Digital Rights Management In Adobe Flex?

Jun 16, 2009

I have a NetStream set up and it's supposed to listen for DRMAuthenticateEvent.DRM_Authenticate. When I give it an encrypted file (encrypted using software from, no DRMAuthenticateEvenet seems to be dispatched. The code looks like this:


I have both proxy and drm authentication types in there because drm was not working for me so I decided to try proxy. Am I doing something wrong? I got this stuff off of the Adobe reference pages, is there an easier/smarter way of going about DRM in Flex?

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Flex :: Make Rights Symbol In A RadioButton Label?

Dec 1, 2010

I've got a Flex 3 site. I need to put the rights symbol, ®, in the radioButton's labels:

<mx:RadioButtonGroup id="myButtonGroup" itemClick="goClickHandler(event);"/>
<mx:RadioButton groupName="myButtonGroup" label="{answerA}" value="{answerA}"/>
<mx:RadioButton groupName="myButtonGroup" label="{answerB}" value="{answerB}"/>

I've got the label and value bound to:

public var answerA:String;
public var answerB:String;

I pull answerA and answerB from a database.

I guess that I need to use htmlText somehow.

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Javascript :: Adobe AIR HTML/ Building Digital Signage App Suitability?

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Flash - Asset Management In Adobe Air For 2D Game

Jun 1, 2011

I'm building an Adobe AIR application (2d platformer adventure game), utilizing the Flash Builder 4 IDE, which will be packaged on a CD for installation. I've embed the majority of the game assets into a static class to keep it simple and organized. This way I can reuse assets and swap them without much digging.

[Embed(source = "../data/gfx/spritesheets/boyHero.png")] public static var boyHero:Class;

In the early days of the projects, everything went to plan. However as the project has grown to be over 28MB, I've started to run into Out Of Memory errors. These occur when I add new assets, refactor for a while, or add new classes. Once I get this error, I can restart FB and then work for another 15-20 minutes. I've modified my .ini file bump up Flash Builder 4's memory allocation. It's currently set at:

While I'm at it, here are the specs/plug-ins that I've got installed:
Flash Builder v 4.0 (build 272416)
JNA Library 3.2.7
subclipse plugin 1.6.17
subversion client adapter 1.6.12
subversion JavaHL Native Lib 1.6.15
SVNKit lib

Mac OSx v 10.6.7
2.53 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo

My Questions:
1) Is the issue with the path that I've chosen for the way I'm handling in-game assets? I am streaming in some assets such as tutorial swfs which are loaded via the SWFLoader. I could go this route for all assets... but, should I? Is this the right way to handle a disk game? (The game runs without a hitch when installed on QA machines...)
2) Provided the embedding of static assets isn't an issue, Is this a FB4 bug? Where should I head for more information?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A 'digital Display', Like A Digital Clock?

Feb 19, 2010

for a game I'm working on, I want to make a 'digital display', like a digital clock for example. Every character exists of 7 lines which are either on or off. This picture will demonstrate what I mean.

Currently, I've got a DigitalDisplay class that extends Sprite, which holds a couple of instances of the Digit class that extends Sprite, which in turn holds 7 instances of the DigitLine class, which extends Shape, in which I draw one such line with the drawing API. This would mean that one DigitalDisplay holds 8 Sprite, which all hold 7 Shapes, so that's 8 Sprites and 56 Shapes. This is a bit overkill I think.

Thing is, I want control over every 'DigitLine'. During transition, when the text on the display changes, I want every lines to go on and off in a random pattern, slowly forming the new text. Would this be possible with another less extensive solution? The only thing I could think of was this:

Instead of every Digit object I'd have an Array, which instead of filled with DigitLine objects is filled with Arrays. However, then I'd only have 1 graphics object, which mean I'd need to clear() it every time something changes.

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Flex :: Blemish Removal In Digital Image?

Dec 29, 2009

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Flex :: Dynamically Create Axis Via ActionScript In Adobe Flex Charting Library; Adobe Bug?

Mar 21, 2011

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

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Nov 10, 2009

I was recently profiling my application that uses Degrafa States in the skins and noticed that doing so uses more memory than I expected. Between the SetProperty and State, they were using about 10% of the total used application memory.

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Jun 8, 2009

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Flex :: Remoting , Messaging And Data Management?

Jan 17, 2005

the difference of all and also an another question does Zend AMF support all these.

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Jun 14, 2010

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Feb 17, 2011

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Database :: Approach Local Database Management Via Flex/Air App?

Jan 17, 2011

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Synchronization: Primarily updates/additions/deletions will be done on the offline database, but ideally I want to have a web interface that will allow the same updates/additions/deletions and will be synced (beyond that I'm not sure exactly how to do it as I can model that based on what is most achievable).I'm wondering if there's any prebuilt engine that could handle the synchronization of 2 databases. I may end up having the web interface only be for additions, which would be significantly easier to sync.. and I may start that way, but i want to build with technologies that will best allow me to implement full online crud at some point.

