Flash :: Build A Giant Management System In Flex 4.0?

Feb 17, 2011

I am planning to build a giant management system in Flex 4.0, and I just wanted to know what are some pros and cons of using 4.0 (or 4.2) over 3.5? Lighter components? Faster pipelines? What are some things I can look forward to when using Flex 4.0?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML,PHP,CMS - Flash Gallery Content Management System?

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I have a meeting with a potential client this upcoming Wed. If I am hired, I will be redesigning his website, the major components he wants are galleries of his sculpture art and a way to update the images himself.

My idea: develop a custom CMS so he or his secretary can easily update what images are in the online flash galleries. My idea right now is an HTML/PHP form where they would enter what gallery the image goes to and maybe an upload button for the image, they hit submit and the PHP form edits an XML document which is where the gallery gets its image info from. Can anyone help me figure out how to do this? Or if there is an easier way to develop a CMS for them to update the images in the gallery themselves? Being able to remove images via a custom CMS would be ideal.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Offline Content Management System

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I'm working with FLash+XML, and I had a thought: I don't want to give my clients Flash+XML solutions, if they will have to edit the XML themselves. It's too complicated for them.So I thought of a Flash Application for offline use, that would be some sort of a XML Content Management System, built in flash, suitable for offline use (user should upload updated .XML files which is OK). In this app, creating / editing / removing nodes should be like managing folders and their content in Windows Explorer!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Build A System Where Users (restricted To A Very Few Admins) Can Publish News Articles?

Feb 18, 2012

I'm trying to build a system where users (restricted to a very few admins) can publish news articles. The form is simple enough: an input field for "Headline" (single line) an input field for "article" (multiple line) and a file reference field to include a picture.

The idea is that you can EITHER write a headline and some text and then publish | OR | write a headline, some text then choose a picture and publish.No check boxes - no "would you like to include a picture" - just an idiot proof system where you can wither publish text - or text and a picture on the click of ONE button.

The picture is placed (via php) into the file system on the server, the text for headline and article are pumped into an SQL database (via php). I know php well and can do that bit with no probs but I'm having trouble with the function to pump the vars to the php if the user HASN'T chosen to include a picture.

1) has anyone done this before and if so do you have a "boilerplate" fla / php I could copy and paste into my project ?

2) can anyone see any problems in the code (posted below) which would explain why the upload of pictures always works but the sql insert never works ? On the stage are two input fields and two buttons (obvious names in the code are 'head_txt' and 'art_txt' )

import flash.net.FileReference;
var progressBar:MovieClip;
var reference:FileReference = new FileReference();


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Actionscript 3 - Loading Giant Images Into Flash - Exceeding The BitmapData Limitations?

Nov 29, 2011

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Flex :: Creating Ant Build Script To Build Only When A Dependency Was Updated?

Apr 14, 2011

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What is the cleanest way to implement this?EDIT: So I decided to just hack in a bunch of targets, "check_projectK" where it does the uptodate checks on all of its source files, its build file, and the build files of the 1 .. K-1 projects. Due to dependencies, this is always handled correctly. However, this is still a large amount of copy and paste for a large workspace.

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Professional :: Clear Giant Library Paths Folder In It?

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On this page are listed Source, Library, and External Library lists. I am working on a large flash project with hundreds of files. It appears that CS4 caches a copy of my fla's similarily named folders here, EVERY time I publish my files. These lists are now hundreds and hundreds of items long. I want to clear these lists, but the only option I can find is the minus sign.
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Digital Rights Management In Adobe Flex?

Jun 16, 2009

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Feb 24, 2011

I have a a module that I want to include in the swf build but I want the swf to be able to use the module (separate swf) externally. How can I build both the application and the module in different swf files? (I know it's something with the compiler, but not quite sure)

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Jun 17, 2008

Anybody knows about family tree concept?How to build in flex or flash?

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Flex :: Session Management With Java Servlet Using Httpservice

Jun 14, 2010

I am new to Flex. I am just wondering how to manage session and cookies for logging in, logging off in Flex? I am using Flex HttpService and Java servlet.

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Flex :: Content Managemnt System For Flash?

Jun 9, 2009

I'm looking to develop some CMS-able 100% Flash based websites. I have only worked with creating static based Flash websites in the past.

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Flex :: Build Multiple UI Layers With It And Flash?

Aug 26, 2011

How can one build multiple UI layers with flex and flash? Note, i use amfphp framework for my back end.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex URL History Management - Not Working Properly The First Time

Jan 22, 2011

I'm having a flex "design studio" for T-shirts, and I have made so that when a given itemId is passed in the URL (using #item=3), the corresponding item should be directly loaded.


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