feed from the users cam, send the stream to ooyala/brightcove and further broadcast it to rest of the community users.
how to embed rtmp link to be viewed in a browser? I already tried Moeya but it is still not running. Anyone knows other solution to how can I embed this to a browser?
I could contact about building a custom live Flash media encoder for our website. We have a database for authentication and a list of upcoming events with stream information (FMS URL and Stream Name) that we want to automate into an encoder. Currently we have our customers use Flash Media Live Encoder and copy/paste the values into the encoder, but would prefer a solution that is more tightly integrated with our site
I have a mp4 file which is to be used in an application. Currently i am in the stage of figuring out the technology to be used for this job. I am familiar with flex and am hoping that i be able to use it for the application. But i can not figure out a way to play the file in flex. I have been able to play the file only in windows media player and that required the installation of three codecs :,,
As i see it, it will be very convenient if i could embed a windows media player plugin in flex or i could specify the audio and video codecs in the flash player
I'm new to the flash development community, has anyonemarried the flash environment with the real-time data world? Can Iuse the viewer to "walk" a bulding floor plan with real-time nserted into it? What I need is the zoom, pan, a vector interfacebrings, but want to insert data feed indicators (text box) on saythe floor plan experience
For ages we have used the Flash Object in a .NET app for managing the development of eLearning. The embedding is done (I presume) in much the same way that IE embeds flash object (e.g. using a COM object which maps back to Flash10c.ocx)We are testing our application on Windows 7 RC 64-bit edition but the .NET application is unable to instantiate the Flash control, raising a "Class not Registered" error. Although the OS is 64-bit, the .NET app and Flash object are 32-bit and should work together without problems. I have confirmed that the IE browser (32-bit version) on the Windows 7 (x64) does indeed instantiate Flash files OK.
Just installed Windows 7 RC (7100), and got the latest Flash player for IE8 and Opera. My site [URL] has a music player I created that plays (streams) MP3s from a Flash Comm Server I run. The player works fine with Flash Player version on other platforms, but not in Windows 7. Once you pick a song, it should start immediately. Even clicking the play button doesn't work. The symptoms make me think there's a problem establishing the netconnection for streaming. I've read Microsoft added streaming of some kind in Windows Media Player for Windows 7, could it be interfering?
Can we customize the flash player in Flash Media Server 4 like putting branding name (say some corner) like that? I am thinking to put my brand (my branding name) on a flash player while I streaming live event is it possible?
Beside Flash Media Encoder, can I use a live stream from Windows Media Services?We have live streaming with Windows Media Server, but now want also offer to mobile devices, but we dont re-encode the entire streams (tvs) again, it would be great if we can use a stream from windows to tunnel it to flash media server.
While streaming a live worship service in Flash format, I'll need to archive only the sermon in Flash. I do not want to handle this in post/editing. What will I need to make this happen?
I have Flash Media Streaming Server 3.5 (not Interactive) running on RHEL5.5 x86_64 Linux.All is working well, however how do I prevent unauthorized access to connecting to the live stream and streaming content?How can I setup the server to require a user and password to stream live media to the server?I am new to this product and I have been reading some documentation but I have not found a clear cut answer on how to force a username and password to connect to the server to stream live content only.I am using the Adobe FMS Apache install, what files need changing?[code]I want to lock down a person from connecting to the server on the public internet and starting a live stream?Can this be done with a user name and password?
I'm running Flash Media Streaming Server and have only been serving VOD up until now. I had my network administrator open up port 1935 to the outside world during the setup process and now I can't remember if that was actually required for streaming VOD to clients. Most documentation I've read says that this port should be open, but I seem to recall reading something at one point that suggested it wasn't necessary.
I've just started messing around with publishing live streams using Flash Media Live Encoder to the Flash Media Streaming Server. I have that working without issue but was surprised to find that no authentication is required before a client running the live encoder can publish a stream to the Flash Media Streaming Server. An authentication module is available however it only works with Flash Media Interactive Server and Flash Media Development Server.
If I leave port 1935 open to the outside world, there would be nothing to stop anybody anywhere from streaming video via my server. Anyone else running a default install of Flash Media Streaming Server and with port 1935 open to the outside should see that this is true of their setup as well. I'm wondering if I can safely close port 1935 without limiting the functionality of the server or if there's some way I can require authentication prior to publishing a live stream even though I'm not on the four-and-a-half-times-more-expensive edition of the product.
I have been working on a Flex application that sends a feed from my webcam to the Flash Media server. The application connects to the server fine but for some reason the camera is not sending anything to the Media Server. I am pretty sure that the answer to my question is really simple but I need another set of eyes to llok at my code and tell me what I am doing wrong.
I have a website (on my own Apache Server in my home office) that displays my video clips (.flv files) with no problem, I have no idea what ActionScript is or where it is used (but I am a basic user of JavaScript)And since this forum is for 'beginners', and since I don't even understand the questions being asked here , *where* do I start to acquire knowledge of ActionScript, or what books shoud I buy to start this learning (or where is the FAQ list please.I would only like to be able to show Live Streaming Video over my website,
I have a FMS 4.5 with (License) and is set up and running fine, now I want to stream Live to the IOS Devices but no luck. I have a web page for test purpose with the video src tags to: URL... and in the server I have a livestream.m3u8 pointing to the same URL..., Now the Encoder have the AAC plugin and all the presets like it shut but when I go to see it in my IPad 2 this is how it looks.
I m a begginer with FMS. I have a licenced version of FMS and I want to stream a live video from the Localhost or another machine with camera. And then then I should broadcast it to many clients. I don't know how to begin
I'm finally getting the hang of the Dynamic Streaming of live video content via FMS 3.5.2 and FMLE, and to a lesser extent, the DVR functionality that has newly been made available.
Inquiring minds want to know... is it possible to add DVR functionality to live Dynamically Streamed video content? In other words, I want to be able to provide DVR capability to our live videos that are being streamed at 3 different bitrates.
Is that currently possible? Jodi, can you ask David Hassoun, who seems to be the leading authority at the moment, if this is possible, and if so, if there's a tutorial we can access?
I was pretty confused while stetting up a FMS and reading the docs. Live Streaming is by default enabled for everyone without password. Then I discovered and installed the authentication module. But this does not work and is not well documented. Also the download page states that it will work with FMS but some lines below it is stated that: "the Flash Media Server Authentication Add-In is only available for the Flash Media Interactive Server and the Flash Media Developer Server. This Add-In does not work with the Flash Media Streaming Server." hmmm. Confusing. How can I prevent that everyone is using my server for live streaming?
I've tested an exciting tutorial about streaming live video with Flash Media Server 3.5..every thing went good and i could see my webcam broadcast from my machine through my web site but unfortunately.I can't see it from any other machine.I'm using Microsoft windows XP SP2and flash media live encoder 3but my web server run UNIX is this a problem?
I'm hoping there's a simple answer to this. I'm attempting to stream a live event using FMLE and FMS. The first thing that throws me off is that I cannot push the stream to the server using RTMPE, only RTMP[T]. I assume this is because the the encryption is handled by the server and not the encoder. However, for the sake of security I would like to disable RTMP connections from the flash player to the server. Yet it would seem that if I incorporate the server side scripting described here [URL] (namely the changes to my main.asc file), that my server would reject an RTMP connection from FMLE? Is that correct? If so, where do I go from here? Can I broadcast a live stream using RTMPE only? Do I need a different encoder or something, or am I just missing a very simple point?
The article Live dynamic streaming with Flash Media Server 3.5 mentions two different bit rates for each video size type.But why? Are these bitrates related to different compression ratios? And if so, why exactly two?