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CS3 Digital Artifact In Simulate Download?

May 5, 2009

I've done two Flash animations, and both, when I use the Simulate Download function, show what appears to be a digital artifact in the upper left hand corner. It looks like a series of small squares or rectangles briefly fluttering from left to right.As far as I can tell, this doesn't show up in the actual .swf. Has anyone else seen this? Is it a sign that I've done something wrong, or should I just ignore it?

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Digital Publication Using InDesign And Flash

Jun 3, 2009

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Jun 3, 2011

I'd like to make an online comic of "swfs" where each swf file is an image with simple animations, and a "next" button.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Digital Clock?

Mar 20, 2004

how to create a digital clock?

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Building Digital Magazines Using InDesignCS4 To FlashCS4?

May 21, 2009

I am a designer using InDesignCS4 to export a 16 page document as a SWF file with a page curl page transition. I am also exporting a static footer bar that holds a client logo and website address that acts as a hyperlink to the client's website. I currently place these 2 SWF files in Dreamweaver, 16pager above the footer, 1 above the other, and save as .html, upload to an ftp site to get the whole thing to work as a FlippingBook page curl Digital Magazine with static footer bar and hyperlink that directs to the clients website to download the corresponding PDF and print.

I am no Flash developer, but what I would LIKE to do is export from InDesignCS4 as an Adobe Flash CS4 Pro (XFL) document, open up in Flash where I know each spread imports as its own frame, save as a new .fla file, create some great Text effects with actionscript, which I CAN do. But what I can't do is export this as a SWF file AND retain the page curl transition it would have had as a SWF from InDesign??? Is there a way, despite handing over to 'my' Flash developer to encode (according to every video tutorial I have seen on the subject!), where I can 'stitch these page frames together to export my frames from flash with page curl, have the footer bar independently at the bottom, have the whole thing scale as one flash animation but also include some features such as print, zoom and 'goto' page field? At the moment all this appears to be alot of coding work.

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Create A Digital Display For A Stand At A Tradeshow?

Dec 18, 2009

I'm going to design an electronic card later in Flash (CS3 & CS 4) and I wonder if anyone has a link to any decent tutorials (or tips 'n' tricks)? I'm particularly keen to creat a rolling snowfall.
Also, I've going to create a digital display for a stand at a tradeshow. Is Flash the best medium for this (or would it be better in something like Premiere)?

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Professional :: Digital Magazines Crashing, Won't Load Pdf

Jun 6, 2011

I subscribe to a bunch of magazines in digital format. They attempt to replicate a print mag onscreen, but I find their "specail features" annoying, so I like to download a PDF for offline viewing. For the last month or two, every time I try to print to a PDF from one of these digital magazines, I get a gray screen saying Flash has crashed. If I try to download the PDF, a new tab opens in my browser but the PDF doesn't load, the screen remains black. Reloading the page, closing and restarting the browser doesn't help.
Win XP SP3, 32 bit
Firefox 4.0.1
Acrobat 8.2 Pro

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Professional :: Making A Digital Framing Application

Jul 27, 2011

I want to make a digital framing application like at this website:URL...Im not sure if i would be able to make this with an adobe program or if its something i would have to download off the internet.

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Professional :: Digital Magazines Crashing, Won't Load Pdf?

Jan 23, 2006

I subscribe to a bunch of magazines in digital format. They attempt to replicate a print mag onscreen, but I find their "specail features" annoying, so I like to download a PDF for offline viewing. For the last month or two, every time I try to print to a PDF from one of these digital magazines, I get a gray screen saying Flash has crashed. If I try to download the PDF, a new tab opens in my browser but the PDF doesn't load, the screen remains black.Win XP SP3, 32 bitFirefox 4.0.1Flash 8.2 Pro

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Zoom Specific Building In A DIGITAL MAP?

Jan 16, 2012

I have created a DIGITAL MAP but i have a problem. It goes like this, whenever you click the buildings in the MAP it will automatically "ZOOMS IN", it "ZOOMS IN" in that specific building that you have clicked.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Digital Time Which Only Show Min And Sec?

Feb 3, 2005

I would like to create a digital time which only show min and sec. This time is use in a game in order to test the users speed and accuracy. When the user finished the game, the time will stop and then have to check the time user has spent to finish the game. So, if the user manage to finish the game before 10 min, will get 100 points. If is between 10 and 15 min, will get 90 points and so on.

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Media Server :: Implementing IPTV With FMS Vs Using Some Digital Tuner?

Oct 26, 2010

I am just wondering that what are the core reasons behind using Flash Media server for implementing IPTV, wheras we have some efficient devices such as following digital tuner boxes http:[url]....We can get the MPEG-TS stream and send it to this box and it can play the TV for us. Is it not simple? I think that I misunderstanding some thing, why people use FMS for IPTV implementation.

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